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November 28, 2017 • Page 3
138 Thanksgivings Ago
By Gov. Dennis Daugaard
Linda and I are thankful for many
things this year. We are thankful for
our children and grandchildren, for
the friends old and new we’ve made
across the state, and for the opportunity to serve as governor and first
I am also thankful for a Yankton
dinner table conversation that took
place 138 Thanksgivings ago. John
Andrews recounted the story in a
South Dakota Magazine article released prior to South Dakota’s 125th
anniversary of statehood.
A few of Dakota Territory’s most
prominent leaders gathered around
the dinner table that Thanksgiving
Day in 1879 to do more than break
bread. The home belonged to a local
Congregational minister, Rev. Stewart Sheldon, and among his guests
were territorial Gov. William Howard, U.S. Attorney Hugh Campbell,
General William H.H. Beadle, Edward
P. Wilcox and his brother-in-law Rev.
Joseph Ward.
The conversation began around
a school lands question. The men
present wanted to ensure school
lands would be valued and sold at
a high enough price, at no less than
$10 per acre. Some residents thought
the land should be sold for $2.25 per
acre to a large syndicate. This was of
particular concern to General Beadle
who was the superintendent of public instruction.
As they discussed the issue, the
idea arose to divide Dakota Territory
into northern and southern portions
to protect the value of the lands, and
to make the southern part of Dakota
its own state. It is believed this was
the conversation that sparked serious statehood efforts, as these men
spent the next few years leading the
Nearly 10 more years passed
before South Dakota became its own
state. It took three bills passed by
the territorial legislature, two constitutional conventions, two votes from
the people and two congressional
bills. Finally, a newly-elected president with Republican majorities in
Congress signed South Dakota into
statehood. As Andrews noted in his
article, the dinner discussion served
as a catalyst of the statehood movement. As he put it, “We owe a debt
of gratitude to the men who shared
ideas around the Thanksgiving table
and committed themselves to creating a new and better home.”
Considering where our state is
today, I think that’s true. There’s no
better place to live, work and raise a
family. In fact, Site Selection named
South Dakota as the number one
state for achieving the American
dream. With our low tax burden and
reasonable regulatory environment,
you can make a good living in South
Dakota and you can rest assured
that your tax dollars are being well
managed. We have balanced the
budget every year since statehood
and our sound financial practices
are affirmed by all three credit rating agencies, which have awarded
us with AAA status. We also have a
high quality of life: an abundance of
outdoor recreational opportunities,
safe communities, good schools and
post-secondary opportunities, and
clean air and water.
More than anything though, our
state is made up of good people.
South Dakotans are friendly, humble
and hardworking. Here, we still hold
open doors, say hello to passing
strangers and shovel our neighbors’
driveways. For these things and for
the individuals who made South Dakota what it is today, we have reason
to be very, very thankful.
Happy Thanksgiving, South
Girl Scouts-Dakota
Horizons and
Leadership South
Dakota Announce New
Girl Scouts-Dakota Horizons (GSDH) and Leadership
South Dakota have announced a new statewide partnership in the areas of brand advocacy, volunteerism and
community-based projects.
The two organizations will host receptions in various
South Dakota cities with community leaders and speakers, along with Leadership South Dakota current and
former members, as well as speakers from GSDH, including Girl Scouts.
"Leadership South Dakota is excited about our partnership with Girls Scouts-Dakota Horizons," said Rick
Melmer, Leadership South Dakota Director. "We believe
that we want the same thing-to create a strong pool of
leaders for our state. We expect that this partnership will
help both organizations do just that."
"We look forward to highlighting our position as the
premiere leadership program for girls," said Marla Meyer,
GSDH CEO. "There is a tremendous amount of data and
research to back up how Girl Scout experiences help girls
develop leadership skills versus non-Girl Scouts, and
by working with another like-minded organization like
Leadership South Dakota, we'll communicate and show
how real leadership can make a difference in every community."
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Minnesota-Based, Great
Plains Processing,
Expanding To Yankton
YANKTON, S.D. – Great Plains Processing (GPP), a
custom spray drying and animal feed ingredient manufacturer based in Luverne, Minnesota, announced that
it is expanding its operations to Yankton, South Dakota.
