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August 15, 2017 • Page 8 shop online at www.missourivalleyshopper.com AUCTIONS •HUGE AUCTION• It’s Been Dry… By Rep. Kristi Noem It’s been dry to say the very least. Every county in the state has experienced this year’s drought to some degree, with many facing severe or extreme conditions. Well over half of South Dakota’s wheat is in poor or very poor condition, as is most of our barley, oats and alfalfa. Corn and soybeans are hurting too. Meanwhile, many pastures have been brown for some time, leaving ranchers with a severe feed shortage and forcing many to downsize their herds. Every farmer and rancher understands agriculture is a risky business. You can have good crops for a decade, but one or two bad years can change everything. Times like this underscore the importance of providing a safety net to those who maintain our food supply. Earlier this month, I joined members of the House Agriculture Committee for a Farm Bill listening session where these safety nets were a primary focus. During the 2014 Farm Bill debate, I fought hard as a member of the final negotiating team to strengthen crop insurance and make the Livestock Forage Program permanent, because ranchers should have some certainty about the safety nets available when drought conditions leave wheat heads unfilled and pastures bare. At the same time, taxpayers deserve certainty too. By building safety-net programs like this into the budget rather than doing crisis-by-crisis emergency spending, we can better predict financial needs and avoid deficit spending. Additionally, I’ve been pleased to see Secretary Perdue incrementally open South Dakota’s CRP acres for haying and grazing, following a request I made to do so. He also allowed for certain CRP contract holders to donate their hay to livestock producers in drought-stricken counties. This relief was needed, but I believe this is an area where ranchers ought to have more certainty. In late July, I introduced the Donations in Rough Years (DRY) Act. This bill would permanently allow the hay harvested on certain CRP acres to be donated to ranchers struggling to meet their feed needs. Droughts and fires can leave thousands of acres bare, while farmers and ranchers elsewhere are forced to destroy good hay. There’s just no reason feed should be wasted. The DRY Act offers a commonsense solution. More specifically, the bill would allow for hay harvested in line with CRP management practices to be donated to ranchers suffering from a severe drought (categorized as D2 on the U.S. Drought Monitor) for eight weeks or an extreme drought (categorized as D3) for any length of time. If a presidential disaster is declared due to fire, ranchers would also be eligible to receive donated hay. Too often, the federal government waits until a situation gets bad before figuring out how to deal with it. In situations where