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shop online at www.missourivalleyshopper.com December 26, 2017 • Page 7 Adventures In Nature Program Begins January 16 At Wind Cave YOUR VOICE WILL BE HEARD MV Shopper MV Shopper M I S S O U R I VA L L E Y WIND CAVE NATIONAL PARK, S.D. – Help your children learn about nature and develop skills to explore the natural world by attending Wind Cave National Park’s Adventures in Nature programs. These programs are offered at the park every other Tuesday beginning January 16 through April 10. “Participants will explore both surface and subsurface areas of the park as they learn about the mysteries of Wind Cave National Park,” said Park Superintendent Vidal Dávila. “These free programs are designed for children ages 3 to 12 to encourage them to experience nature while providing them an opportunity to play in an active learning environment.” Children will be grouped according to their age, allowing them opportunities to explore hands-on activities with their peers. Topics vary each week and will always include activities, crafts, and a hike exploring the day’s concept. Registration begins at 9:45 a.m., with programs running from 10 a.m. to noon. Parents are encouraged to provide their children with a snack before the program. To ensure enough materials for every child, parents are asked to call the park at 605-745-1134 or e-mail wica_interpretation@nps.gov to let rangers know they are coming. It is not a requirement, but it helps the park plan if they know ahead of time the number and ages of children. Calling ahead of time also helps the staff alert participants in the event of bad weather or road conditions. Older children can also attend and take part in activities or assist the younger children in their explorations and activities. In case of bad weather, the program may be canceled. Either call the park at the above number or visit our Facebook page for program status. The first program is “Mysteries of People” and will explore the way people over the ages have interacted with the land. For a complete listing of this year’s programs, visit www.nps.gov/wica/forkids and click on the Adventures in Nature link. In Print and Online! • 665-5884 M I S S O U R I VA L L E Y GFP Commission Proposes A Change To Early Fall Goose Season And UnitsFinalizes Others AUCTIONS LAND AUCTION fcsamerica.com PIERRE, S.D. – The South 154.79+/- Acres-Yankton Co. SD Dakota Game, Fish and Parks (GFP) Commission proposed THERE’S A REASON Thursday, January 18th at 11:00am and set several goose hunting Auction Location: Elks Lodge, Yankton, SD REAL ESTATE BUYERS seasons at their December ROW CROP FARMERS I INVESTORS meeting. LAND WITH US. This fertile land boasts stability & strength with over 142 The Commission proposed acres of Class II dirt ranked at an 82% and higher. The to reduce the daily limit of When you ?nance farmland with us, you majority soil is Class II clay ranked at an 88%! This farm Canada geese during the early Bring more aren’t just another customer – you are a offers 151.44 crop land acres and is currently enrolled in fall Canada goose hunting ARC-CO with 151.40 base acres. This parcel is a square customer-owner. So along with our attractive season from 15 geese in 2017 shoppers to piece of land, with two tree wooded draws for water flow rates and exceptional terms, you get a voice to eight in 2018 with a possesand to hold wildlife. Bravely, invest in your future! your door with sion limit of 24. The proposed in how we work and a share of what we earn Partial Terms: Buyer credit of $37,500 at closing. early fall Canada goose huntin the form of cash-back dividends. Call us to locally Closing and landlord possession will be on or before Feb ing season would run from learn more. 20, 2018, as this land is subject to a lease agreement for Sept. 1-30, 2018. focused 2018 season, expiring March 1st, 2019. Sale subject to a The GFP Commission YANKTON OFFICE: buyer premium and owner confirmation. Announcements advertising proposed to add Lawrence 605-665-9675 OR made day of sale take precedence over all written and