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August 13, 2019 • Page 11
Bringing in a New School Year
By Governor Kristi Noem
Can you believe the summer
is almost over? The launch of the
school year is a little different for my
family this year. Booker is beginning
his senior year of high school in a
few days and will be starting football
soon (Go Chargers!). Kassidy and
Kennedy are done with college now,
so school supply shopping is a much
easier task… though I have to admit
I miss the days of picking out boxes
of crayons and spiral notebooks.
With one in high school and two
having gone all the way through
our state’s public schools, I’ve been
privileged to have a front-row ticket
to the continuum of our education
system. And from this perspective,
one thing is abundantly clear: we
do a lot of things right in our South
Dakota schools.
Earlier this year, I visited Todd
County Middle School in Mission,
South Dakota – a school that is doing a lot of things right. Their work
has been bolstered in recent years
by a state-funded Native American
Achievement Grant, a 3-year project
to jumpstart improvements in academic outcomes for Native American
students and increase student success. The project requires schools to
build cultural identities, encourage
academic perseverance, and develop
student leadership skills. Schools
that received these funds are expected to integrate Native American
culture and language throughout
their curriculum. It’s truly a remarkable program.
Because of this grant, Todd
County Middle School has implemented several changes that are
benefitting both the students and
their community. They are incorporating Lakota language and culture
into their school, addressing mental
health, and meeting students where
they are at for both behavior and
academic needs.
It is a student-centered environment. Each morning, teachers and
students start the day with wellness
activities to get kids in the mindset
for school. They make sure every
student has had something to eat.
Teachers collaborate and work
together to instruct and support
students. In addition to traditional
counseling services, they have
implemented a recovery room where
students can go to work through
anxiety or take time to sort through
a difficult situation. These rooms
are staffed with counselors and
have proven successful in curbing
violence in the school and helping
students be ready to learn in the
And the results speak for themselves. The 8th grade class I talked
with went from 78 acts of violence
in their 5th grade year to only four
incidents of violence as 8th graders.
Academic gains are emerging as well.
The students are articulate, confident, and optimistic – a reflection
of the atmosphere throughout the
Campus Academic
Requests Approved
PIERRE, S.D. – The South Dakota Board of Regents this
week approved academic program requests from public
universities to meet workforce and community development needs across the state.
The following actions, sorted by the university making the request, were approved:
Northern State University
• New undergraduate certificates in behavioral forensic sciences and quantitative analytics in science and a
I was incredibly impressed by
graduate certificate in Germans from Russia studies.
Todd County Middle School, and I
• The behavioral forensic certificate prepares people
know that successes like this are
to work in a variety of fields such as counseling, police or
mirrored all over our state. Teachlaw enforcement, social work, and psychology.
ers are working to inspire students
• Students in the science fields often look for an opand prepare them for the workforce.
I’m committed to further expanding portunity to acquire valuable quantitative skills. The
opportunities in this arena, too. In a certificate in quantitative analytics provides a formal
few months, we’ll launch our “South credential for employers to identify candidates with
those skills.
Dakota Week of Work,” which will
• A graduate certificate in Germans from Russia studexpose students to high-demand
ies complements the newly-opened South Dakota Gercareers and innovative businesses
mans from Russia Cultural Center on the NSU campus.
right here in South Dakota.
So as another summer comes to The nine credit-hour certificate will focus on practical
aspects of history, culture, and language, along with inan end, let me leave our students
(and teachers too!) with this back-to- struction in the interpretation and translation of written
school encouragement: Find things
South Dakota School of Mines & Technology
you are passionate about and act
• New minors in electrical engineering, electronics
on them. Be bold. See the good in
engineering and technology, mining engineering, and syspeople. Focus each day on leaving
tems engineering will be available to SD Mines students
this world a little better than you
seeking to expand their knowledge base in engineering
found it.
specialties outside of their major fields. Study at the
minor level also helps prepare students for graduate
South Dakota State University
• A specialization in natural resource management will
be available as part of two degrees in biological sciences
offered at SDSU, the master of science degree and the
Ph.D. degree. Students will receive advanced training in
ecology, conservation, and management, making them
more competitive for careers in state and federal agencies, non-government organizations, and private industry.
University of South Dakota
all customers can save $5 on a $15
• Permission to deliver USD’s sociology offerings
purchase of school supplies, and
atCall bachelor of arts,place your ad here. and minor
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3 Ways to Save Time and Money
on Back-to-School Shopping
(StatePoint) New grade levels
and new routines mean it’s time to
purchase back-to-school essentials
that will help make this year a success. Though this time of year can
be stressful for parents, a few tips
below will go a long way to helping
you navigate a new school year.
Save More on School Supplies
School supplies are often the top
priority for parents and students
when shopping for back-to-school
season. Start by referencing your
students’ school supply list given by
the school and determining if you
have leftover items from the previous school year that can be reused.
Check to see if your state offers a
tax-free weekend incentive to save
even more. From pencils and paper
to binders, markers, calculators
and planners, you can enjoy hundreds of deals on the products most
purchased during back-to-school
Meal Prep Made Simple
The new school year is often
more chaotic than laid-back summer days, especially when it comes
to preparing meals for your family.
De-stress meal planning by taking
one day a week to search ideas for
breakfast, lunch and dinner with resources like DG Easy Meals, available
at dollargeneral.com/easy-meals.
Shop ahead for easy snacks for your
family to eat between activities, like
nuts, pretzels and trail mix. Making
the switch to private brand items,
like the Clover Valley brand at Dollar
General can help you save on snacks
and treats you already love. With the
right amount of preparation, you can
easily knock meal and snack planning off your list in no time!
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