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shop online at www.missourivalleyshopper.com 1020 Food - Beverage 1455 GUNDY'S FARMERS MKT. 714 MULBERRY ST YANKTON Hours: Wednesdays 10am-6pm Saturdays 9am-4pm BEEF CUT SALE call Jon 605-660-5922 Like us on Facebook 1101 Announcements Events PLEASE NOTE This publication does not knowingly accept fraudulent or deceptive advertising. Readers are cautioned to thoroughly investigate all ads, especially those asking for money in advance or ads that sound too good to be true. 1200 Cars March 24, 2020 • Page 3 Computer - Internet 1600 BAYLOR COMPUTER SERVICES Windows 7 upgrades. House calls, fast service, reduced rates. Call Clay 760-9716 or 661-0494 1475 Other Services Health Advocate: Eldercare, Personable, encouraging assistance, can include art/therapy. Homecare: Housecleaning, weekly/occassional/flexible. 605-661-0562. 1485 Home Improvement Handyman Long time projects still not done? Can do most things also looking for a few mowing, fencing, painting and deck projects for summer. Call 605-857-5058. Buying All types of scrap iron, wanted cars, trucks, farm machinery. Gubbels Salvage 402-640-6335. Buying junk cars, pickups, vans, running or not. Free pickup. McLean Auto Salvage 402-360-0756 DONATE YOUR CAR TO CHARITY. Receive maximum value of write off for your taxes. Running or not! All conditions accepted. Free pickup. Call for details. 855-752-6680 (MCN) DONATE YOUR CAR, TRUCK OR BOAT TO HERITAGE FOR THE BLIND. Free 3 Day Vacation, Tax Deductible, Free Towing, All Paperwork Taken Care Of. CALL 1-855-977-7030 (MCN) CASH FOR CARS: We Buy Any Condition Vehicle, 2002 and Newer. Competitive Offer! Nationwide FREE Pick Up! Call Now For a Free Quote! 888366-5659(MCN) 1210 Trucks 1986 IH straight truck, single axle with tag, 18ft brehmer silage box and hoist. Call 402357-3750. Agriculture Sucker Rod & Pipe. All sizes for fencing and manufacturing. Menno, SD 605-387-5660 605661-5050. 1435 Carpentry A Full-time Carpenter Available. No job too small! Free estimates. Lots of experience. Call Bob Edwards at 605-665-8651. For All of Your Carpentry Needs: Custom Built Windows, Siding, Garages, Additions, Patios and More. Call Andersh Carpentry at 605-661-1190. INOP Lawn - Landscaping Hartington Tree LLC TreeTrimming/Removal/Transplanting. Yankton 605-260-1490 Hartington 402-254-6710 Kent & Kyle Hochstein Licensed Arborists www.hartingtontree.com 1505 Painting Ace Painting–Tony Souhrada owner, the most experienced painter in the area. Established in 1981, interior/exterior, staining/varnishing, spray texturing, drywall repair. 605-661-0179 or (605)463-2436 . Yankton Painting Interior/Exterior Commercial/Residential Farm/Ranch Call today for a free estimate. 605-760-2206 1530 1410 EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY All real estate advertised in this newspaper is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, in the sale, rental or financing of housing or an intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination. Familial status includes children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal guardians, pregnant women and people securing custody of children under the age of 18. In addition, South Dakota State Law also prohibits discrimination based on ancestry and creed. This paper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All person are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on a equal opportunity basis. If you believe you have been discriminated against in connection with the sale, rental or financing of housing, call the South Dakota Fair Housing ombudsman at 877-832-0161. 