Meade counties to Unit 800-658-3631 material . from the 2 for the 2018 goose hunting Legal: E2SW4 and W2SE4 Section 33-T96N-R55W, season. No changes were experts. Mayfield Twp, Yankton Co, SD. proposed for the light goose, Land Location: From Yankton: 10 miles north on Hwy white-fronted goose hunting 81, 2.5 miles east on Hwy 46, the land is on the north seasons or the spring light side of the road. From Irene: 9.5 miles west on Hwy 46, goose Conservation Order. land is on the north side. 2018-2019 season dates Owner: Susan Connell Vondrak include: Canada Geese (and Brant) AdvantageLandCo.com 605.692.2525 Unit 1: Oct. 1 – Dec. 16, 2018 Jackson Hegerfeld, LB, Auctioneer Unit 2: Nov. 5, 2018 – Feb. 17, 2019 Megan Hammond, LB, Auctioneer Unit 3: Jan. 12-20, 2019 Charles Hegerfeld, Broker Assoc. Light Geese Laura Hegerfeld, Broker Assoc. In Print and Online! Statewide: Sept. 29, 2018 – Jan. 11, 510 Main Ave Brookings, SD 2019 Call 665-5884 E X P O S E Y O U R D I R T® Spring Light Goose Conservation Order Statewide: Feb. 18 – May 7, 2019 White-fronted Geese 154.98 Acres, more or less Statewide: Sept. 29 – Dec. 23, 2018 Legal: The Northwest Quarter (NW¼) of Section Twenty-six The special Canada goose (26), Township Ninety-four (94) North, Range Fifty-eight (58), 40 ACRES UNIMPROVED DOUGLAS COUNTY LAND hunting season in Bennett West of the 5th P.M., Bon Homme County, South Dakota. The 39.67 ACRES UNIMPROVED HUTCHINSON COUNTY LAND County has been set to follow property is located approximately 1 mile south and ½ mile the previous year structure west of Tabor, South Dakota. 79 ACRES UNIMPROVED YANKTON COUNTY LAND and will run from Oct. 20 The property consists of a remodeled 1,510 sq. ft. home, a – Dec. 23, 2018, with 800 threebarn, storage units, and garages. The homestead consists tag Canada goose licenses of approximately 6.5 acres which surround the house and At 10:00 AM, we will offer Tracts 1 & 2 in the American Legion Building on Main Street in Parkston SD available to residents and 25 outbuildings. There are approximately 141 acres of farmable TRACT # 1 – 40 ACRES UNIMPROVED two-tag permits for nonresiland and the balance is roads and shelter belts. The propThis tract is located 1 ½ miles east of Delmont SD on 284th Street dents. erty has excellent accessibility from the north and west via This tract consists of 40 acres (more or less) of unimproved farmland. The FSA Office reports that it has 38.19 The GFP Commission county gravel roads. acres tillable and the balance in road right of way. The predominate soil types are Clarno-Ethan Bonilla Loam reauthorized an August Interested parties shall prepare sealed bids containing conand it has a 75.2 soil productivity index rating. The land lays level to gently rolling. The annual real estate management take for Canada tact information. Bids shall be sent to: Scott R. Swier, Swier taxes are $826.44. geese in Pennington County, Law Firm, Prof. LLC, P.O. Box 256, Avon, South Dakota 57315. LEGAL: The SW ¼ of the SW ¼ of Section 25-98-62, Douglas County, South Dakota west of the Cheyenne River Bids must be postmarked or hand-delivered by 4:00 p.m. TRACT # 2 – 39.67 ACRES UNIMPROVED to occur under the same 2017 NO LATER THAN Monday, You created this PDF from an application miles eastnot 2 ¼ north or fromprint to novaPDF printer (http://www.novapdf.com) January 15, 2018. The four highThis tract is located from Milltown SD, 2 that is and licensed to Clayton SD, 6 miles west & 1 ¼ north structure for the 2018 season. est bidders will then be invited to a private auction, to be This tract consists of 39.67 acres (more or less) of unimproved farmland. The FSA Office indicates that this held Monday, January 22, 2018, at Swier Law Firm at which This season will run from Aug. tract has approximately 25 acres tillable and the balance in grass, but more could be tilled. The predominate time bids may be raised. 