April 26, 2016 • Page 2
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Dave Says
Addressing Debt: When
To Sell Sentimental Stuff
Herb Collins was back out in the yard again Saturday. The
noise made the neighbors go to the windows and peek out
to see what was going on, because yard work and noise and
Herb have never gone together.
By Dave Ramsey
ticket in relation to your income and
I hope this helps
Mystery solved. Herb has a new gas-powered lawn mower.
overall financial health? If the ticket
a little, William.
Last Saturday was the final outing for his quiet electric lawn
Dear Dave,
is $100 and you make $200,000 a year,
There’s nothing
mower, as he once again ran over the cord and cut it. The
How do you decide whether or not
then stop worrying and pay the ticket.
wrong with having
to sell collectible memorabilia when
But if you got slapped with a $300 ticket cord finally had more patches than a quilting bee, and Herb
some nice things.
you’re getting out of debt? — William
and you only make $20,000 a year, then had opted for a gas mower that didn’t require an umbilical
But there’s a big difDear William,
link to the front porch.
ference between you that could be an emergency.
In most cases, there’s a pretty wide
If you can cash flow it out of your
having things and
Steve was going by in his pickup truck, the big one with
spectrum of emotional involvement
budget, then leave the emergency fund duellies and the blacksmith’s forge in the back, and he pulled
your things having
when it comes to this sort of stuff. I
you. Never let “stuff” alone. If not, then dip in for just enough over and stopped. Steve got out and watched quietly as
mean, there’s a big difference between
to pay the fine and replace the amount Herb continued to mow the lawn. Steve poured himself a cup
stand between you
having a baseball signed by Mickey
as quickly as possible. I mean, you’ve
and your family’s
of coffee from his Thermos, pushed back his Stetson, and
Mantle from a day that you and your
got to get it paid, right?
sense of security
dad met Mickey at the stadium, and
That’s an interesting question, Ariel. watched Herb work up a good sweat.
and financial wellHerb made three more rounds of the yard, and finally
buying a baseball a few years ago that
I’m glad you’re working to get control
being — Dave
thought Steve might have something important to say to him,
he autographed and seeing it has gone
of your money. Just remember to slow
so he killed the engine on the mower, mopped his brow, and
up in value.
down a little when you’re behind the
Speeding ticket emergency
With the first, I’d be tempted to tell
walked over to the visitor.
wheel! — Dave
Dear Dave,
you to keep it unless you’re literally
“Workin’ hard there, I see,” said Steve.
Recently, I got a speeding ticket.
about to lose everything. In it, you
Dave Ramsey is America’s trusted
“Gotta stay ahead of it,” said Herb.
have a deep, emotional connection — a I’m also following your plan, so I was
voice on money and business, and CEO
personal story about you, your dad and wondering if a speeding ticket is a good of Ramsey Solutions. He has authored
Herb looked puzzled at Steve’s question. “Well … otherreason to dip into my emergency fund.
one of the greatest baseball players of
seven best-selling books. The Dave
wise it grows too fast and the yard looks crummy.”
— Ariel
all time. It was a sentimental, once-inRamsey Show is heard by more than 11
“I was by here Thursday,” said Steve. “Saw you watering.”
Dear Ariel,
a-lifetime kind of thing. In the second
million listeners each week on more than
Herb nodded.
Well, it depends. Certainly you have
case, it’s just a purchase you made as a
550 radio stations and digital outlets.
to pay the ticket. In most states you
hobby. That kind of thing can go withDave’s latest project, EveryDollar, procould lose your driver’s license for not
“Well … to make the grass grow, of course.”
out a whole lot of thought. If what you
vides a free online budget tool. Follow
paying a speeding ticket. You’d have a
own doesn’t have some kind of deep
Steve raised his eyebrows.
Dave on Twitter at @DaveRamsey and
real emergency then, wouldn’t you?
sentimental and emotional connection
on the web at daveramsey.com.
“What?” asked Herb.
I would advise looking at the situato family or a major life event, then it’s
“Isn’t it kinda like digging a hole and filling it up?”
tion this way: what is the amount of the
just stuff.
“I don’t get you.”
Steve got back in the pickup, rolled down the window, and
said. “Seems to me like you’re just encouraging it.”
