August 13, 2019 • Page 2
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Dave Says
Insurance Above and Beyond?
Theatre and Friends
Daris Howard
I had been helping run the lights for a theatre producthrough our employers. Do we need additional coverage? tion in a neighboring community when my wife, Donna,
saw a Facebook posting. It was a community events page
in one of the sites that she often checks. She saw that
Dear Rebecca,
there was a posting about a musical that was getting close
Yes, you both need to find good level term life insurto production and needed some more men.
ance immediately! Accidental death and dismemberment
Donna and I have directed plays in our small rural compolicies are nothing but gimmicks. You need to make sure munity in the summer and know how hard it is to get men.
your family is taken care of in the very best way possible, Many of them are farmers or are in some way connected
no matter how you die.
to agriculture, and there are not enough hours in the day
Dear Wesley,
You should always have life insurance coverage that’s in the summer for the work they need to do. Once, when
The purpose of life insurance
separate from anything an employer may offer. Think
we were producing The Music Man, all the men we asked
is to take care of your family if
about it. You don’t want to suddenly lose coverage if you to play Harold Hill turned us down. They were willing to
something unexpected happens
change jobs, or have to leave your place of work because take a small part, but not the lead. I ended up playing the
to you. You don’t want to buy too
you’re diagnosed with a major medical condition.
part, along with building the set, helping direct, and domuch, but you should have enough
Both of you need 10 to 12 times your yearly incomes
ing everything I could on the production. Because of these
to ensure that they’re well taken
in good, level term life insurance. If you make $50,000 a
previous challenges when we have been the directors,
care of when you’re not here any longer.
year, that means you need $500,000 to $600,000 in cover- Donna suggested that I help answer the post.
I usually recommend people have 10 to 12 times their age. Remember, the idea of life insurance is to take the
“But I am just finishing work on the other musical and
annual income in a good, level term life insurance policy. place of income. If one of you died, the other could invest was looking forward to some time to myself this summer,”
However, if you have a solid reason to believe your
the insurance money, make 10 percent on that money
I said.
income will be jumping significantly soon, there’s nothing over time with good mutual funds, and replace any lost
“But just imagine if it were us directing again,” she said.
wrong with basing your coverage amount on that figure— income.
“Wouldn’t you appreciate having someone come help?”
if you can afford it, of course.
Term life insurance is very affordable. For just a few
I had to admit that I would. And having been through
Understand that when I say, “solid reason,” I’m not
dollars a month you can leave your loved ones in great
that challenge, I finally agreed to help. “But tell the directalking about a hopeful attitude. I’m talking about somefinancial shape after you die!
tor I am not necessarily looking for time on stage and
thing along the lines of finishing a medical residency,
would be happy with as small of a part as possible.”
then making the jump to a six-figure income. That’s the
The director was happy to have me join them and imkind of logical thinking and planning I’m working with
mediately brought me a script. I was not able to attend
here. In that scenario, or something similar, a huge jump
* Dave Ramsey is America’s trusted voice on
INTERESTED IN THIS SPOT?money and a lot of practices until the other musical finished, but I
in income is virtually assured.
business, and CEO of to place your ad He has authored
Call 665-5884 Ramsey Solutions. here.
worked on my lines and music. I had one song that was
Great question, Wesley!
seven best-selling books, including The Total Money Makeoparticularly hard that I had to sing.
ver. The Dave Ramsey Show is heard by more than 12 million
When the first musical finished, and I started practices
listeners each week on 575 radio stations and multiple digital in the new one, I realized how far behind I was. I recorded
platforms. Follow Dave on Twitter at @DaveRamsey and on
Call 665-5884 to
the songs and my lines and listened to them all day for
the web at daveramsey.com.
days while I worked. Finally, I started getting them down
place your ad here.
and could put my script away. Then the director wanted
Term Life Insurance, Too?
to add the dance. I couldn’t seem to dance and remember
Dear Dave,
Visit our Web site at
what to sing at the same time, and I messed up a lot.
My husband and I are wondering if we need term
www.missourivalleyshopper.comus doing the different numbers
The director recorded
life insurance policies. We both have accidental death
and posted them to YouTube. “Your assignment,” she said
and dismemberment coverage provided free of charge
to all of us, “is to go home and watch yourselves and see
what problems you have.”
The next day she asked if we had done what she reVisit our
quested. I was one of the few who had.
Web site at
“And what did you learn?” she asked.
“I learned that I really look fat on stage,” I said.
Call 665-5884 to
She laughed slightly. “But didn’t you learn anything
place your ad here.
about how you’re performing the numbers?”
“No,” I replied. “I couldn’t get past how fat I look.”
Well, I finally did learn the numbers and worked hard
You have to hand it to Windy. you all coagulated here in an effort riding lawn mower. We spray this on
When Alphonse “Windy” Wilson to beatify the yards of our fair town. your lawn, and in ninja-seconds, this to perfect them to the best of my ability. But the main
Visit our
Interested you
chooses to speak, it is a bombastic And what, in may ask, brings me liquor of life perambulates deep into thing I gained site at a lot of good friends. Unfortunately, in
Web was
this this conflagration? It’s the latest the rootiness of the grass and makes thewww.missourivalleyshopper.com in the light booth, almost no
other production, being
sampling of creativity. Windy has yet to spot?
one knew me, and I made few friends. Most of the people
to find a word he can’t make better thing in gardening. Our chairman of it want to grow.”
through his own unique methods. Call 665-5884 refers to it as ‘cow pasture
the board to
He smiled at the group and no- in the production thought I was a parent of someone in the
Well, what got him fired up place yourand here.
the tea’ ad it nutritionalizes plants right ticed a lot of them were giggling in cast. The few times I tried to visit with others, they would
other day was a meeting of the la- down to bedrock. As Dewey says, the appreciation of his talk. He puffed up remind me parents weren’t supposed to be backstage.
