January 31, 2017 • Page 2
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The Avid Scouter
Dave Says
Run From That Guy
Dear Dave,
My husband was recently laid off,
and he has $229,000 in a 401(k). He
has been told that he should roll it
into a hybrid annuity. Is this a good
Interested in
this spot?
Dear Durnae,
Absolutely not! 665-5884 to like
Call It sounds to me
he’s been talking to an insurance
place your ad here.
agent instead of an investment adviDave
sor. There’s no reason to put a 401(k) into
an annuity. Annuities are there to protect
money, as it grows, from taxes. Well, guess
what? The 401(k) is already protecting
it from taxes. I would roll it into a traditional IRA in a series of
growth stock mutual funds. You’ll have half the fees, the advisor
won’t make anywhere near the commission he’d make on an annuity, and you’ll get much better results in the end.
Yeah, I definitely wouldn’t go the annuity route. I don’t have a
single annuity, and I’ve got a lot of investments. One of the reasons
so many “advisors” push annuities is because they wind up with
bigger commissions. Annuities aren’t evil or anything, but they’re
definitely not the proper product for you in this situation.
Get away from the guy who gave you this advice, and find a good
Call 665-5884 to
financial advisor — not an insurance guy — with the heart of a
place your ad in helping
teacher. You need to talk to someone who’s interested here.
you two plan for your future, not theirs!
— Dave
Daris Howard
Dear Chris,
I’m really sorry to hear you’re facing this. You’re a smart, brave
young woman to be looking ahead and making plans for the coming years.
I suggest you read a book by Dan Miller called 48 Days to Creative Income. Dan is a friend of mine, and he also wrote a popular
book titled 48 Days to the Work You Love. The issue you’re talking
about is very close to his heart, and Iad here. books will be a
Call 665-5884 to place your think his
great help to you.
There’s also a book by Richard Bolles. It’s called Job Hunting
for the So-Called Handicapped or People Who Have Disabilities,
and it’s full of ideas to help you work around the issues you’ll be
There are lots of people out there — well-known, highly successful folks — who have disabilities and still make good money and
have rewarding lives using the principles found in these books.
Another great piece of news is it sounds like you have a wonderful
support system around you.
God bless you all, Chris. I’m praying for you.
— Dave
* Dave Ramsey is America’s trusted voice on money and business, and CEO of Ramsey Solutions. He has authored seven bestselling books, including The Total Money Makeover. The Dave
Ramsey Show is heard by more than 12 million listeners each
week on 575 radio stations and multiple digital platforms. Follow
Dave on Twitter at @DaveRamsey and on the web at daveramsey.com.
Jobs From Interested in
Dear Dave,
this spot?
I’m 37 years old, married with two great kids, and I was just
diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. I’m trying to plan for the future,
and I was wondering if you have any suggestions for work at home
Call 665-5884
or self-employment ideas for people with disabilities. to
place your ad here.
Visit our Web site at
FAX IT 605-665-5882
Missouri Valley
216 W. 4th St. • YANKTON,SD
Delbert McLain came by to have
“Of course not, Steve! I mean, we
coffee with us the other day. He’s our
need to hold a liar’s contest!”
chamber of commerce, you know. DelDead silence. All eyes on Delbert.
Interested in this spot?
bert’s mission inn life seems to be to
He looked around at all the solemn
promote our little valley into becom- 665-5884 to place your ad here.
ing so important and prosperous that
“You know what I mean …”
we won’t want to live here anymore.
More solemnity.
But he does try hard, and we
“It could really draw crowds.”
admire that.
Then Doc,CALL unofficial spokesour 665-5884 TO
“Got an idea, guys,” he said. He
man becausePLACE YOUR AD HERE.
he has more degrees
swept his necktie out of the way so
than a thermometer, spoke up.
he wouldn’t accidentally butter it. “A
“And just who would the liars be?”
“Well … you know, like Steve here.
“Like the knife-sharpening contest
Remember Steve when you said you
you thought up, Del?”
once rode a bucking horse while sit“No, Doc. That didn’t pan out. See,
ting backwards on it? Things like that.”
what I’m thinking is, we should play
“I did that, Delbert,” Steve said.
to our strengths here. You know, delve
“I saw him do that,” Dud said.
into our plusses, put our minuses on a
“Oh. Well, Dewey once told me
shelf somewhere, and show the world
he’d put a cow into the branches of a
what we do best!”
tree. We could start off with something
“Drink coffee?”
like that.”
“Three of us were there when
Dewey did that,” Steve said. “Ran that
cow off a little bluff. We had to cut the
tree down.”
