August 23, 2016 • Page 2
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Dave Says
Rental Runaround
“Sanctimonious siphons, it’s hot!” said Dud, sitting at the
philosophy counter and turning over his coffee cup for action
with a single smooth move. Dud is a regular at the Mule Barn
Dear Dave,
truck stop’s legendary world dilemma think tank.
My husband and I had to rent a car
“Epithet time again, Dudley?” said Doc.
on a recent trip to Florida. When we tried
“Epithets and heat time, Doc. When that heat comes
to pay with our debit card, the attendant
along, the only thing that can really change an attitude is a
told us he would have to pull our credit
report if we used debit instead of credit.
properly tuned epithet. It’s man’s emotional release valve, but
He said all rental car companies operof course you know that, being a doctor and all.”
ate that way, because there was concern
Dud doctored his coffee and took a sip.
about people stealing the cars and closing
their checking accounts. Is this true?
“Oh …” said Doc, “right … of course. We took Epithets 1A
We’re trying to take control of our money
and 1B in medical school, naturally. ‘Emotional release valves
using your plan, and we don’t want to get
a credit card if we don’t have to.
and their perfection’ they were called. I got an A in Epithetol—Michelle
ogy for the Masses in my third year, too.”
“You’re just putting me on.”
Dear Michelle,
No, it’s not true that all rental car
“Let’s look for a moment,” chimed in Bert, “at why epicompanies operate that way. I have a
Dear Dave,
thets are so good for the soul.”
debit card I use to rent cars everywhere
Considering all the market volatility,
I go, and I’ve never experienced anything
“He’s going to wave his arms again,” whispered Doc to
why do banks offer adjustable rate mortlike that.
Dave Ramsey is America’s trusted
gages? How did they come into being?
There still may be a few of the smaller
voice on money and business, and CEO
“I’m afraid so…”
rental car companies that don’t take debit
of Ramsey Solutions. He has authored
“Yes,” said Bert, “epithets, particularly those where no
cards, but him telling you credit cards are
seven best-selling books. The Dave
swearing is involved, are like a frustrated man’s crossword
Dear Anonymous,
the only way anyone rents a car without a
Ramsey Show is heard by more than 11
I was in the real estate business in
big credit check hassle is a bunch of crap.
million listeners each week on more than puzzle. They bring out enough cleverness and creativity in a
1978, and that was the year fixed rate
When you’re setting up your reserman to pour salve on whatever it is that’s bugging the bejee550 radio stations and digital outlets.
mortgages went to 10 percent for the
vation in the future, verify in advance
Follow Dave on Twitter at @DaveRamsey sus out of him.”
first time in history. It created all kinds of
that you’re dealing with a company that
“I know I feel better with salve poured on my bejeesus,”
and on the web at daveramsey.com.
chaos, but that wasn’t the worst of it all.
said Doc, nodding.
“First thing I do in the morning, after coffee,” said Dud.
“Well, here comes Steve,” Doc said, as all eyes turned to
the cowboy who looked wise, in the way a caffeine-starved
owl looks wise. “He’ll pour some salve and sense on this
reading skills.”
entire situation.
“Mornin’ Steve,” said Dud. “What’s going on?”
Back at Home
Before You Head to
“Bilious blasphemers, it’s hot today!” said Steve.
the Store
The groaning continued, off and on, through the toast
When you return home,
Create a shopping list
involve children in putting
groceries away -- especially
together, so kids feel like
they are part of the decision
foods that require refrigeration or freezing. Refrigerate
making process.
perishable food items
“Include food items from
promptly and properly.
each of the ‘MyPlate’ food
“Explain to your kids the
groups from the USDA,
(StatePoint) Nutrition
hood obesity can usually be
which include fruits, vegimportance of refrigeratprevented.
is important for everyone,
ing perishable foods within
etables, grains, protein and
but especially for children,
“August, which is Kids
two hours,” King says. “And
dairy,” says King.
BROOKINGS, S.D. - Jack Davis recently received the 2016
Eat Right Month, is an ideal
as it is directly linked to all
remember, the clock starts
Before you head out the
Distinguished Service Award from the National Association
aspects of their growth and
time for families to focus on
when you pull an item from
door, grab your reusable
of County Agriculture Agents during their Annual Meeting
the importance of healthful
the refrigerated case at the
shopping bag to reduce
and Professional Improvement Conference held in Little
Childhood obesity affects eating and active lifestyles,”
store, so head straight home
waste. Wash your bag reguRock, Ark.
one in six children and adosays Kristi King, registered
larly to prevent the spread of after your shopping trip if
This award is given to Agents with more than 10 years of
lescents in the United States. dietitian nutritionist and
you have perishables in the
harmful bacteria.
service in Cooperative Extension and have exhibited excelThough associated with
Academy of Nutrition and
lence in the field of Extension Education. This award is only
elevated risks of high choles- Dietetics spokesperson.
To learn more about Kids
At the Store
presented to 2 percent of the County Extension Educators
“Parents can inspire kids to
terol, high blood pressure,
Eat Right Month and for
in South Dakota each year.
eat healthfully by getting
bone and joint problems,
Once you get to the store, healthful eating tips, recipes,
Davis serves as the SDSU Extension Crops Business
and sleep apnea, among
them involved in shopping
videos and more, visit Kidshop together and encourManagement Field Specialist. He is the Academic Vice
other health problems, child- and preparing your family’s
age children to pick a few
President for American Society of Farm Managers and Rural
As role models, parents
new foods they would like
and caregivers play a vital
to try.
His areas of emphasis include strategic and financial
“Talk about foods’ colors, role in children’s nutrition
analysis for farm and ranch businesses. His programs and
Men’s & Women’s Sandal
-- teaching children about
shapes, flavors and textures
publications focus on farms financial trends, crop produchealthful foods and makale as you shop,” says King.
tion costs and budgets, land values and cash rent trends,
ing sure kids get enough
“And take time to read the
and guiding clients in making decisions that improve the
physical activity each
food labels. This not only
profitability and sustainability of their operation.
day. “Consult a registered
helps kids understand nutriDavis has recently served as the leader of Farm Bill
312 W. 3rd Yankton • 665-9092
tion concepts, but also gives dietitian nutritionist in your
Education in South Dakota, SDSU Extension’s Ag Lender’s
area to ensure your family is
them a chance to practice
Conference, and S.D. Farm Economic Summit. ?iGrow
getting all of the necessary
nutrients,” says King.
accepts debit cards
and that there are
no ridiculous strings
attached. Then, if you
don’t like the terms
and conditions, go
to another rental
But don’t take a
chance on wrecking
your total money
makeover by running
out to get a credit
card for something
silly. It’s just not
worth the risk!
By 1981, rates were as high as 17 percent.
Banks were paying 10 to 12 percent on
savings accounts, but they were making
just five percent back from their products.
Essentially, banks began looking for a way
to prevent themselves from losing money
in the future. Out of that, the adjustable
rate mortgage was born.
With the adjustable rate mortgage (or
ARM), banks offer a lower interest rate
in the beginning to grab your attention.
Then, when rates adjust, they adjust up.
It transfers risk to the consumer, and
puts the homebuyer in a position where
they’re at the mercy of the markets when
it comes to the amount of their mortgage
Adjustable rate mortgages are a bad,
bad deal. If you currently have one I’d
encourage you to refinance now!
Draper Winter Wheat Meeting August 25th
Davis Receives
Distinguished Service
Boston Shoes to Boots
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