319 Walnut St.
The Board of Economic Development approved GPP for
Yankton, SD 57078
a $1.15 million REDI (Revolving Economic Development
and Initiative) Fund loan in October. The approved monies helped GPP purchase a “spec building” and almost 20
acres of land.
“Great Plains Processing made the right decision to
expand to South Dakota. With a presence in more than
40 countries, a commitment to a quality product and
service, and its Midwest values and work ethic, it’s no
wonder GPP fits so well into our business environment,”
said Gov. Dennis Daugaard.
atrick awk
According to GPP, for almost 20 years, it has manufac251 Spruce Ave • Box 260
Niobrara, NE 68760
tured custom spray-dried products. It is a FAMI-QS and
GMP+ (Good Manufacturing
Practices) certified facility
(402) 857-3711
(800) 745-5650
in Luverne. FAMI-QS certifiFax (402) 857-3713
cation is recognized by the
European Commission to
address safety, quality and
regulatory compliance of
specialty feed ingredients.
GPP products can be found
in feeds for many species,
We Supply
including bovine, equine,
& Install
swine and domesticated
pets. Its new 40,000 square• Auto
foot facility in Yankton will
increase production and
• Home
create 20 full-time jobs
immediately upon opening,
December •nd & 3rd, 9th & 10th, 16th & 17th • 1-3:00PM
2 Commercial
with the potential of douBring Your Cameras!
bling employment in three
301 E. 3rd Street, Yankton, SD
to five years.
“We’re pleased with
the way everything came
together,” said Quintin
Honerman, president, GPP.
“Working with everyone
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from the local to the state
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level has made this expansion as seamless as possi•Miller High Life & Light 30 pks 1399
ble. There are a lot of peoBring Your Cameras!
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ple who helped make this
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Bring Your Cameras!
expansion a reality. We’re
proud to manufacture a
product with the highest
quality standards around
and excited to bring our
process and company to
South Dakota.”
“Yankton Area ProgresSUNLIGHT WARMTH – radiant heat
penetrates evenly and directly into surfaces
sive Growth (YAPG), its
just like sunlight.
investors and the City of
Yankton are excited Great
affected by wind, unlike forced air heaters
that suffer from heat loss in the ambient air.
Plains Processing chose to
HEAT TRANSFER – infrared heat
locate its new manufacturdirected toward the object without any air
ing plant in Yankton,” said
movement creating a dust-free comfortable
Brian Steward, interim
executive director, YAPG.
Do you have a garage, shop, calving ODORLESS –odor andcombustionwhile
produces no
no smoke
“Quintin and the rest of the
facility, working chute or other uses running.
GPP team have been great
ENERGY SAVINGS – state of the art
indoor or outdoor? This heater can combustion chamber enables virtually 100%
to work with and we are
fuel to energy conversion.
thrilled to welcome them
save your operation cost!
PORTABLE – Take it where you need heat.
to Yankton. GPP is a proven
leader in their respective
communities and we look
forward to their contribuA Model of Efficiency
tions in making Yankton an
The SPEEDWING is engineered for efficiency,
even better place to live.”
allowing you to shift the plow blade from
For more information
scoop mode to an optimum windrowing
about GPP, go to gpp-co.
position with the simple push of a button.
com. For more information
Scoop mode can carry up to 30% more snow
about GOED’s REDI prothan a straight blade, while a windrowing
angle helps complete the job in fewer passes.
gram and other financing
programs, go to sdreadytowork.com/finance.
of Tyndall on Hwy. 50 Corner of Hwys. 50 and
5 miles West www.schuurmansfarmsupply.com
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Horizon Health
The Yankton Area Chamber of Commerce Ambassadors hosted
a Ribbon Cutting for Horizon Health Care LLC, formerly
known as ALLPoints. They are located in the Avera Sacred
Heart Pavilion at 409 Summit Avenue, Suite 300. They offer
medical and dental services in one centralized location. For
your health and dental needs, give Horizon Health Care LLC a
call 605-260-0310.
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