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June 19, 2018 • Page 5
30 SD Army Guard Units Receive Bush Foundation
National Superior Unit Award Supports Indigenous
RAPID CITY, S.D. - Thirty out of 42
South Dakota Army National Guard
units received the National Guard
Bureau's Superior Unit Award in recognition of outstanding achievement
during training year 2017.
The Superior Unit Award is
presented to units who meet highlyenforced military standards in the
areas of personnel, training and
"The South Dakota Army National
Guard makes up only 9/10ths of one
percent of this nation's National
Guard, but we earned 97 percent of
the Superior Unit Awards for training year 2017," said Maj. Gen. Tim
Reisch, adjutant general of the South
Dakota National Guard. "This is yet
another example of how the South
Dakota National Guard stands head
and shoulders above our contemporaries."
In order to earn the SUA, units
must achieve 95 percent in unit
strength, monthly drill attendance,
annual training attendance and
weapons qualification. In addition
to meeting these readiness goals,
units must also achieve 90 percent
in physical fitness tests and dutyqualified Soldiers. Unit admin and
maintenance inspections also factor
into award requirements.
"We are a metrics-driven organization and paying close attention to
the most important readiness metrics has earned 30 of our units the
distinction of earning the coveted
Superior Unit Award," said Reisch.
The top award for the state went
to Company C, 1-189th Aviation Regiment of Rapid City, which received
the Eisenhower Trophy for the most
exceptional SDARNG unit. The Eisenhower Trophy is named in honor of
former General of the Army Dwight
D. Eisenhower and awarded by the
Chief of the National Guard Bureau
to the ARNG unit in each state rated
the most outstanding during the
training year.
More than half of the SUA units
are continuing consecutive years of
training excellence - with six units
receiving the award for the second
time in a row, four units for a third
straight year, four units for four
consecutive years, four more for five
consecutive years, and the 211th
Engineer Company has earned the
SUA six years in a row.
This year's recipients of the Superior Unit Award include:
*Battery A, 1-147th Field Artillery
Battalion ***** - Aberdeen
* Company A, 139th Brigade Support Battalion - Brookings
* Headquarters Company, 153rd
Engineer Battalion ***** - Huron
* Forward Support Company,
153rd Engineer Battalion
***** - Huron and Parkston
* 211th Engineer Company
****** - Madison and De Smet
* 740th Transportation Company
*** - Milbank and Aberdeen
* 147th Army Band ** - Mitchell
* Company B, 139th Brigade Support Battalion ** - Mitchell
* 200th Engineer Company
***** - Pierre, Chamberlain and
* Detachment 1, Company B,
1-112th Aviation Battalion
** - Rapid City
* Company C, 1st Battalion, 189th
Aviation Regiment ** - Rapid City
* Headquarters Detachment,
109th Regional Support Group Rapid City
* Joint Force Headquarters Rapid City
* 82nd Civil Support Team
**** - Rapid City
*216th Firefighter Headquarters Rapid City
*SDARNG Recruiting and Retention Command - Rapid City
*SDARNG Training Center
**** - Rapid City
*SDARNG Medical Command
**** - Rapid City
*451st Engineer Detachment (Firefighters) ** - Rapid City
*55th Engineer Company
***** - Rapid City and Wagner
*235th Military Police Company
** - Rapid City and Sioux Falls
*2nd Battalion, 196th Regional
Training Institute - Sioux Falls
*1742nd Transportation Company
- Sioux Falls and Flandreau
*1st Battalion, 196th Regional
Training Institute - Sturgis
*881st Troop Command - Sturgis
*842nd Engineer Company
*** - Spearfish, Belle Fourche and
*730th Area Support Medical
Company - Vermillion
*Forward Support Company,
147th Field Artillery Battalion - Watertown
*Headquarters Battery, 147th
Field Artillery Battalion *** - Watertown
*Battery B, 1-147th Field Artillery
Battalion *** - Yankton
**Denotes second straight year
for receiving the award.
***Denotes third straight year for
receiving the award.
****Denotes fourth straight year
for receiving the award.
*****Denotes fifth straight year
for receiving the award.
******Denotes sixth straight year
for receiving the award.
American Red Cross Offers
Heat Safety Information
finding the right
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than you think
SIOUX FALLS – Summer’s warm weath9. Use a buddy system when working
er can be deadly. Some people are more
in excessive heat. Take frequent breaks if
at risk of developing a heat-related illness, working outdoors.
including adults age 65 and older, those
10. Check on animals frequently to enwith chronic medical conditions, people
sure that they are not suffering from the
when you’ve
who work outside, infants and children
heat. Make sure they have plenty of cool
and athletes.
water. More information on how heat can
got the right
The National Weather Service in Sioux
affect your furry friends is available here.