days matter – such as in the midst of a droughtinduced feed shortage – relief can come too late. We should be more proactive. That’s why it was important to fight to strengthen crop insurance and make livestock disaster programs permanent. It’s also why I believe the DRY Act is necessary. It won’t make the rain fall, but perhaps it can give a little peace of mind at a very unpredictable time. TRACTORS – COLLECTOR TRACTORS – COMBINES – HEADS – BACKHOE SKID LOADERS – PAY LOADERS – GRAIN CARTS – FORAGE – HAY FEEDING EQUIPMENT – FARM MISC – ASST. MACHINERY RIDING MOWERS – ATTACHMENTS – VEHICLES – TRUCKS Our annual August Pre-Harvest auction event will be held at the MACHINERY MALL OF SOUTH DAKOTA located 1 mile south and ½ mile west on Highway 44 from Marion SD or 44628 SD Hwy 44 on: WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 23RD • 8:00 AM CST Lunch by Presbyterian Church Ladies TRACTORS als; 01 JD 9650 STS, 2140/3294 Hrs, CM, Duals; 95 JD: 2016 JD 6195R, Auto Quad, 24 Sp,, CAH, MFD, JD 9600, 3144/4329 Hrs, 30’s; 93 JD 9600, Duals, ILS, 400 Hrs w/JD H380 Ldr-Grapple & Joystick; 2011 Chop, 2650/4062 Hrs; JD 9600, 5000 Hrs; 91 JD 9500, JD 8285R, MFD, PS, 1415 Hrs, 480 x 50 Duals, Sharp; 2100/3200 Hrs; 96 JD 9400, 800 x 32’s, 2646/3941 2015 JD 6125R, MFD, CAH, Auto Quad, 24 Sp, LHR, 475 Hrs; 91 JD 9400, 30.5 x 32, 3700/5100 Hrs; JD 9400, Hrs w/JD H340 Ldr & Grapple; 2015 JD 6215R, MFD, 2800/3500 Hrs; 83 JD 6620, Hydro, 4807 Hrs; JD 6620 CAH, ILS, Auto Quad w/LHR, 480 x 46 w/JD H380 Ldr Combine; CIH: 2011 CIH 7120, Chop, Trap, Tracker, & Grapple; 04 JD 7520, MFD, CAH, PQ w/LHR, 6455 1044/1487 Hrs, Duals, Loaded; 08 CIH 2577, Chop, Hrs w/JD 741 SL Ldr w/Grapple; 97 JD 7810, MFD, PQ, RT. Tracker, 1255/1845 Hrs, Duals, Sharp; 07 CIH 2588, 10,000 Hrs; 98 JD 7410, MFD, PQ, LHR, 15,000 Hrs, RT, Chop, Tracker, 1700/2500 Hrs, Duals; 05 CIH 2388, Sharp; 87 JD 8650, CAH, Quad, 9947 Hrs; 98 JD 9300, RT, Chop, Tracker, 1500/2400, Duals; 04 CIH 8010, RT, CAH, PS, 5728 Hrs, 3 Hyd.; 94 JD 7800, MFD, CAH, PQ; Chop, Tracker, 2152/3117 Hrs, Duals; 01 CIH 2388, RT, 73 JD 4630, CAH; 82 JD 4840, PS, CAH, w/Duals; JD Chop, Tracker, 2663/3543 Hrs, 30.5’s; 83 IHC 1480, 4455, CAH, 2WD, PS, 8382 Hrs, 2 Hyd., Sharp; JD 7920, RT, Chop, 30.5’s; 96 CIH 2188, RT, Chop, 2906/3976 MFD, IVT, LHR, 10,000 Hrs, 14.9 x 46 w/Duals, “Bad Hrs., 30.5’s; Corn Heads: JD: (35) – Corn Heads (612C’s, Trans”; (2) – JD 2840 D., WF w/JD 146 Ldr & Grapple; 83 612C Chopping, 608C’s, 608C Chopping,606C, 1293’s, JD 2950, MFD, CAH, Synchro; 73 JD 4230, CAH, Quad, 893, 1844, 843’s, 643’s, 443, 444, 244); CIH: 44088729 Hrs w/Westerndorf TA45 Ldr; JD 2630, D., WF, 3 8RW, 3412’s, 3408’s, (2) – 2608, Chopping-8RN, 2208’s, Pt w/JD 145 Ldr; CIH: 2012 CIH HD 550, CAH, AFS, Red 2206, 1084, 1083’s, 1063’s, 983, 963, 863, NH 8RN Leather, 653 Hrs, Auto Steer Ready, 800/70R38 w/DuAdapted to JD; Gleaner: LM 438; Flex Heads: JD: (18) – als, 1 Owner; 2014 CIH 260 Magnum, MFD, PS, CAH, Flex Heads (220, 222, 224, 920, 918, 925, 925F, 930, 1148 Hrs, Suspension Frt & Rear Duals, Loaded, Sharp; 930F,630F, 635F); CIH: (10) – Flex Heads (1020’s-20’2014 CIH 235, MFD, CAH, 1100 Hrs, Loaded; 2012 CIH 25’-30’, 2020’s-20’, 30’, 2011 3020-35’); Rigid – Row 290 Magnum, 1498 Hrs, Suspension, Dualed Up, Sharp; Crop – Dummy Heads: JD 220 Rigid Header; (2) – JD 2015 CIH 220 Magnum, MFD, CAH, PS, 3686 Hrs., Load224 Rigid Heads; JD 454 RC Head; (3) – JD 212 Dummy ed; 08 CIH 245, MFD, 4800 Hrs., Loaded; 05 CIH MX210, Heads (4, 5 & 6 Belt PU’s); CIH 1015 Dummy Head w/ CAH, MFD, 5000 Hrs., Loaded; 08 McCormick MTX135, PU; 24’ Sunflower Head w/Pans; Header Trailers: (30) – MFD, CAH, 4600 Hrs w/Koyker Ldr & Grapple; 02 CIH New & Used Header Trailers from 15’ to 42’ (MD, Frontier, MX200, MFD, CAH w/Ldr; 97 CIH 8920, MFD, CAH, 9400 Wabasso, Wemco & Others); Grain Carts: Brent 1082 CA Hrs; 96 CIH 7220, MFD, CAH, 8332 Hrs; 96 CIH 5240, Grain Cart w/ Tarp, Sharp; 08 J & M 750 CA Cart; UnverMFD, CAH w/Miller PL2 Ldr; 88 CIH 7130, MFD w/Duals; ferth 8250 CA Cart w/Scale & Tarp; Brent 674 CA Cart; J CIH 210, MFD, CAH, 10,000 Hrs, 18.4 x 50, “Bad Trans”; & M 525 Grain Cart; 08 Parker 938A, 1000 Br., Cart w/ CIH 9180, CAH, 12 Sp, Bareback, Trans OH, 4 New Tires; Tarp; Kinze 1040 Cart w/Duals & Tarp; Kilbros 1820 Cart IHC 574 D., WF, 3 Pt, 5200 Hrs w/Westerndorf Ldr; IHC w/Scale & Tarp; J & M 750 CA Cart; Brent 674 CA Cart 1586, CAH; 83 Case 2290, CAH, 2WD; NH – Versatile w/Tarp; Valkota 750 Cart; J & M 525 CA Cart w/Scale – Ford – Kubota: 2012 Versatile 280, MFD, CAH, 1000 & Tarp; Unverferth 500 CA Cart; Brent 420 Cart; Gravity Hrs, Loaded, Super Sharp; 05 Versatile 2210, MFD, CAH, Boxes: Demco 650 Gravity Box w/Gear; (29) – Gravity SS, 3388 Hrs, Wts & Duals, Sharp; 96 NH 9682, CAH, Boxes (200, 250, 300, 325, 350, 365, 385 & 500 Bu); 4x4, 6397 Hrs, 520 x 42 Triples, Needs Motor Work; 96 (11) – Flare Boxes; Grain Augers: Westfield 13 x 71 w/ NH 8770, MFD, SS, CAH w/Duals; Ford 800 Gas, WF, 3 Pt Swing Hopper; Westfield 10 x 71; 05 Feterl 10 x 34 w/ w/Ldr; NH 1920 D., MFD, 3 Pt; 2006 Kubota L4310 D., Truck Hopper, Like New; 2009 Harvest IH 10 x 72 Auger; 2WD, Rops, 1471 Hrs; Agco – AC: Agco Allis DT 140A, (14) – Augers (Various Lengths); (2) – Swing Hoppers; MFD, CAH w/Ldr; 78 AC 7020, CAH, 8179 Hrs, PS; 76 Grain Dryers: Automatic AB12B Portable Grain Dryer M I S S O U R I VA L L E Y AC 7040, CAH, Eng. OH, Sharp; 82 AC 7060, CAH, 4900 w/1000 Bu. Bulk Bin; (2) – Toxowick 350 Grain Dryers; Hrs, Sharp; 78 AC 7060, CAH, 7642 Hrs, 20.8 x 38 DuKenny and Lynette Yeaton Retirement Auction, Book 64 Intermediate Sudoku Puzzles by KrazyDad als, Super Sharp; Chamberlain SD 605-234-6194 will sell: 2007 CIH COLLECTOR & VINTAGE TRACTORS 7010, CAH, RT, Chop, Tracker, Pro 600, Auto Guidance, Fill the puzzle so that every row, every column, and