When I told them I was the person running the lights, one
dies of the garden club down at the only way to improve on cow manure and continued.
nursery. Windy’s been helping Dewey is to liquidizeNEEDhe hasn’t said it NO PROBLEM!Dewey Decker said, “Oh, are you the one the director yells at?” I had to
YOU it. Well, IT TODAY? “And what does the
with his manure business on the one yet, but he will.
Manure Combine charge for this in- admit that the only time I heard my name yelled through
day a week he spends helping others.
“Now what exactly is cow pasture compartible service? A mere $10 for the auditorium was when something on the lights needed
Today wasn’t a helper day, but he tea you’re undoubtedly asking your- an average-sized lawn. Think about to be fixed.
Missouri Valley
216 that, ladies. YANKTON Twenty fifty4th St. • Ten dollars.
But as the second production came to an end, I realcouldn’t pass up the audience.
selves at this moment. It’s a varietal W.605-665-5884 ,SD
They hadn’t gotten through old combination of composted cow ma- cent pieces. Why you’d spend more ized that the true value of being in something like a musibusiness when Windy stood, smiled, nure, water, and some acid we put in than that on a wedding dress or a trip cal production is in the good friends and good memories
a person makes. Nothing else really matters or is really
and spoke.
there to matriculate it properly into to the Bermudas!”
“Dear ladies,” he said, “whatInterested in this spot?
an the life-giving succulence we require.
A number of the ladies clapped at long-lasting.
opera-tune moment this is, finding 665-5884 toput it in your ad here. that, thinking that might satisfy him,
Then we place a drum and pull
Check out the
the drum behind a and it did. He smiled and sat.
tractor-like conveyHe could get used to this corpofor great specials at your
INTERESTED IN THIS SPOT? an rate life. Maybe it wasn’t too late to
ance that looks
local restaurants!
awful lot likeTO old climb the ladder to success.
In Print and Online!
CALL 665-5884
Dear Dave,
When it comes to buying life
insurance, should the coverage
amount be based solely on current
earnings? I have good reason to
believe my income is going to
increase significantly soon.
Interested in
this spot?
Visit our Web site at
FAX IT 605-665-5882
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Partners In Policymaking
Application Deadline Draws Near
Partners in Policymaking is a leadership-training
program for self-advocates
and parents of children with
disabilities. It provides stateof-the-art knowledge about
DC Lynch Shows
Riverboat Days
August 16–17–18
8 Rides
for $
1 Ticket Per Ride
except Zipper (2)
Retirement Sale
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we’ve had to furnish the homes of
Vermillion and the surrounding area
over the past 50 years. Come in
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1100 W. Cherry, Vermillion• 605-624-8688 • brunickfurniture.com
Must Go!
Sofas – Recliners – Sectionals –Dining Groups –Bedrooms
Accent Items – Mattresses – Area Rugs – Flooring & More!
Huge Discounts on
all in stock flooring!
Friday 6pm-11pm, Saturday 12pm-11pm, Additional coupons available
from mall merchants
Sunday 12pm-6pm
Bring Your
Trucks &
Trailers And
Load Up
The Buys!
Styles by Erica
The Yankton Area Chamber of Commerce
Ambassadors hosted a ribbon cutting for Styles by
Erica. Styles by Erica is a traveling boutique based out
of Yankton, SD. They carry women’s sizes Small-3X,
as well as, children’s clothing, shoes, accessories and
jewelry. During the spring, summer and fall they travel
to vendor events and do “pop-up” sales in the winter.
The business is located in her home and will take
shoppers by appointment. Owner is Erica Eickhoff,
she can be contacted at 951-694-2376. Check out their
website: www.stylesbyerica.commentsold.com
disability issues and builds
the competencies necessary
to become advocates who
can effectively influence
system change. The training
will change your life.
Disability Rights South
Dakota (DRSD) is currently
seeking applications from
interested people who
have disabilities or who are
parents of children with
disabilities to participate in
Partners in Policymaking.
Applications for Year 28
can be obtained by contacting Sandy Hook, Disability
Rights South Dakota, 2520 E.
Franklin St., Ste. 2; Pierre, SD
57501, or by calling 1-800658-4782. Applications are
also available on the DRSD
Website at www.drsdlaw.org
or by email to sandy.hook@
This program is designed
to provide information,
training, and skill building so
those who participate may
obtain the most appropriate
state-of-the-art services for
themselves and others. Application deadline is Sept. 25.
Partners in Policymaking has over 625 graduates
in South Dakota and over
35,000 nationwide. There is
NO COST associated to the
participant for attending the
training sessions. Mileage
and meals to and from the
training site, as well as expenses while at the training
(lodging and meals), respite
care and attendant services
(when applicable) will be
partially covered.
The training initiative
is funded in part by grants
from the SD Council on Developmental Disabilities, SD
Parent Connection, and Center for Disabilities at Sanford
School of Medicine of USD.
It is facilitated by Disability
Rights South Dakota.