Falls has issued a heat advisory for parts
About the American Red Cross:
of the area starting Friday afternoon. The
The American Red Cross shelters,
American Red Cross has steps you can
feeds and provides emotional support
Stop searching. The
take to help stay safe when the temperato victims of disasters; supplies about
Help Wanted section
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40 percent of the nation's blood; teaches
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skills that save lives; provides internaShopper lists many
1. Hot cars can be deadly. Never leave
tional humanitarian aid; and supports
possible new job
children or pets in your vehicle. The
military members and their families. The
inside temperature of the car can quickly
Red Cross is a not-for-profit organization
reach 120 degrees.
that depends on volunteers and the genFind a career that’s
2. Stay hydrated by drinking plenty
erosity of the American public to perform
right for you.
of fluids. Avoid drinks with caffeine or
its mission. For more information, please
visit redcross.org or visit us on Twitter at
3. Check on family, friends and neigh@RedCrossDakotas.
bors who do not have air conditioning, who spend much of
their time alone or who are more
likely to be affected by the heat.
4. If someone doesn’t have
air conditioning, they should
seek relief from the heat during
the warmest part of the day in
places like schools, libraries,
AWG has a NEW top wage of $22.25 for our truck
theaters, malls, etc.
drivers. Our benefit program includes medical,
5. Avoid extreme temperature
dental & vision insurance, paid vacation and
6. Wear loose-fitting, lightholidays, 401(k), employee store, fitness center.
weight, light-colored clothing.
Avoid dark colors because they
absorb the sun’s rays.
Please apply at
7. Slow down, stay indoors
and avoid strenuous exercise
or call Stephanie at 402-370-1506
during the hottest part of the
8. Postpone outdoor
games and activities. The
Red Cross has a First
Aid, Health and Safety for
Coaches online course
designed to give those who
July 5
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aid and "best practices" for
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MV Shopper
MV Shopper
Cultures with $75,000
Scholarship Fund
Minneapolis, MN -- People engaged in sustaining and
advancing indigenous culture from across the region
will have an opportunity to receive scholarships to
attend the 2018 International Conference of Indigenous
Archives, Libraries, and Museums presented by the
Association of Tribal Archives, Libraries, and Museum
(ATALM). The conference will be held at the Mystic Lake
Casino and Hotel in Prior Lake, Minnesota (outside Minneapolis) from October 8-11, 2018.
The Bush Foundation is providing up to $75,000 in
scholarship funding for eligible applicants from Minnesota, North Dakota and South Dakota or the 23 Native
Nations that share the same geography. Scholarships will
include registration for pre-conference workshops, travel
and lodging. Pre-conference workshops take place on
Tuesday, October 9 and conference sessions are scheduled Wednesday, October 10 and Thursday, October 11.
More information and the application for the scholarships can be found on ATALM’s website - www.atalm.org.
Applications must be received by June 21, 2018 at 11:59
These scholarships are intended for staff members of
a tribal archive, library, museum, historic preservation
office, and/or language program, those that work with
indigenous collections in a non-tribal cultural institution, currently enrolled students in a museum, library, or
archival-related education program, or culture bearers
in a tribal community who are actively involved in the
preservation of traditional knowledge, practices, and/or
The conference features over 100 workshops, cultural
site tours, and conference sessions that are specific to
the needs of Native cultures. As the only conference
of its type, it attracts more than 700 participants from
throughout the United States, Canada, New Zealand, and
With the theme of “For Our People: Past, Present,
and Future”, this year’s conference honors notable Minnesota Natives for their work to preserve and advance
indigenous cultures. Honorees include activist Clyde Bellecourt on the 50th anniversary of the American Indian
Movement, Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community
Chairman Charlie Vig for his support of culture and other
tribal communities, and Dr. Anton Treuer, an internationally renowned expert on cultural and language preservation and author of 13 books including Everything You
Wanted to Know About Indians But Were Afraid to Ask.
The Bush Foundation is investing in great ideas and
the people who power them. They encourage individuals
and organizations to think bigger and think differently
about what is possible in communities across Minnesota,
North Dakota, South Dakota and the 23 Native nations
that share the same geographic area.
ATALM is an international non-profit organization that
maintains a network of support for indigenous programs,
provides culturally relevant programming and services,
encourages collaboration among tribal and non-tribal
cultural institutions, and articulates contemporary issues
related to developing and sustaining the cultural sovereignty of Native Nations.
For more information, contact Susan Feller at 405-4018293 or president@atalm.org
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