March 20, 2018 • Page 4
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State Treasurer To Attend Providing Obamacare Relief
Sioux Empire Home Show
For South Dakotans
State Treasurer Rich Sattgast encourages attendees at this year’s Sioux Empire
Home Show in Sioux Falls February 23-25,
2018 to visit his staff for possible lost
money that may be owed to them. The
State Treasurer will have a booth where
the public can search the Unclaimed
Property database. The database contains records of millions of dollars held
by the State Treasurer and waiting to be
reclaimed by their rightful owners.
Unclaimed property refers to accounts
in financial institutions and companies
that have had no activity or contact with
the owner for a year or longer and can
include savings or checking accounts,
uncashed payroll checks, refunds, security deposits, stocks and life insurance
policies. The state holds the money in a
custodial capacity until the money can be
returned to the rightful owners.
Currently, the Unclaimed Property
Division is holding over $432 million in
unclaimed funds. The State Treasurer has
returned over $16 million to the rightful
owners since the beginning of the current
fiscal year in July.
"The goal is to put money back into
the hands of South Dakotans,” Treasurer
Rich Sattgast said. “That money ultimately
makes its way into our economy which is
good for our state.”
Specialists in the Unclaimed Property
Division of the Treasurer’s Office will be
available during the Sioux Empire Home
Show. Residents who are unable to attend
the event can search the database online
at http://www.sdtreasurer.gov/
By Sen. Mike Rounds
Already, nine states have applied for work
Obamacare premiums rose 20 percent
requirement waivers to implement these
for South Dakotans this year, and I continue new flexibilities and two waivers have been
to hear stories of fewer health care options
approved, including South Dakota’s.
and out-of-control health care costs as a
President Lyndon B. Johnson created
result of the ill-advised Affordable Care Act.
Medicaid in 1965 as part of his War on
While repealing Obamacare and replacing
Poverty. The intent of the program was
it with a consumer-driven, truly affordable
to provide health services for low-income
system remains a top priority for me, we
children, seniors in need, individuals with
continue to take meaningful steps to prodisabilities and pregnant mothers. It was
vide Americans relief from this law.
designed to be a pathway out of poverty.
The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act helped relieve
As Americans, we take care of the most
Americans from Obamacare, by including
vulnerable in our society—the very young,
provisions to delay the Medical Device Tax
the very old and those who cannot take
and the Cadillac Tax for two years and by
care of themselves. The Affordable Care
delaying the excise tax on health insurance
Act opened up Medicaid to include healthy,
plans for one year. Importantly, this legislaable-bodied, working-age men and women,
tion also repealed Obamacare’s individual
which has added to the high cost of the
mandate, so that nobody will be forced
program. In 2015, an estimated 70 million
to pay a tax penalty if they don’t want to
people were enrolled in Medicaid. That is 21
purchase health care coverage that they
percent of our entire population!
don’t want or need. The individual mandate
Medicaid and other mandatory spending
was an unpopular tax in an unpopular law
programs like Medicare and Social Security
that disproportionately hurt low-income
are on an unsustainable path. In the longfamilies. We’re glad to see it go away. We
term, Congress needs to reform the federal
were also able to successfully repeal Obabudget process so that it can exercise
macare’s Independent Payment Advisory
greater control over the sustainability of
hear firsthand about the tremendous
Board, which is a special panel of unelected mandatory spending. In the short-term, givvalue of career and technical education in bureaucrats tasked with finding savings in
ing states the flexibility to manage Medicaid
our state.”
Medicare by rationing health services for
in new, innovative ways will help make
Five CTSOs are active in South Daseniors.
Medicaid more manageable.
kota: DECA, an association of marketing
The Trump administration has also
These are important steps toward our
students; Future Business Leaders of
taken steps to give states more flexibility in
goal of eliminating the unpopular aspects of
America; Family, Career and Community
administering federal mandatory spendObamacare, but the fact remains that premiLeaders of America; FFA; and SkillsUSA,
ing programs. Most recently, the Centers
ums are still too high, insurance companies
an association of trade, technology and
for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS)
are leaving the marketplace and millions
health occupation students.
announced it will give states more flexibility of Americans have been forced off plans
By participating in CTSOs, students can regarding work requirements for certain
they liked. I will continue to work with my
apply knowledge and skills learned in the Medicaid beneficiaries. This will allow
colleagues to relieve hardworking families
classroom through competitive events;
governors and state government leaders
from Obamacare’s perils as we seek to make
develop leadership and employability
to shape state Medicaid policies that work
health care truly affordable and accessible
skills; and serve their communities.
best for their state rather than following
for all Americans.
Career and technical education seeks
rules issued by Washington bureaucrats.
to equip students with core academic
skills and the ability to apply those skills
for careers and life. CTE emphasizes
employability skills like critical thinking,
responsibility and technical skills related
By Gov. Dennis Daugaard
We’ve recently seen some hopeful results
to specific career pathways.
