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April 11, 2017 • Page 13
How to Plant a Tree
For Successful Growth
More sunlight and warm temperatures frequently inspire homeowners to spend more time in the great outdoors during spring and
Outdoor projects often top homeowners’ to-do lists in spring and
summer, with gardens and landscapes taking center stage. Planting
more trees around the yard is one popular project that can improve
property value and benefit the environment.
Why plant trees?
There are plenty of reasons to plant trees. Trees provide a
natural form of shade, reducing air temperature by blocking the
sun’s rays. This can reduce reliance on air conditioning systems
and make it more comfortable to spend time outdoors during the
North Carolina State University College of Agriculture & Life
Sciences says trees absorb and block noise and reduce glare. They
also can trap dust, pollen and smoke. Trees also absorb carbon dioxide and potentially harmful gasses from the air. One large tree can
supply a day’s worth of oxygen for as many as four people, while
also storing 13 pounds of carbon per year.
Getting started
Visit a garden center or nursery and select a tree that will be
hardy in your planting zone. Choosing native trees can increases
the likelihood that the new tree will adapt to its surroundings. Also,
inspect trees to determine if they’re healthy before taking them
home. Look for evidence of root girdling, which occurs when the
roots circle around the perimeter of the container and surround the
trunk. Trees should not have any dead or dormant branches.
The DIY Network suggests locating the tree where it can thrive.
This means selecting a spot that can make it easier for the tree to
grow tall and wide. Avoid planting near the house, where roots can
crack concrete or asphalt, and always plant away from underground
Planting the tree
Now it is time to amend the soil. It’s not enough to enrich only
the soil in the hole where the tree will be placed. Move out into a
Simple Maintenance
Projects to Keep Cars
Running Smoothly
One of the ways to keep vehicles running strong for
years on end is to adhere to the manufacturer’s recommended maintenance schedule. Although there are
many factors drivers cannot control, including recalls,
weather and road conditions, proper maintenance
is something drivers can control, and maintaining a
Learn the right way to plant a tree to improve the landscape vehicle can be very simple.
Oil changes
and the environment.
Motor oil lubricates the engine and keeps it in good
working order. Old oil becomes more viscous and can
circular area beyond where the roots will start so that roots can
expand and properly anchor the tree. The next method of success is lose its efficacy. While changing motor oil is importo ensure that the tree has a large enough hole to contain the exist- tant, motorists should follow the owner’s manual or
ing root ball and allow for roots to grow and expand. Better Homes
the factory maintenance schedule regarding how often
and Gardens experts say to prepare a hole that is two to three times it needs to be changed, as all vehicles are not alike.
as wide as the root ball of the tree. Treat the root ball gently. If the
The old myth that cars and trucks need oil changes at
roots are wrapped in burlap, remove the burlap or push it to the
set intervals has changed as digital check capabilities
bottom of the hole. Backfill the
have evolved.
hole with soil and check that
Car computers can now keep track of more than
the tree is straight. Stake the
just mileage. Computers now track starts and stops
tree to help it stay upright and
and trip durations to determine when cars need oil
straight until the roots anchor
it more effectively. A layer of
Coolant levels
mulch around the base of the
Coolant helps prevent vehicles from overheating
tree can prevent weeds and
reduce water loss. Water daily
and also prevents the water that it mixes with in the
for several weeks until the roots radiator from freezing or boiling. Coolant is nearly as
have fanned out.
important as motor oil in vehicle maintenance. CoolIt’s best to leave trees be for ant is typically comprised of a 50/50 mix of distilled
the first growing season, only
water and antifreeze. These two substances work
removing broken or diseased
together to maintain a proper ratio of heat energy and
limbs. Resist pruning and shapprevent eventual breakdown and destruction of the
ing until the tree has survived
its first growing season.
Coolant is usually changed once per year or at
nMetro Creative Connections 30,000 miles. This keeps the coolant working properly
and will help prevent corrosion and deposits from
forming inside the cooling system. Coolant levels
might be checked during a full-service oil change appointment.
Fireplaces and wood burning
Check battery contacts
stoves were responsible for
Many modern car batteries do not require a lot of
some 23,600 residential fires.
maintenance. However, one problem that may occur
is a buildup of minerals or corrosion from leaking
P.R. Olson
battery fluid on the contacts. In such instances, use a
Chimney Sweeps
Dryer Exhaust Technicians
battery cleaning brush to clean the contacts and then
replace the cables.
Call for an appointment today!
Tire maintenance
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Properly inflated, balanced and rotated tires
make for a smooth, safe
ride. Check that tires are
wearing evenly and that
the vehicle is not pullone side. A lack
Vermillion SD• 605-624-8688 ing to on tires requires of
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they be replaced. Because tires can be expenSat 9:00 - 3:00
sive, many drivers put off
routine tire maintenance.
But this can be a costly
mistake. Tires that are
worn or not properly
inflated can cause skidding, problems braking
and accidents. Blowouts
also may occur, putting
drivers, their passengers
and fellow motorists in
danger. It’s best to be
proactive with regard to
tire maintenance.
Maintaining a vehicle
in adherence to manufacturer guidelines can
prolong the life of the car,
improve its safety and
increase its trade-in or
resale value.
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