March 24, 2020 • Page 2
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A Desire
To Help
Dave Says
Do We Still Owe?
Dear Dave,
Should you still pay debts that
are in collections, even if they have
been dropped from your credit
report? The one in question is from
2011, and I assume it isn’t showing on the credit report anymore
because it’s nine years old.
The Simple Thing
Is The Right Thing
Daris Howard
It was 1918, and Arden, the man Rachel had been dating, was off fighting in the Great War. Rachel worked hard
Dear Dave,
on the farm and in her grandfather’s store as a clerk, but
I recently found out my former employer never
there were times she felt like she wasn’t doing enough to
stopped contributing to my health savings account
(HSA). Apparently, this has been going on for about nine help. Then she started seeing those around her falling ill
months, and they just sent me a form to sign so they can to what had been dubbed the Spanish flu and felt she just
get the overpayment back. The amount totals a little over had to do something.
Some families lost more than half of their family mem$1,000, so should I sign the papers or is there another
Dear Sam,
bers, while some families were so ill, they couldn’t take
way to handle this?
There are two good reasons to go
care of each other. Rachel approached her parents about
back and deal with this debt. One,
her concerns.
even if it’s off your credit report, you may
“You know you could catch the flu, and it might take
Dear Ellie,
still legally owe the money. Even if the statyour life?” her father said.
You know, if I were as incompetent as your former emute of limitations has run its course, things like this have
Rachel nodded. “But if I live unscathed, and didn’t do
ployer, I’d be too embarrassed to ask for the money back.
a habit of popping up and causing problems at the worst
what I could to help, I doubt I could live with myself.”
But hey, the point is it’s not your money. Sign the forms,
possible times. About the time you decide to buy a home,
Her parents understood her feelings, and they agreed
and let them take the money out. Keep an eye on your
this is liable to raise its head again and mess things up.
to help. Rachel’s family started organizing food boxes to
HSA balance, though, and make sure they take out only
So, the fact that something doesn’t appear on a credit
go to families who were quarantined in their homes. Raamount they overpaid—not one penny more or less.
report doesn’t mean you’re not legally liable, or that they
Keep it simple, Ellie. You didn’t earn this money, and it chel and her brothers would deliver them. But Rachel felt
won’t bother you about it later.
wasn’t expected or agreed upon. It was a mistake, so just still she had to do more. There was so much suffering. One
The second thing to think about is a simple matter of
small town lost almost fifty percent of the people in it to
do the right thing. Control the scenario, and stay on top
fact—you owe the money. Regardless of what the legal
the flu.
of this situation until everything is resolved correctly.
system or credit report says, you morally owe the money.
One day a young doctor came to Rachel’s grandfather’s
I’d contact the creditor, and begins negotiations to settle
store while she was there. He was looking for a nurse asthe debt. You might be able to reach an agreement where
sistant to work for him. He had been all over the valley, to
they’d accept less than the original amount owed. Rehospitals and medical schools, but everyone was afraid to
* Dave Ramsey is America’s trusted voice on money and go into the homes of those who were ill. He felt that was
gardless, get any type of settlement offer in writing. That
business, and CEO of Ramsey Solutions. He has authored seven the only way to stop this pandemic.
way, you’re truly cleaning up your life and getting rid of
best-selling books, including The Total Money Makeover. The
any financial skeletons in your closet!
“What will you do when you go into the home?” Rachel
Dave Ramsey Show is heard by more than 12 million listeners asked.
each week on 575 radio stations and multiple digital platforms.
“Most of the homes that are quarantined are shut up
Follow Dave on Twitter at @DaveRamsey and on the web at tight,” the doctor answered. “That just locks the flu inside
with those who live there. We need to go into the homes
and open up doors and windows, let in fresh air, and clean
the bedding.”
Rachel took a deep breath for courage and volunteered. Her family was frightened for her but supported
Situations are changing
you on the steps we are
the communities that we
expect. Our revised hours
her decision. The hard work then began.
quickly across this
taking at Bomgaars to
are proud to call home.
will be:
She and the doctor would go into the homes. The first
great nation due to the
continue to protect the
We know that you look
• Monday – Saturday
thing they would do was get everyone tucked into bed
Coronavirus (COVID-19),
health and safety of our
to Bomgaars for essential
7:30am to 6:00pm
so we would like to update employees, customers and needs, for your family,
where they could be warm, then Rachel and the doctor
7:00am to 6:00pm (Spirit
pets, livestock, farms
Lake, IA only)
opened the windows and doors so fresh air and sunlight
and small businesses.
• Sunday Normal hours could enter the house. Then Rachel worked at washing
We have an unwavering
At the same time,
bedding and clothes and hanging them to dry in the sun
responsibility to provide
we will be increasing
while the doctor attended to the sick. Within a few days,
Office Furniture Option these products to fill
measures to clean and
some of the family would begin to recover and could take
the needs of not only
sanitize our stores each
1803 4th St., Sioux City, IA
over, then Rachel and the doctor would move to the next
you and your family, but
In addition, effective
Over 20,000 sq. ft. your pets and animals as
Rachel’s family would bring supplies to help, but RaMonday March 23rd, we
chel made them leave the supplies outside and keep their
of Cubicles, Desks, well. Together we will get
through this trying time
will be adding curbside
was afraid of infecting them if she was carChairs, Conference and come out stronger and and carryout service at all distance. She The months went on, and the flu started to
rying the flu.
better than ever. In order
of our Bomgaars locations.
Tables and More!
to do this, some changes
Call ahead with “what you ease up. Rachel looked forward to the time it would end,
But just as it
and we will
www.OfficeFurnitureOption.com have been implemented at need” and waiting have it and when Arden would also was inhome. the inevitable
looked like the end of the flu
happened, and both Rachel and the young doctor became
Effective Friday March
you arrive at our stores.
20th, will be adjusting our
Call your local Bomgaars
Regular Meeting
Hundreds of people owed their lives to the two of them,
store hours to ensure that
for more details.
and there was no end of those wanting to return the favor.
we can provide the same
Stay safe and we look
Mission Hill Township North
Following the doctor’s own advice, the makeshift hospital
level of customer service
forward to seeing you
As per South Dakota Codified Law 8-5-1
he and Rachel were put in had windows and doors open
that you have come to
A Regular Meeting of the Mission Hill Township (N) will
for air and sunlight. Though
be held at Vangan Lutheran Church, Mission Hill, South
their symptoms were seDakota on March 31, 2020 at 7 PM.
vere, both pulled through,
and not long afterward, the
Anyone wishing to add items to the agenda of this
flu was declared to be unmeeting may do so in writing to the Township Clerk no
der control.
later than 5:00 PM on Friday, March 27, 2020.
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long before he and RaFor to St. Lawrence, or plant & Arlington, SD
chel also married. And as
For information or to
the years passed, Rachel
schedule a farm visit,
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Casey’s General Store
The Yankton Area Chamber of Commerce
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The Clay-Union Electric Board of
Directors, in response to the
Coronavirus Pandemic, has chosen
to postpone the 84th Annual Meeting scheduled for March 31, 2020.
With no By-Law changes proposed
& no contested Board of Director
Elections, the board feels it is in
the best interest of its members to
monitor the evolving situation and
reschedule at a later date.
Clay-Union Electric Board of Directors
1410 E. Cherry, Vermillion, SD • 605-624-2673
clayunionelectric.coop • visit us on facebook