Then he drove away, leaving Herb to once again deal with
the intricacies of cowboy philosophy.
fulltime for an area farmer
In 2009, Kelly returned
based information to South
Dakotans on developing
and began building his own
to South Dakota. In 2012 he
Extension welcomes Sean
cow/calf herd.
began working in the ER at
Kelly to serve as SDSU Exten- grazing systems, range and
the Gregory Hospital and
grassland management, soil
He returned to school
sion Range Management
in 2002 to pursue a Range
building up his own backField Specialist.
health, ecology and other
grounding and feeder cattle
range-related topics.
Science degree from South
“Cattle grazing is a very
Dakota State University.
“I’m eager to work with
important component
BROOKINGS, S.D. - South Dakota 4-H, calls on 4-H memEager to work in agriculAfter graduating, he went
of our prairie ecosystem
livestock producers and
bers and supporters to show off their talents through the
ture fulltime, when Kelly saw
landowners to help them
on to receive a masters in
and a key component for
National 4-H Council’s #TrueLeaders - part of the Grow True
the opportunity to join the
Ranch Management from
the profitability of South
improve their grasslands.
Leaders campaign.
SDSU Extension team, he
Texas A&M Kingsville, King
Dakota cattle ranchers,” said Healthy range manage“As a program, we want to focus on the power of AmeriRanch Institute for Range
ment is the foundation for a
Alvaro Garcia, SDSU Extenca’s youth. 4-H teaches kids skills they need to lead not only
“I have a passion for helpranching operation,” Kelly
sion Agriculture and Natural
in their lives, but their communities and careers as well,”
Before joining SDSU
ing people,” said Kelly, who
Resources Program Director
explained. “Determining
said Peter Nielson, SDSU Extension 4-H Youth Development
remains involved in health& Professor. “Sean will proproper stocking rates for the Extension, Kelly worked for
Program Director.
Natural Resources Consercare as a volunteer EMT and
current carrying capacity of
vide a strong regional and
The nation-wide, Grow True Leaders, campaign is dea ranch is the one leverage
vation Service (NRCS) in
RN. “Whether it’s in a trauma
statewide leadership. His
veloped to empower youth by giving them the opportunity
situation or on the ranch,
point which ranchers can
Montana and Nebraska as
experience as both a cattle
to share their voice and show how their skills are making a
helping livestock producers
a Soil & Range Conservaproducer and range science
control to make sure they
difference in communities across the state.
make range management
remain sustainable.”
tionist. While working with
professional will be valuable
“Throughout this campaign, we ask 4-Hers, parents and
NRCS, Kelly began volunteer- decisions that will increase
More about Sean Kelly
as he develops and delivers
alumni to Shout, Share and Support 4-H,” Nielson said.
A Winner native, Kelly
ing as an Emergency Medical grassland health and producresearch-based programNielson encourages 4-Hers and supporters to utilize all
tion. That’s why I wanted
Technician (EMT) for the
ming to livestock producers
grew up working for Tripp
social media formats Shout the impact youth are making in
to join the SDSU Extension
local volunteer ambulance
and landowners.”
County farmers/ranchers.
their communities #TrueLeaders and #SD4H.
and fire department. He
team, because helping South
After receiving an ag busiKelly will office from the
In July, Grow True Leaders encourages youth and supness associates degree from
found the work fulfilling and
Dakotans is a focus of what
SDSU Extension Regional
porters to Share how the 4-H pledge is relevant today with
we do each day.” iGrow
Extension Center in WinWestern Dakota Technical In- returned to school to get his
the hashtag #4HGrown.
ner, providing researchstitute, Sturgis, Kelly worked Registered Nursing degree.
“Our goal is to re-connect with alumni and provide inspiration for current 4-Hers to continue their involvement,”
Buy • Sell • Trade
Nielson said.
The campaign will wrap up in November, when 4-Hers
Brian & Jean DeGroot, Owners
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and supporters are encouraged to Support the National and
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Yankton, SD
Local 4-H programing.
Trucks, Campers, Boats
To learn more, contact your local SDSU Extension 4-H
& Consignments
Program Advisor and stay tuned to South Dakota 4-H updates on iGrow, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. niGrow
Kelly New Range Management Field Specialist
S.D. 4-H Highlights
4-H’s #TrueLeaders
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