1605 1490 Roofing - Siding * H & H ROOFING * (605) 857-1472 We Install/Repair Roofs of all kinds FREE Inspections/Estimates Licensed/Bonded/Insured Locally Owned & Operated In Yankton Justus & Team have 10+ Years Experience References Available 1565 Other Pets ADOPTIVE HOMES NEEDED for several kittens, dogs & puppies. See Heartland Humane Society at www.heartlandhumanesociety.net or call (605)664-4244. 2004 Chevy Suburban LT 4x4, Full Power, Leather Interior, Good Body, Great Buy $1,50000 Other Real Estate 1605 Apartment For Rent 1650 Houses For Sale 1815 1-bedroom, Canyon Ridge, 1700 Locust, for elderly or persons with disabilities. Rent based on income and includes utilities. Equal Housing Opportunity. 605-664-8886 or Skogen Company 605-263-3941. ARE YOU BEHIND $10k OR MORE ON YOUR TAXES? Stop wage & bank levies, liens & audits, unfiled tax returns, payroll issues, & resolve tax debt FAST. Call 855-211-8684 (MCN) For Rent: Several 1-bedroom units at Hillcrest East. Call 605-661-2192. Buying and selling any gold and silver items, collector coins, diamonds, gold jewelry, silver dollars, rare currency. No collection too big. Kuehls Coins, Fairmont, Minnesota, 507-235-3886, 507-399-9982, open 10 a.m. -6 p.m. (MCN) One Bedroom apartment available with off-street parking, coin opt facilities. No pets/smoking, deposit & references required. Call 605-6649014 or after 5pm 605-6610987. 1615 906 Hillcrest Grand Ave., For Sale by Owner in Yankton. 605-661-1092 or 605-660-3662 1705 Items $100 or Less Houses For Rent Houses and Duplexs For Rent in Vermillion. 2 Bd, 3 Bd, 4 Bd, and 5 Bd Available 6/1/2020. 1 - 3 bedroom available immediately. Call (605) 370-3447 or (605) 940-7033. Laine sofa, off-white color, very nice. $100. Call 605-2603270. Plum colored leather loveseat & couch $75. Call 605-6613313. 1780 STEEL CULVERTS FOR SALE: New, All sizes. 605-6615050 or 605-387-5660. Ulmer Farm Service, Menno, SD. 1650 www.missourivalleyshopper.com Want to Buy LAND WANTED Looking For 5-10 Acres. Retired Couple Looking to Build Home. Would Be A Cash Purchase. Call (715) 966-2408. If No Answer, Please Leave Message. Houses For Sale 1 & 2 Bedroom Orchard 1800 Sports Equipment Square, 418 W. 15th, Yankton. Rent based on income and inDecember 2nd & 3rd, 9th & 10th, 16th & Wethhave a large selection of 17 • 1-3:00PM cludes utilities. Equal Housing 30193 Old Stonehouse Rd. cross bows, rifles, shot guns, Opportunity. Skogen CompanyYour Cameras! Bring Avon • $289,900 hand guns and ammo for all. 605-665-1322 or 605-263Beautiful home on 35 acres, We carry Pneu-Dart cattle 3941. treating guns and darts. Sport several outbuildings. Shed, Ord, 308-728-5252. Bill Conkling 605-660-0618. 1 BD Apts., Meadow Park and Memory Lane. Ground level for elderly or persons with disabilities. No Smoking, close to The Center. Rent based on income. Equal Housing Opportunity. 605-760-7247 or Skogen Company 605-263-3941. High-Speed Internet. We instantly compare speed, pricing, availability to find the best service for your needs. Starting at $39.99/month! Quickly compare offers from top providers. Call 1-855-399-9295 (MCN) Recliner/Rocker, blue/grey color. Bought from Hatch Furniture, 3 years old $100. Call 605-760-0269. Apartment For Rent * A deluxe 2-bedroom apartments, water/garbage. Up and downstairs available. Beautiful Area. 605-661-3999. Miscellaneous Unable to work? Denied benefits? We Can Help! Strong recent work history needed. Call to start your application or appeal today! 