June 19, 2018 • Page 8
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Rapid City Guard Unit
Deploys To The Middle East
By Staff Sgt. Kayla Morris
129th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment
RAPID CITY, S.D. - A deployment ceremony was
held for 26 Soldiers of the South Dakota Army National
Guard's Detachment 1, Company B, 935th Aviation Support Battalion, June 8.
Family, friends and community supporters gathered
at Rapid City's Rushmore Plaza Civic Center to support
their loved ones as the unit prepares to deploy to Middle
East for nine months in support of Operation Spartan
The Rapid City-based 935th will provide aviation
maintenance and repair support for U.S. Army rotary
aircraft and avionics systems.
"We will be conducting phase maintenance on
helicopters," said Staff Sgt. Calvin Schmidt, detachment
sergeant for the 935th. "Phase maintenance inspections
(PMI) are conducted every 480 flight hours. It consists of
two PMI's that each take in depth looks at the aircraft."
This will be the second mobilization for the 935th,
which deployed to Kuwait in support of Operation Enduring Freedom in 2012-2013.
"About half of our unit has never deployed," said
Chief Warrant Officer 3 Seth Mendel, commander for the
935th. "We have eight Soldiers that specifically came to
this unit to deploy. I've been very impressed with the
quality of individuals we have."
Speakers for the ceremony included U.S. Congresswoman Kristi Noem, Rapid City Mayor Steve Allender
and Maj. Gen. Tim Reisch, SDNG adjutant general.
"It is incredibly humbling for me to be here today, I
don't know if I can ever truly understand what the families are thinking or feeling," said Noem. "It is the courage
that has made our country great throughout history, and
that is evident right here today in this room. It is on the
faces of those being deployed and also in the hearts of
the families that will be left behind during this deployment."
With the overwhelming support of their families and
the community they leave behind, the Soldiers of the
USDA Launches Interactive Map
Of Opioid Epidemic Resources
14, 2018 – Assistant to
the Secretary for Rural
Development Anne Hazlett
today unveiled a new
interactive feature on the
United States Department
of Agriculture’s (USDA)
rural opioid misuse
webpage. Now webpage
visitors can use an interactive map to learn about,
access or replicate actions
rural leaders are taking
in small towns across the
country to address the
opioid epidemic through
prevention, treatment and
recovery opportunities.
The interactive map can
be viewed at https://www.
“Leaving no community
untouched, the opioid
epidemic has taken a
monumental toll on many
of the small towns and
rural places that are the
heartbeat of our country,”
Hazlett said. “USDA is a
strong partner to rural
leaders in addressing this
issue through programs
for prevention, treatment
and recovery, as well as
programs that build rural
resilience and prosperity
for the future.”
USDA collected model
practices displayed on
the interactive map from
regional opioid misuse
roundtables and through
the “What’s working in
your town?” form on
the USDA opioid misuse
webpage. USDA invites you
to share effective actions
taken in response to the
opioid epidemic in rural
communities by filling out
the “What’s working in
your town?” form.
At the direction of
President Trump, the
935th are prepared and ready to accomplish the mission.
"We have a variety of experience in our unit and have
some Soldiers that have been doing aviation maintenance for over 15 years and some that have just gotten
back from school," said Mendel. "That's what is great
about this deployment, this will be a great on-the-job
training for Soldiers that are newer. We are ready to do
the job by all means and ready to gain some more experience."
The unit will report to Fort Hood, Texas, to complete
several weeks of theater-specific training prior to deploying overseas.
"Our National Guard lineage traces back to 1862," said
Maj. Gen. Reisch. "One hundred years ago today, the
whole SDNG was deployed in World War I. Just about 20
years after the end of that war, they were ready to start
World War II, another total mobilization of the SDNG.
This mobilization here today is just as historic, just as
important, just as much of our history and legacy."
Three More Trail Of
Governors Statues
United States Department
that improved access to
of Agriculture (USDA) has
mental and behavioral
been keenly focused on ad- health care, particularly
dressing the opioid crisis
prevention, treatment, and
in rural communities. So
recovery resources, is vital By Gov. Dennis Daugaard in 1920. A progressive, Mc- son, longtime legislator
June is a beautiful time
Master memorably fought
Lars Herseth; and their
far, the Department has
to addressing the opioid
to visit our Capital City.
high gasoline prices by
granddaughter, Stephanie
convened regional roundcrisis and other substance
The flowers at the State
selling gasoline from state
Herseth Sandlin, who
tables to hear firsthand
misuse in rural communiCapitol are in bloom, the
highway shops at two
spent seven years in the
accounts of the impact
sun shines brightly on the
cents above wholesale. He U.S. House and is now the
of the crisis and effective
To view the report in its
Fighting Stallions and the
went on the serve in the
president of Augustana
strategies for response
entirety, please view the
veterans memorials, and
U.S. Senate.
in rural communities;
Report to the President of
fishing and sport boats
M. Q. Sharpe was an
The public is invited to
launched an interactive
the United States from the
flock to the Missouri River. attorney from Kennebec.