Delbert sipped his coffee and ate
a slice of toast. He’d forgotten to put
any jelly on it, too.
“Doc’s squirrel?” Delbert said.
Now Doc’s fictitious squirrel, Chipper, was a lie. But it was the kind of lie
that takes on a life of its own until …
well …
“You talking about Chipper?” Dud
“If that’s his name,” Delbert said.
“How is ol’ Chip, anyway, Doc?”
asked Steve.
“Doing okay. Sleeps a lot these
days. Hibernation, you know.”
Delbert left a tip and got up to go
pay. They waited until he was gone
before laughing.
Delos was an avid scouter all of his life. From the time he
turned twelve and joined his first Boy Scout troop, he never
missed a campout. Even after he moved into the group of
older boys, he still volunteered to go on the campouts with
the younger scouts. He was only seventeen when he was
asked to be the Assistant Scoutmaster. He happily agreed.
The boys loved and respected Delos, partly because
they knew they were important to him. He expected a lot of
them. He not only insisted they know their knots, but he also
taught the boys to survive under any circumstance. There
were a few times when the boys claimed the skills that Delos
taught them had saved them.
But then came the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor,
and soon Delos’s number came up for the draft. But the
problem was that he was not the only one being called away.
Almost all of the men were drafted. The scouts would have
no oneVisit our be theirat
left to Web site Scoutmaster.
Delos went away to basic training. As he marched,
drilled, and did calisthenics, he thought of the boys in his
troop. There was no one there teaching them to tie knots,
no one taking them camping, no one to eat the burned food
they made, and no one to sit around the campfire and tell
them stories. As he was approaching the end of the first part
of training, Visit our were told they were going to receive a
the men
Web site only for one long weekend, and then they
short leave. It wasat
had to be back for more training.
Most of the men just planned to go to the nearby town
and live it up, but Delos decided on another plan. Late
Thursday night he called home and told his family to have
the boys meet him at the train station with their packs
and camping gear. He then left to board the train home. He
traveled all Visit our the night, arriving at the train station in
his home community early Friday morning.
Web site at
Delos wasn’t sure everything would work out, or if the
boys would even be there, but when he stepped off of the
train, there were the boys with their packs and gear, along
with the one thing Delos never went camping without, his
guitar. There were also community members there ready
to drive the troop members to the designated campsite.
Off they went into the woods. They had the usual burned
food and sat around the campfire telling stories. The boys
listened intently as Delos told them about basic training and
shared his love of country.
Then Delos pulled out his guitar and sang patriotic
songs. He also sang “I Am My Own Grandpa” and other oldtime favorites. All too soon it was Saturday evening, and the
community members were back to take them home. The
boys all loaded into the cars, tired, dirty, and happy. Delos
rode back to the train station where he was able to enjoy
a visit with his family before it was time to board the train
back to the base.
Delos, once more, rode through the night to get back. As
he walked into the barracks on Sunday evening, most of the
men were still nursing hangovers. When Delos sat on the
edge of his bunk, one of the other soldiers sniffed the air.
“Is that you that smells like a campfire?” the soldier
asked Delos.
Delos smiled and nodded. “I rode the train home and
took my scouts camping.”
“That’s crazy,” the other soldier said. “You could have
been out drinking and having fun.”
“I was having fun,” Delos said. “But while I was having
fun, I was also making men out of boys, and there’s nothing
better than that.”