1-866-276-3845 -Steppacher Law Offices LLC Principal Office: 224 Adams Ave Scranton PA 18503. (MCN) Always LOW Liquor Prices! •Busch & Busch Light 30 pks ........... $15.79 •Old Milwaukee & Light 30 pks ........$14.99 •Miller High Life & Light 30 pks ........$14.99 •Bud & Bud Light 24 pks ........................$17.99 109 W. 3rd St. • 605-665-7865 * Yankton Meridian District * www.yanktonrexall.com 2-Bedroom Orchard Square, 418 W. 15th. Rent $545, includes heat and electricity. Security Deposit and 6-month lease. Reference, credit and criminal background checks on all applications. Skogen Company 605-665-1322 or 605263-3941. 3 BD Townhouse. River Court Apartments, Vermillion. Rent based income. Must qualify by family size and income. Equal Housing Opportunity. (605) 670-0681 or Skogen Company (605)263-3941. 3-Bedroom Townhouse. Must qualify by family size and income. Rent based on income. EHO 605-661-8901 or Skogen Company 605-2633941. 2 Bedroom, Between the 50s, 8th & Dakota, Yankton. Rent based on income. Equal Housing Opportunity. 605-661-8901 or Skogen Company 605-2633941. Two Bedroom Townhouses, Canyon Ridge, Yankton. Must qualify by family size and income. 605-664-8886 or Skogen Company 605-263-3941. We Do ALL Glass March 16th to 27th Stop in and take advantage of spring discounts on Tire Rep will be available in • Seed • Fertilizer • CPP • Fuel • Building Materials • Tires • Oil • Grease “All products and services must be paid for before the sale ends.” Lesterville March 26th from 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Lunch Is Cancelled We Remain Open and Available To Serve Our Clients During Our Spring Discount Event Discounts On Oil, Grease, Tires and Service Work Rebates will be available on most Toyo tires. • Auto • Home• Commercial Ron’s Auto Glass 1915 Broadway, Yankton 605.665.9841 152 S. Lidice • Tabor 104 Main St. • Lesterville 605-463-2565 SPRING OIL SALE 605-364-7522 SPRING OIL SALE “Your local leader in agricultural service and supply since 1958” FEBRUARY 1ST THRU APRIL 30TH 3004 E HIGHWAY 50 FEBRUARY 1ST THRU APRIL HOURS 8AM-5PM M-F CALL DARREN @ 605-857-0433 3004 E HIGHWAY 50 SPRING OIL SALE 30TH SPRING SALE SPRING OIL HOURSOIL APRIL M-F FEBRUARY THRU SPRING OIL SALE SALE 1ST 8AM-5PM30TH FEBRUARY 1ST THRU APRIL 30TH SPRING OIL605-857-0433 SALE @ 605-665-3720 • Yankton, SD FEBRUARY APRIL CALL DARREN FEBRUARY 1ST THRU1ST THRU APRIL 30TH 30TH pr ing S Is Near and Now Is The Time To Schedule Your Roof Inspection or Replacement! •NO OBLIGATION Inspection & Estimate •Insurance Preferred Contractor •Family Owned–Locally Operated “We’ve Got You Covered” 3004 HIGHWAY NOW 3004 EE HIGHWAY30TH THRU APRIL5050 3004 E 50 3004 E HIGHWAYHIGHWAY 50 HOURS 8AM-5PM M-F HOURS 8AM-5PM M-F HOURS HYDRAULIC8AM-5PM 8AM-5PM M-F HOURS MEDIUM M-FCALL DARREN @ 605-857-0433 CALL DARREN CALL @55G DARREN @ 605-857-0433 @ 605-857-0433 $6.94/GALLON CALL DARREN 605-857-0433 FREE*MINIMUM PURCHASE OF 55 GALLONS REQUIRED DELIVERY* *WITHIN 60 MILES RADIUS UTF $7.81/GALLON 55G OR 30G *CALL HYDRAULIC MEDIUM FOR BULK DELIVERY OPTIONS 15-40 $7.91/GALLON $6.94/GALLON 55G HYDRAULIC 55G OR HYDRAULIC MEDIUM MEDIUM30G HYDRAULIC MEDIUM HYDRAULIC MEDIUM HYDRAULIC MEDIUM BULK 15-40 $8.42/GALLON $6.94/GALLON$6.94/GALLON 55G 55G $6.94/GALLON 55G $6.94/GALLON 55G $6.94/GALLON 55G UTF $7.81/GALLON BULK UTF $8.41/GALLON UTF $7.81/GALLON 55G OR 30G UTF $7.81/GALLON $7.81/GALLON UTF $7.81/GALLON UTF 55G OR 30G 55G OR 30G OR 30G UTF $7.81/GALLON 55G 15 -40 $7.91/GALLON 55G OR55G OR 30G 80/90 GEAR OIL $39.99/PAIL 55G OR 30G 30G DYNALIFE 220 #2 (SUPERSTA) 15-40 $7.91/GALLON 15-40 $2.28/TUBE $7.91/GALLON 15-40 $7.91/GALLON 10-30 $39.99/ 