18 – 31 and have a daily limit soil types are Hand Loam, Delmont Loam, Prosper & Crossplain Complex and Tetonka Silt Loam and it has a of 15 Canada geese and no TERMS: CASH: All bidders must accompany their bid with 65.6 soil productivity index rating. The land lays generally level. The annual real estate taxes are $479.12. possession limit. a check for ten percent (10%) of the bid amount made payLEGAL: The S ½ of the N ½ of the SW ¼ of Section 24-100-59, Hutchinson County, South Dakota The GFP Commission will able to the Swier Law Firm, Prof. LLC Trust Account and said At 2:30 PM, we will sell this tract of land at JoDeans located at 2809 Broadway Ave, Yankton, SD. sum will be applied to the total purchase price if bidder is finalize the early fall Canada TRACT # 3 – 79 ACRES UNIMPROVED the successful purchaser. Bidder must specifically represent goose proposal Jan. 11-12, at This land is located from Utica SD, 1 mile east and 1 mile north. the aforesaid payment shall apply to any and all subsequent the Pierre RedRossa ConvenThis tract consists of 79 acres (more or less) of unimproved farmland. The FSA Office reports that this tract bids for the above-described property. The successful bidtion Center. To comment in currently has 61 acres tillable and the balance in grassland. The predominate soil types are Ethan-Davis der shall pay the balance of the purchase price on or before person, the public hearing Loams, Clarno-Bonilla Loams and Clarno-Crossplain-Davison Complex and it has a 62.1 soil productivity February 23, 2018, and will receive landlord's possession on will be held Jan. 11 at 2 p.m. index rating. The land lays level to gently rolling. The tillable acres is in alfalfa which is 2 years old. The annual March 1, 2018, for the 2018 crop year. A warranty deed will CST. Individuals can also real estate taxes are $1089.78. A very interesting tract. Make plans to attend. convey title to the new owner and an owner’s title insurance LEGAL: The S ½ of the SE ¼ of Section 32-95-56, Yankton County, South Dakota provide written comments on policy will be provided, with such cost being split between commission rule proposals by TERMS: Cash sale with 10% nonrefundable downpayment per tract and the balance on or before February Buyer and Seller. 2017 real estate taxes will be paid by Seller. sending them to 523 E. Capitol 20, 2018. A warranty deed will be provided and title insurance will be utilized with the cost split 50/50 It is the responsibility of Buyer to inspect the property and Ave., Pierre, SD 57501, or via between buyer and seller. Seller will pay all 2016 and 2017 RE Taxes. Buyer will pay all 2018 RE Taxes. Full public records prior to submitting bids. Property is sold subemail to wildinfo@state.sd.us. possession for 2018 crop year will be granted at closing. Sold subject to confirmation by the owner. Wieman ject to land previously deeded for roads and highways and To be included in the public Land & Auction Co., Inc. is representing the seller in this transaction. existing easements, restrictions and reservations of record, if any, and subject to current renter's oral lease for the year record and to be considered We invite you to view these tracts at your convenience. A “Buyer’s Info Packet” is available on our website, www. 2018. Seller reserves the right to reject any and all bids. by the Commission, comwiemanauction.com or call our office at 800-251-3111 and we will send one to you. ments must include a full RALPH & LUCILLE MARQUARDT, OWNERS name and city of residence For additional information, contact: Wieman Land & Auction Co. Inc. and meet the submission Scott R. Swier, Swier Law Firm, Prof. LLC – Attorney for Seller Marion, SD • 800-251-3111 • Rich & Gary Wieman, Brokers deadline of 72 hours before P.O. Box 256, Avon, South Dakota 57315 Kevin, Mike, Ryan & Derek Wieman and Ron Leitheiser, Assoc. Brokers the public hearing (not includTelephone: 605-286-3218 Dale L. Strassern, Closing Agent, 605-925-7745, Freeman SD ing the day of the public hearSWIER LAW FIRM, PROF. LLC www.wiemanauction.com ing) per HB 1006. Your Ad Here! MV Shopper MV Shopper M I S S O U R I VA L L E Y M I S S O U R I VA L L E Y AUCTION THURSDAY, JANUARY 11TH • 10:00 AM & 2:30 PM BON HOMME COUNTY LAND FOR SALE
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