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‘12 Bobcat S205
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‘11 Kinze
‘03 NH TM175
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ALL 2016 Models
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‘12 NH Workmaster 75, MFD, 8x2 Trans., 500 hrs ....................$22,500
‘12 NH T7.260 MFD, 973 hrs. ..................................................$125,000
‘12 NH TV6070 BiDi, 1,571 hrs., Loader, Eng.+ Cab, End
Loaded, Hi-flow. ......................................................................$105,000
‘11 JD 4520 Compact MFD, LDR, 335 hrs.. ..............................$29,500
‘07 NH T2410 55HP, Loader, MFD, 605 hrs... ...........................$25,000
‘05 Kubota M6800, MFD, Cab/Air./Heat, Loader, 4395 hrs...............Just In
‘03 NH TM175 SUSP, MFD, 4 Remotes, Koyker 585 Loader .........$52,500
‘98 NH 8670 SS, MFD, 4 Remotes, 3,744 hrs...........................$62,500
‘96 NH 8670 MFD/SS, New Engine ..........................................$54,500
‘73 Ford 4400 Gas Select-O-Speed Loader, 2684 hrs ............... $7,500
‘79 JD 2240 Utility.....................................................................$12,500
‘71 Massey Ferguson 1080 w/cab, 8,388 eng. hrs. .....................$5,900
‘67 JD 4020 Diesel, Pwr. Shift, Cab, Loaders & Grapple w/Joystick..$13,500
‘48 Ford 8N Overdrive, Hydraulic Loader, Frnt. Pump.................$3,900
NH T8.300-T8.360 - Lease Return Tractors Available...................CALL
‘15 NH L220 Open Cab, 2 spd., 2,033 hrs. ...............................$25,900
(2) ‘15 NH L218 Open Station, 2,343 or 2,950 hrs..Starting at $23,900
‘15 NH L230 Cab, Air, Heat, Hyd. Detach, 910 hrs....................$42,500
‘15 NH L230, EH Control, Loaded, 496 hrs, Hi flow. .................$45,000
(2) ‘14 NH L218 Open Cab, 1,995 to 2,338 hrs. .............. From $23,900
‘14 NH L230 Cab/Air/Heat, Glide Ride, Air Seat, 816 hrs .........$39,500
‘14 NH L230 Cab/Air/Heat, Glide Ride, Air Seat, 1,091 hrs ........Just In
‘13 NH L218, Open Station, 988 hrs. ........................................$24,900
‘10 NH L175 Cab/Heat, 1,035 hrs, New Tires............................$22,000
‘07 NH L190 Cab/Air/Heat, 1,750 hrs.................................... Coming In
‘01 JD 240, Open Station, 1,114 hrs, New Tires........................$15,900
‘97 NH LX885, Canvas Cab, 3,520 hrs. ....................................$15,900
‘92 NH L455, 31 H.P. Diesel, 54” Bucket, 2,874 Hrs....................$8,500
‘88 NH L553 Cab/Heat, 70” 1550 hrs..........................................Just In
‘80 Case 1845 Gas, w/bucket & grapple, 1,702 hrs ....................$9,500
(2) ‘11 White 8222, 12R30,with Sunco’s 3,500 acres .......each $45,000
‘11 Kinze 3660, 16R 30” Central Fill, Precision Plant ..............$105,000
‘10 Kinze 3600, 16R 30” 4090 Acres, SHARP, Sunco’s ............$75,000
‘06 Kinze 3600 16R 30” KPM II Martin Row Clnrs Field Ready . $59,500
‘04 Kinze 3600, 16R, 31” KPM II, HD Springs, Field Ready .....$65,000
‘02 Kinze 3500, 24R 30” Martin Row Clnrs, KPM II Monitor .....$69,500
‘01 White 8524, 24R, 3 Bu Boxes, Hyd Dr. Groff Row Clnrs, Rebuilt....$69,500
‘99 Kinze 3500, 8R 30” with Interplant, Field Ready.................$35,000
‘96 White 6100, 12R 30” Sunco Row Cleaners, SM3000 Monitor..$12,500
‘95 White 6100, 8R 36” with 7 Row Splitter ...............................$11,500
‘89 White 5100, 12R30, SM3000 Monitor, Yetters, PTO Pump .... $7,500
‘89 JD 7200, 8R 36” Liquid Fertilizer ..........................................$9,500
‘82 White 5100, 4R38, Furrow Openers, SM3000 Monitor..........$4,500
White 5100, 8R 40” with Interplant.............................................. $7,500
World, Inc.