5 GAL. PAIL 15-40 $7.91/GALLON 55G OR 30G OR 30G 15-40 $7.91/GALLON 55G BULK 30G 55G OR 5G BULK 15-40 $8.42/GALLON 15-40 $8.42/GALLON 30G 55G OR 15-40 $8.42/GALLONBULK 15-40 $8.42/GALLON POWERTRAN $12.91/GALLON 30G BULK 55G OR HYDRAULIC 68 $39.99/PAIL BULK 15-40 $8.42/GALLON BULK UTF $8.41/GALLON BULK UTF $8.41/GALLON FLT 15-40 $10.15/GALLON 55G BULK UTF $8.41/GALLON BULK UTF $8.41/GALLON BULK UTF 80/90 GEAR OILGEAR OIL $39.99/PAIL $8.41/GALLON 80/90 $39.99/PAIL DYNALIFE 220 #2 (SUPERSTA) DYNALIFE 220 #2 (SUPERSTA) 80/90 GEAR OIL $39.99/PAIL $2.28/TUBE TMS 15-40 $2.28/TUBE DYNALIFE 220 #2 (SUPERSTA)$39.99/ 5$39.99/ 5 GAL. PAIL GEAR OIL $39.99/PAIL 10-30 10-30 GAL. PAIL 80/90 GEAR OIL $39.99/PAIL 80/90 $14.34/GALLON DYNALIFE #2 #2 (SUPERSTA) $2.28/TUBE DYNALIFE 220220 (SUPERSTA) 10-30 $39.99/ 5 GAL. PAIL POWERTRAN $12.91/GALLON 5G 30 GAL POWERTRAN $12.91/GALLON 5G HYDRAULIC 68 $39.99/PAIL $2.28/TUBE HYDRAULIC 68 $39.99/PAIL $2.28/TUBE DELVAC 15-40 $13.68 GALLON 55GGAL. PAIL 10-30 $39.99/ 5 5 GAL. PAIL 10-30 $39.99/ POWERTRAN $12.91/GALLON 5G HYDRAULIC 68 $39.99/PAIL FLT 15-40 $10.15/GALLON 55G FLT 15-40 $10.15/GALLON 55G QWIKLIFT HTB POWERTRAN $12.91/GALLON 5G 424 TRANS FLUID $11.35/GALLON $13.77/GALLON POWERTRAN $12.91/GALLON 5G 5 GALLON PAIL HYDRAULIC 68 $39.99/PAIL FLT 15-40 $10.15/GALLON 55G HYDRAULIC 68 $39.99/PAIL 30 GAL TMS 15-40 $10.15/GALLON 55G FLT 15-40 15-40 TMS XTREME GREASE $3.11/TUBE $14.34/GALLON FLT 15-40 $10.15/GALLON 55G $14.34/GALLON 30 GAL 30 GAL TMS 15-40 DELVAC 15-40 $13.68 GALLON 55G $14.34/GALLON $13.68 GALLON 55G DELVAC 15-40 ROTELLA 15-40 TMS 15-40 QWIKLIFT HTB QWIKLIFT HTB 30 GAL $12.80/GALLON424 TRANS FLUID $11.35/GALLON $14.34/GALLON DELVAC 15-40 $13.68 GALLON 55G $13.77/GALLON *WITHIN 60 MILES RADIUS TMS 424 TRANS FLUID $11.35/GALLON 55G $13.77/GALLON 15-40 5 GALLON PAIL *MINIMUM PURCHASE OF 55 GALLONS REQUIRED 30 GAL 30 GAL 5 GALLON PAIL QWIKLIFT HTB 30 GAL $14.34/GALLON DELVACFOR BULK DELIVERY OPTIONS *CALL 15-40 $13.68 GALLON 55G 424 TRANS FLUID $11.35/GALLON $13.77/GALLON XTREME GREASE $3.11/TUBE 30QWIKLIFT HTB GAL XTREME GREASE GALLON PAIL 5 $3.11/TUBE 30 GAL DYNALIFE 220 #2 (SUPERSTA) $2.28/TUBE $12.91/GALLON 5G POWERTRAN FLT 15 15-40 $10.15/GALLON 55G BULK 15-40 $8.42/GALLON BULK UTF $8.41/GALLON 80/90 GEAR OIL $39.99/PAIL 10 -30 $39.99/ 5 GAL. PAIL FREE DELIVERY* DELVAC 15-40 424 TRANS FLUID 1600 Whiting Dr., Yankton, SD (605) 857-1472 $13.68 GALLON 55G $11.35/GALLON TMS 15-40 $14.34/GALLON 5 GALLON PAIL DELVAC 15-40 $13.68 GALLON 55G 30 GAL ROTELLA 15-40 $13.77/GALLON 424 TRANS FLUID $11.35/GALLON GALLON PAIL ROTELLA 15-40 $13.77/GALLON $12.80/GALLON 55G XTREME GREASE $3.11/TUBE $3.11/TUBE QWIKLIFT HTB 30 GAL FREE DELIVERY* FLUID $11.35/GALLON QWIKLIFT HTB 15-40 ROTELLA FREE 5 XTREME GREASE $12.80/GALLON 424 TRANS $13.77/GALLON DELIVERY* $12.80/GALLON 30 GAL 55G *WITHIN 60 XTREME GREASE $3.11/TUBE MILES RADIUS 5 GALLON PAIL 55G *MINIMUM PURCHASE OF 55 GALLONS REQUIRED ROTELLA 15-40 30 GAL FREE DELIVERY* *CALL FOR BULK DELIVERY OPTIONS 3004 E HIGHWAY 50 • HOURS 8AM-5PM M M-F $12.80/GALLON *WITHIN 60 MILES RADIUS XTREME GREASE $3.11/TUBE 55G Call ROTELLA 15-40 Darren @ 605-857-0433 *MINIMUM PURCHASE OF 55 GALLONS REQUIRED *CALL FOR BULK DELIVERY OPTIONS *WITHIN 60 MILES RADIUS *MINIMUM PURCHASE OF 55 GALLONS REQUIRED *CALL FOR BULK DELIVERY OPTIONS $12.80/GALLON 55G FREE DELIVERY* *WITHIN 60 MILES RADIUS
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Missouri Valley Shopper
319 Walnut
Yankton, SD 57078
Phone: (605) 665-5884, Fax: (605) 665-0288

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