As a state, we grapple with many issues.
from our treatment programs. In the last
Some are very complex, with no easy fix or
year, more than 2,000 offenders have resingle solution. These may require susceived treatment for substance abuse under
tained effort over long periods, through difthe Public Safety Improvement Act. In 2017
ferent administrations and legislatures and
over 69 percent of individuals entering
generations of South Dakotans. Drug abuse
treatment for substance abuse completed
is one such issue.
successfully, 25 percent higher than the naWe continue to wrestle with methamtional average. Ninety-eight percent of those
phetamine use in our state. On the preventhat completed treatment in 2017 reported
tion front, the Department of Social Services an ability to control alcohol, 94 percent
has funded more than 245 presentations,
reported the ability to control drug use, and
to thousands in communities and schools,
over 85 percent reported employment at
urging against methamphetamine use. The
are still finding a way to get back to the
We’re seeing a promising trend in smokfamily farm. I recently heard a story about Attorney General’s office has also undering as well. The smoking rate among young
a young man named Greg who found a way taken a preventive education campaign.
adults in South Dakota went from 34 percent
to come back home to Hutchinson County This month Prevention Resource Centers
will complete a meth prevention toolkit for
in 2011 to 13 percent in 2017. High school
and work with his dad on the farm. Greg
smoking rates went from 23 percent to 10
knew he would need to supplement his
For the most part, we are seeing less
percent in that same period, putting us beincome, so he built a hog finishing facility.
meth manufactured in home-grown laboralow the national average for the first time.
The facility provides a guaranteed revWe can celebrate that we are turning the
enue stream and the manure has benefited tories. It is more often manufactured on a
larger scale and trafficked into the Midwest. tide on smoking and seeing success among
the soil health and fertility of their land
those who seek drug treatment. These facts
– which means increased yields and profit The drug interdiction task force, made up
of Division of Criminal Investigation agents
make me hopeful that South Dakota can
for the farm. Greg says he doesn’t always
and Highway Patrol officers, has been hard
meet the addiction challenges ahead.
accept things as they are . He challenges
at work over the last year to stop meth from
We cannot mandate away addiction;
the norm, but also knows his costs and
coming into our state and we need to conno legislative fix will completely solve the
where the biggest risks are.
tinue to do more to choke off these distribu- meth problem. Some answers simply extend
We can be encouraged by Greg’s story
beyond government’s capabilities. But we
and the stories of others like him. They’re tion channels.
For those who are severely addicted, the must do all we can, and we need all hands
a testament of the adaptiveness and
Department of Social Services is working to
on deck. Private organizations, law enforcedetermination of South Dakota’s farmers
expand and increase access to treatment,
ment, communities and individuals all have
and ranchers, and a sign of the industry’s
ensuring treatment is evidence-based and
a role to play. Progress may be incremental
promising future.
but it will come so long as South Dakotans
Agriculture is our largest industry and that providers are equipped and trained to
provide intensive treatment models.
are persistent.
it’s been that way since statehood. It’s
an industry peopled with generations of
resilient individuals who gave their all
working the land – combining until dark,
checking for calves at two in the morning,
Offer Expires
getting up before dawn to milk the cows
April 15th
or feed the hogs, and moving livestock
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in subzero temperatures. Through hard
2018 TAHOE
work and determination, agriculture grew
to what it is today. And that’s how we’ll
make it through the next year and the
years to come.
Students Visit Pierre For
CTSO Legislative Shadow Day
PIERRE, S.D. – February is National Career and Technical Education Month. As
part of the celebration, 30 student leaders
came to Pierre Feb. 6-7, for the South
Dakota Career and Technical Student Organizations’ Legislative Shadow Day.
Activities began with an evening social
Feb. 6 for students, legislators, cabinet
members and state agency staff. Throughout the day on Feb. 7, students shadowed
legislators at committee meetings and
then observed House and Senate floor
“CTSO Legislative Shadow Day is a
great learning opportunity for everyone
involved,” said Laura Scheibe, director
of career and technical education for the
South Dakota Department of Education.
“Our state’s student leaders learn valuable
civics lessons by observing the legislative
process. And by interacting with these
ambitious students, our state legislators
The Complex Issue Of Addiction
The Perseverance Of
Our Largest Industry
By Gov. Dennis Daugaard
Last year was another tough year for
agriculture. After seeing a lack of moisture
in the spring, we declared a statewide
emergency in June. The drought persisted
throughout the summer, and even today,
as I write this, over 90 percent of the
ground in the state is abnormally dry with
almost 60 percent of the state in moderate
to severe drought.
The drought conditions have exacerbated the impact farmers and ranchers
were already feeling from low prices over
the last few years, making 2017 a near low
in terms of farm income. Our economists
anticipate some marginal improvement
this year if normal production levels return, but this will depend on the weather
and federal trade policy.
Even though we don’t know what this
year will bring, there is still reason to be
During the good times our farmers and
ranchers invested in themselves. Farmers
adopted new technologies and upgraded
their equipment, added grain storage, and
other new facilities while our ranchers
also invested in new equipment, fencing
and corrals, along with better genetics.
Those investments have positioned them
to seize opportunities when times are
good again.
Even in times like these, young people
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