Spas • Swimming Pools •
1900 Broadway Ave., Yankton, SD
2500 S. 13th St., Norfolk, NE
‘98 NH TR88 2,780/2,068 hrs., Bin Ext., Chaf. Spreader...........$43,500
‘97 NH TR98 3,078 eng. hrs., 2,247 Sep. hrs., field ready.........$49,500
(2) NH 880CF Flex Draper 40’ + 45’ ................................each $65,000
(4) NH TR86 ........................................................... Starting at $12,500
NEW Krause & Landoll Tillage Equipment Available
‘11JD 637, 37’ 10” Disc w/Harrow ..............................................$49,500
‘09 Krause 8200 34’ Disc w/Harrow ..........................................$42,500
‘07 CIH RMX 340 26’ Disc w/Harrow .................................... Coming In
‘04 Sunflower 1434 26’ Disc w/Harrow .....................................$29,500
‘03 Sunflower 1434 Disc 26’ Harrow, All New Blades ...............$40,500
‘98 Sunflower 6432, 33’ Field Finisher ......................................$22,500
‘97 Krause 5226 HR Field Cultivater 27½’ ................................$14,500
‘88 Sunflower 5131, 24’ FC, w/3 Bar Harrow ............................$10,900
CIH 3950, 34’ Disc HAY EQUIPMENT
w/Harrow .................................................... $27,500
(4) NH BB940A 3x3 Sq. Balers............................... Starting at $35,000
‘14 CIH DC163 16’ Disc Mower, Cond., Steel Cond..................$32,000
‘14 Phiber AC3106 3x3 Accumulator.........................................$15,900
‘14 NH BB330 Lg. Sq. Baler, 7,106 bales ..................................$84,500
(2)‘13 NH BB330S, large square balers,................. Starting at $79,000
‘10 NH H8060 w/750 HD Head, 1,300 hrs. ...............................$85,000
(2) NH 1475’s 16’ & 18’, Mower Conditioners .......... Starting at $12,500
‘08 NH BR7090 Xtra Sweep, Auto Wrap, Sharp! ......................$14,500
‘06 NH HM235 6’9” Disc Mower .................................................$5,950
‘05 Hesston 814 Rd. Baler w/net wrap......................................$11,000
‘04 NH BB960A 3x4, 24,736 Bales...........................................$65,000
‘04 Hesston 4760 Lg. Sq. Baler, 24,460 Bales..........................$49,500
‘02 CIH LBX431 Big Sq. Baler, 27,470 Bales, Rebuilt ...............$49,500
‘00 CIH RS561 Lg. Rd. Baler ...................................................... $7,950
‘00 NH BB940RT Lg. Sq. Baler, Tandem, Rotorcut, 48,000 bales ..$35,000
(2) CIH 8575 Lg. Sq. Baler....................................... starting at $27,500
‘96 NH 664 Rd. Baler, Bale Command, Twine, 21,861 Bales.....$4,950
‘94 CIH 8830 S.P. Windrower, 14’ Head, Cab/Air/Heat, 1,800 hrs.$24,500
‘94 NH 216 Twin Bar Rakes ........................................................$9,500
‘94 NH 660 Rd. Baler, Bale Command .......................................$5,500
‘88 Hesston 1160 14’ Mower Conditioner ....................................$4,500
JD 1600 14’ Mower Conditioner ..................................................$3,950
New Meyerink Farm Service Box Scrapers on Hand, Call
‘14 Land Pride RCD1884, 7’ offset rotary cutter ..........................$3,000
‘14 Land Pride RBT3584 7’ hydraulic, 3 pt. blade .......................$2,500
‘09 Big Dog S8 Forced Ejection Scraper, 8 yard.......................$13,900
‘07 Rem 2500 HD GrainVac 106 hrs.........................................$13,900
‘02 DuAl 260 loader with grapple................................................$3,950
‘02 Redball 670 Sprayer, 60’ Raven 440, 850 gallon ................$10,900
‘01 Ford F-150 Service Body, 4x4 w/119,000 miles...................$10,900
‘01 Demco Conquest, 1100 gal., 80 ft, Boom, Triple Nozzles,
Foamer, T-Jet, 844E Controller .................................................$15,000
‘00 Gehl MS250, 250 BU Speader, Hyd. Apron, Dual Beater .......$5,500
‘91 NH 155 Manure Spreader, 210 BU, Dual Beater ..................$6,950
Koyker 510 Loader, IH Mounts ...................................................$6,950
‘15 NH CR8.90 RWA ............................................................ Coming In Shop Made 12’ Box Scraper........................................................$2,500
New Loftness 20’ Standard Shredders Available...Starting at ..................$21,900
‘09 NH CR9060 PSD Chopper, 1,935 Eng.Hrs.,
1,461 Sep Hrs.,Mint Condition. ...............................................$129,500 MFS M12 12’ Box Scraper...............................................................$4,250
(2) NH 99C Chopping Head, 12R30, low acres ...... Starting at $79,500
‘08 NH CR9060 1,650 Eng. hrs., 1,176 Sep hrs......................$135,000 ‘13 JD X320 Lawn Tractor, 48” 70 hrs.. .......................................$3,500
‘08 NH CR9060 1,560 Eng. hrs., 1,250 Sep hrs. ....................$129,500 ‘13 Grasshopper 725DT6 Diesel, 368 hrs, 61” P.F. deck. ..........$10,500
‘03 NH 74C 30’ Flex Head, field ready ......................................$19,500 ‘10 JD 997 Diesel Commercial Mower, 60” 2469 hrs. .................$8,500
‘97 Grasshopper 616, 48” deck...................................................$3,950
2302 East Highway 50, Yankton, South Dakota