March 26, 2019 • Page 2
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Dave Says
Time To Fix The Real Problem
Dear Dave,
I’ve heard you tell people to avoid debt
consolidation companies. Why do you
think debt consolidation is such a bad
In cases like this, the biggest issue
remains because you didn’t do anything to
address the real problems—you and your
behavior. When you have debt, the number of payments you have left isn’t the
problem. The problem isn’t interest rates,
either. The problem is the person you look
at in the mirror every day.
Until you get mad enough about your
financial situation and the real reasons for
it—until you fix you and your behavior—
you’ll never make any progress toward
winning with money!
Dear Tom,
The main reason
is that debt consolidation makes
you feel like you did
something to really
change your financial world when you
didn’t. That’s part of the catch. Believe
it or not, I hear people all the time say
things like, “I took out a loan, and paid off
Dear Dave,
all my debt!” No, you didn’t. All you did
My husband and I are following your
was move your debt around. It’s still there! plan, and we’re in the middle of saving up
When Can We
Buy A New Car?
our emergency fund. When do you recommend buying a new car in the process? Do
we have to wait until we’ve finished all the
Baby Steps?
Dear Alanna,
I never advise buying a brand new car,
unless you have a net worth of at least $1
million. At that point, you’ve got enough
assets that you won’t get rocked by the
ridiculous depreciation that comes with
buying a new vehicle.
Now, you don’t have to drive a beater
until you pay off your house or anything
like that. I advise people to drive the minimum they can in terms of a car until they
complete my first three steps. Baby Step
1 is a beginner emergency fund of $1,000.
Baby Step 2 is paying off all debt except
for your home. Baby Step 3 is fully funding
your emergency fund with three to six
months of expenses.
After you’ve accomplished these first
three steps, then you can move up to a
nicer car. Notice that I didn’t say move up
to a new car. I want you to save up cash,
and get a really nice used car. That’s what
the typical millionaire does, and I want
you to model your financial behavior after
people who are in the position you want
to be in some day!
* Dave Ramsey is America’s trusted voice
on money and business, and CEO of Ramsey
Solutions. He has authored seven best-selling
books, including The Total Money Makeover.
The Dave Ramsey Show is heard by more
than 12 million listeners each week on 575
radio stations and multiple digital platforms.
Follow Dave on Twitter at @DaveRamsey and
on the web at daveramsey.com.
New Technology
By Daris Howard
Cell phones were new, and the university made me carry one because I was the
director of internet systems. They wanted
to be able to get hold of me if something
went wrong, which, with the internet in
its infancy, it often did. Messages from my
office phone were also routed to my cell
phone and beeped me at the most inconvenient times. Sometimes technology is so
Shandy’s messages always beeped me
at the worst times of all. Every time I had
a test in my class, Shandy had some emergency come up. She would call and leave
a message on my phone just before the
test closed. For the first exam, my phone
beeped just as I was trying to get my young
children asleep. I picked up the phone and
hit the play button.
Shandy’s voice came on, and she was
breathing hard. “Hello, Professor Howard.
This is Shandy. My friends and I are at a
park forty miles from campus and someone in our group broke her arm. I ran to
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6 Easy Steps
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To Life!
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this pay phone to call for medical help,
and after I called them, I realized I should
call you to let you know I won’t make it
back to campus in time to take the test.
I hope you will let me take it tomorrow.”
This was always a tough spot to be in.
The student may or may not be telling the
truth. I tended to err on the side of trust,
so the next day I called the testing center
and gave them the information needed
to let Shandy take the test. I hoped that
would be the last time, but when the second test came, there was a similar phone
call. My phone beeped in the middle of an
important meeting. Few others had cell
phones, and everyone stared at me.
It was another call from Shandy. “Hello
Professor Howard. This is Shandy. I was
coming home with some friends from a
game about ninety miles from campus
when we came upon a wreck. We helped
the people get out before the car caught
fire and treated them for shock until paramedics arrived. Afterward, we pulled into
this gas station so I could call you. There
is no way I can make it all the way back to
campus in time for the test. I hope you will
let me take it tomorrow.”
Things didn’t quite add up, but I had no
proof to the contrary, so I called the test
permission in to the testing center. But
then I called the Honor Office and asked
them if they had received any concerns
about Shandy. They said they had, but
nothing that anyone could prove.
Two more tests had the same thing
happen. My phone beeped at inconvenient
times, and Shandy had had an emergency.
But I was getting more suspicious. Still, I
couldn’t prove anything, so I called the
testing center for her permissions.
Then, one day, there was a knock on
my office door. I opened it, and there stood
a man holding two phones. “We have upgraded the phone system on campus, and
everyone is getting new office phones,” he
said. “You also get a new cell phone.”
“What’s wrong with my old phones?” I
“I don’t really know,” he answered.
“But apparently they don’t work well with
the new equipment.”
He set up my office phone, handed me
the new cell phone, and left a small brochure on how to use the new features.
I put the small brochure in my wallet. I
didn’t have time to deal with new technology, and I knew how to use a phone.
But then came the day after the next test
closed. My phone beeped while I was on a
date with my wife. I was annoyed when I
had to use the brochure to figure out how
to get the message.
It was Shandy again. “Hi Professor
Howard. This is Shandy . . . “
Her message was the same as usual.
She said she was two hours away from
campus and had had an emergency. When
she finished speaking, I was just about to
hang up when a computer-generated voice
came on. “This call originated from McKay
Library extension 7042.”
I paused, somewhat stunned. Shandy
had called me from on campus, and now I
knew for sure she wasn’t really miles away.
Maybe technology is not so annoying
after all.
Dining &
St. Rose of Lima
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March 29, 2019
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Matching Funds Event Up To $1,500
11-3 pm
On Black
Hills Set To
Speak In
Edith B. Siegrist Vermillion
Public Library will be hosting a free slide presentation titled, “The Black Hills
Yesterday and Today,”
given by South Dakota photographer and author Paul
Horsted, on Monday, April
8. The program starts at 8
p.m. in the Kozak Room.
Horsted has been a photographer for 40 years, and
now has a prolific photo
series dedicated to locating
the sites of historic images
from across the USA and
“re-photographing” them.
Learn more about Horsted online at paulhorsted.
com and be sure you don’t
miss his presentation here
at the library. He will be
selling and signing copies of his books after the
The Edith B. Siegrist
Vermillion Public Library is
located at 18 Church Street,
Vermillion. For more information, email vplstaff@
or call 605-677-7060.
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