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April 11, 2017 • Page 11
6 Easy Spring Cleaning Projects
Warmer days are here
and what better way to
spend them than cleaning? Although enjoying
the great outdoors is
probably high on many a
to-do list come spring, by
the end of winter, homes
can probably do with a
much-needed overhaul.
Owners and renters can
rely on temperate days to
throw open the windows
and engage in some easy
spring-cleaning projects.
The earlier one begins
spring cleaning, the more
quickly he or she will be
able to head outside and
bask in the warm spring
Spring cleaning tasks
can be stretched out
across several days to
make the jobs more
manageable. While certain
spring cleaning tasks can
be time-consuming, many
projects can be started
and completed in 30 minutes or less.
1. Look up
Start by looking up
at ceilings, molding and
ceiling fans. Chances are
strong that some cobwebs
and dust have formed in
these areas. Always begin
cleaning by working from
the top downward so you
don’t have to clean any tables countertops or floors
twice. Static-charged
dusting cloths work well
to catch and contain
dust. Use a pillowcase on
ceiling fan blades to clear
the dust and keep it from
cascading to the floor.
2. Blinds and curtains
Heavy window treatments can be removed
and replaced with more
gauzy fabrics. This lets
in more light and warmth
from the sun. Many curtains can be freshened up
right in the laundry, but
blinds may require a bit
more effort. If the blinds
can be snapped out of the
brackets, place them in
a tub full of vinegar, dish
soap and water. Allow
them to soak and then
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bles can help to break up
dirt that clings to crevices,
such as grout between
tiles. Some light scrubbing and then subsequent
rinsing can rid surfaces of
hard-to-remove dirt.
5. Vacuum vent intakes
Many houses are heated by forced-air systems.
The air intake vents can
become clogged with dust
and other debris. Vacuum
these vents so that air
flow is not impeded. Let
the heat run for a few
minutes to catch any small
particles that become dislodged, and then change
the furnace filter.
6. Clean out the refrigerator
Now is a great time
to remove any of those
mystery containers growing fuzzy experiments in
the back of the refrigerator. Take the food out of
the refrigerator and use a
food-safe cleaner to scour
the shelves and inside of
crisper drawers.
Spring cleaning is a necessary task, but it doesn’t
have to be a headache.
Break up the work into
manageable chunks of
time, and projects won’t
feel like such a hassle.
rinse with the shower nozzle. Stationary blinds can
be cleaned with using an
old sock over your hand
dipped in a vinegar-andwater solution.
3. Change linens
Remove and launder
bed linens. While the linens are in the wash, thoroughly dust all furniture
and vacuum the carpets.
Move furniture so you can
reach areas where dust
gathers, such as under the
bed or dresser.
4. Grout cleaner
Grade school science
lessons can be put to use
as you look to remove
stubborn dirt. Combining
baking soda and vinegar
produces a reaction that
causes the formation of
gassy bubbles. These bub-
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Did you know?
Through the years, cars have evolved so
much that certain parts once integral to their
operation have now become obsolete. Only
time will tell which components and features of
today’s cars will disappear in the future. However, present drivers can reminisce about how
cars have evolved even in the last 20 to 30 years.
The following are some once-standard parts
and features that have all but disappeared from
modern vehicles.
• Ashtrays and cigarette lighters: Smoking-related accessories began to vanish as the dangers
of smoking became more apparent. Ashtrays in
the dashboard and in the rear armrests are no
longer standard.
• Full-sized spare tire: The ‘doughnuts’ of today can be driven on for only limited distances
and look awkward on larger vehicles. The fullsized spare enabled drivers to repair the flat tire
on their own schedules.
• Control knobs: Push buttons and digital
dashes have replaced the manual knobs of the
past. Levers often enabled drivers to adjust the
heat without taking their eyes off the road.
• Bench seats: Front bench seats have given
way to two seats separated by a center console.
No longer is it possible to fit three or four people
in the front of a vehicle.
• Whip antenna: Remember those thin, flexible antennas? Many modern vehicles feature
more solid antennas that can be unscrewed for
trips through the carwash or an antenna that is
modeled into the car in an inconspicuous way. If
drivers exhibit a preference for satellite radio in
the years ahead, traditional antennas may soon
become obsolete as well.
nMetro Creative Connections
Addressing Spring
Ant Problems
The return of warm
weather in the spring
often marks the return
of animals and insects as
well. The spring season is
a popular time for insects
to mate and build nests.
This also may be a time
when homeowners see
ant ‘swarms’ in or around
their homes.
Ants and termites are
social creatures, and when
their colonies become
too large, flying ants will
spread out in search of
new territories and to
establish new queens.
This mobility may also be
coupled with an increasing
number of ants marching
on the ground and scaling
Although many species of ants are harmless,
homeowners do not want
to see ants inside their
homes, especially in large
numbers. The following strategies can help
homeowners address ant
infestations this spring.
• Identify the type of
ant around your property.
Consult with online guides
or books to identify the
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species of ant on your
property. Knowing which
species of ant is in or
around your home can
help you address the
problem more effectively.
• Create a food trap.
Ants are attracted to various food sources, such as
fats, sweets and proteins.
Mixing a very small
amount of a food with boric acid can help control
ant populations. Ants will
bring tainted food back to
their colonies and perish.
• Keep a clean house.
Use vinegar, soap and
water to clean areas where
ants are seen. Many leave
a scent trail of pheromones to tell others where
to go for a food source.
• Treat carpenter ants
at the source. Carpenter
ants will not bring back
food to the nest. Instead,
sprinkle diatomaceous
earth, or DE, around
outdoor nests to eradicate
• Work with an exterminator. If home remedies do
not work, consult with a
trained exterminator.
nMetro Creative Connections