the State Capitol rotunda
webpage on opioid misuse Task Force on Agriculture
On June 15, Pierre will
As attorney general, he
at 10 a.m. on Friday, June
in rural America featuring
and Rural Prosperity (PDF,
gain a few more points
investigated corruption
15, to see the unveiling
resources for rural com5.4 MB). In addition, to
of interest, as the Trail of
and mismanagement in a
of statues of McMaster,
munities and individuals
view the categories of the
Governors unveils three
state-run farm loan proSharpe and Herseth. Then,
facing the crisis; and prior- recommendations, please
new statues. The Trail of
gram. During the Bushfield on Saturday morning, the
itized investments in three view the Rural Prosperity
administration, Sharpe
inaugural “Run with the
key grant programs to
infographic (PDF, 190 KB). Governors project combines art and history, plac- was the state’s representa- Govs” event will be held –
address the crisis in rural
USDA Rural Developing life-sized bronze stattive to the Missouri River
an opportunity to run or
places. For more informament provides loans and
ues of every former South
States Committee and as
walk a 4-mile route that intion about these efforts,
grants to help expand ecoDakota governor throughgovernor from 1943 to
cludes every Trail of Govvisit the USDA rural opioid nomic opportunities and
out the Capital City, on
1947, Sharpe continued
ernors statue. You will be
misuse webpage at www.
create jobs in rural areas.
a trail that connects the
that effort, leading the
able to actually run with at
This assistance supports
Capitol grounds with the
negotiation of the Pickleast one former goverIn April 2017, President
infrastructure improvedowntown business disSloan Plan that built four
nor – I know former Gov.
Donald J. Trump estabments; business developtrict. Nineteen statues are
Missouri River dams in
Frank Farrar, at a youthlished the Interagency
ment; housing; community
already in place.
South Dakota.
ful 89 years old, plans to
Task Force on Agriculture
services such as schools,
The three new statues
Ralph Herseth was a
participate. Search online
and Rural Prosperity to
public safety and health
to be unveiled this year
farmer from Houghton. He
for “Run with the Govs” to
identify legislative, regulacare; and high-speed interare William H. McMaster,
was elected governor in
learn more.
tory and policy changes
net access in rural areas.
M. Q. Sharpe and Ralph
1958 amidst unrest over
Whether it’s a drive,
that could promote agriFor more information, visit
property tax valuations.
walk, or run, the Trail of
culture and prosperity in
William H. McMaster
Herseth created a pension
Governors is a great way
rural communities. In Januwas a small-town banker in plan for the state’s teachto experience our Capital
ary 2018, Secretary Perdue
Gayville, and then a state
ers and pushed for water
City and learn a little bit
presented the Task Force’s
legislator from Yankton. He development projects. He
about South Dakota hisfindings to President
served as Gov. Peter Norstarted a legacy of public
tory. I encourage you to
Trump, which included
beck’s lieutenant governor service that continued
check it out next time you
31 recommendations to
and then followed Norbeck with his wife, Secretary of
come to Pierre.
align the federal governinto the Governor’s Office
State Lorna Herseth; their
ment with state, local and
tribal governments to take
advantage of opportunities
that exist in rural America.
In the area of quality
of life, the Task Force included a recommendation
to modernize health care
access. The report highlighted the importance of
BROOKINGS, S.D. - More than 100
presenters shared their experiences
main street businesses. First tried
telemedicine in enhancing
rural community leaders from across & knowledge on a variety of topics:
by Michigan State University with
access to primary care
South Dakota came together to parFunding for Community Projects, Ensuccess, the University of Nebraska
and specialty providers.
Extension duplicated the innovative
The Task Force also found ticipate in Energize! Exploring Innova- trepreneurial Experiences, Agritourtive Rural Communities Conference
ism and Value Added Agriculture, and idea in McCook. Now SDSU Extension
in downtown De Smet. This event
Engaging Community Members.
has reproduced the idea in De Smet.
was hosted by the SDSU Extension
The idea for creating and hosting
There were also resource providCommunity Vitality Team and the
the Energize! Exploring Innovative
ers who were available to discuss
Community of De Smet in May.
Rural Communities Conference came tools to assist communities and enThe event was held in downtown
when members of the SDSU Commutrepreneurs alike. The following were
De Smet businesses. Shop owners
nity Vitality Team spent two days in
represented: South Dakota Comand managers shared their entrepreApril of 2017 attending a "Connectmunity Foundation, Lake Area Tech,
neurial journeys, while speakers and
ing Entrepreneurial Communities"
SD Department of tourism, Dakota
Conference in
Resources, SD Small Business DevelMcCook, Nebras- opment, SD Rural Life and Census
ka. That conferData Center, SD Planning Districts,
Let Our Family
ence, hosted by
East River Electric and SDSU ExtenBusiness Keep Yours University of
sion Community Vitality.
Nebraska Exten"The combination was powerIn The Go With:
sion, offered an
ful, with all groups learning from
• Farm Filters • Hydraulic Hoses • Bearings & Seals
interesting venue each other," said Paul Thares, SDSU
1007 Broadway Ave
twist: conferExtension Community Vitality Field
Yankton, SD
ence sessions
Specialist and one of the event coor605•665•4494 were held in
The Yankton Area Chamber of Commerce Ambassadors
hosted a ribbon cutting for Cornerstones Career Learning
Center located at 3113 Spruce Street, Suite 124. Cornerstones
is an adult education center that offers a variety of ways
for adults to continue their education. Its mission is to
access, promote and provide education and employment
training services to area workforce and employers. Hours
atrick awk
are Monday - Thursday: 8am-5pm, Friday: 8am – 4pm.
They can be contacted at 605-668-2920 or check out their
251 Spruce Ave • Box 260
Yankton 605-260-1490
Niobrara, NE 68760
website: www.cornerstonescareer.com.
Hartington 402-254-6710
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Communities Conference
Cornerstones Career
Learning Center
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