every JD: JD 5020 Standard, No Cab; 67 JD 4020 D., Syn2300/1630 Hrs, 520 x 42 Duals, Sharp; CIH 3408 Corn section contain the numbers 1-9 without repeating a number. chro, WF, Eng. OH, w/JD 158 Ldr & Grapple, 1 Owner, Sudoku #2 M I S S O U R I VA L L E Y Head, 8 RN; CIHSudoku #1 Head, 35’; Kilbros 1820 Front 2020 Flex Sharp; 68 JD 3020 D., PS, WF, Eng. OH, w/JD 148 Ldr Auger Grain Cart w/Scale & New Tarp; Duolift 37’ Header & Grapple, 1 Owner, Sharp; 66 JD 4020 D., Synchro, WF, Trailer; Batco 2500 Drive Over Hopper Auger; Sunflower 3 Pt; 71 JD 4620 D., WF, No 3 Pt, 6800 Hrs; JD 2510 4010 Disk Ripper; 98 Wilson 40’ TA Hopper Grain Trailer; Gas, Wheatland, WF w/FH F11 Ldr, Eng. OH, Sharp; 66 98 Cornhusker 42’ TA Hopper Grain Trailer w/Vibrators; JD 4020, Wheatland, PS; 50 JD AR Standard, Has Knock; 2014 Fuelmate TA 800 Gallon Fuel Trailer w/DEF Tank & 46 JD GM, NF, Repaint; (2) – JD GP WF; 49 JD D., WF; 50 , Pump; Harvest IH 10 x 82 Auger; & 51 JD A’s; JD A, NF, All Fuel; 51 & 52 JD B’s, NF’s; (2) – Margaret Bousfield Estate, Parker SD (Call Jim Rand JD 3010’s Gas, WF; 74 JD 1530 D. Utility, WF, 3 Pt; IHC: 605-297-9873 or 605-941-9873) will sell: 98 JD 7810, 71 IHC 1456, MFD, 3 Pt, 9692 Hrs, Repaint, Sharp; 68 MFD, CAH, PQ, 8601 Hrs w/JD 740 Ldr w/Grapple, 1 IHC 1256, WF, 3 Pt; IH 460 Gas, WF; IHC 460 Gas, WF Owner; 01 JD 7210, MFD, CAH, PQ, LHR, 3573 Hrs, 2 w/FH F11 Ldr; (2) – IH Super H’s, NF’s; IHC 756 Gas, NF, Hyd., 1 Owner; 83 JD 4250, CAH, 2WD, Quad, 6376 2 Pt; IHC 706 D., for parts; (3) – IN M’s (2 for parts); 47 Hrs, 2 Hyd. w/18.4 x 38 Duals; 1969 JD 5020, D., Cab, IH M w/Dual 325 Ldr; MM: MM G1000 Vista D., WF, 3 WF, 7533 Hrs, Sharp; 69 JD 4020, D., Synchro, Side Pt; 44 MM U, NF, Nice; 65 MM U302, Gas, WF, Cab; AC: Console, 6472 Actual Hrs, Sharp; 83 JD 2280 Diesel, 53 WD 45, WF; 42 C, NF; Cockshutt: 65 1650 D. WheatCAH, Swather w/14’ Auger Head, 2305 Hrs; Soilmover land, WF; Case: (3) – DC’s (2 w/3 Pt), WF’s; MH: 51 MH 12’ PT Box Blade; Fordson PT ¼ Yd. Scraper; JD 7’ Disc 30 Gas, WF w/Dual Ldr; Ford: Ford 8N, WF, 3 Pt, Nice; Plow, On Steel; (2) – JD PT Plows w/Onland Hitches (4 Elmer Walz 605-928-3774 Parkston SD will sell: Oliver & 5 Bottom); JD 55 Plow, 3 x 14, Restored; Shopbuilt 2255 Tractor V8 Diesel, WF, Cab, 3 Pt, Original; Oliver Bale Processor; JD 712 PT Chisel, No Disk Gangs;© 2008 KrazyDad.com Heider © 2008 KrazyDad.com OC3 Gas Crawler Tractor, Restored; Oliver 1755 D., WF, intermediate int BOOK 64 #2 200 Bu. Auger Wagon; (2) – JD Gears w/30’ Round Bale 3 Pt w/Westendorf WL 30 Ldr; Oliver 77 & 66 Gas, NF, Carriers; Feterl 10 x 66 Auger, Sharp; JD 38 Mower, 7’ Book 64: Answers Easy Sudoku Last tuesday’sPuzzles by KrazyDad Restored; Oliver 55 Gas Utility, WF, 3 Pt; Oliver 60, NF Bar; Kewanee 45’ Elevator; Sudoku #1 Sudoku Solution #2 w/2 RW Cultivator; IHC C, NF, Restored; Oliver 3 Pt Plow, Melvin and Larry Schmidt,6 Marion 7 & 9 5 1 SD Parker 4 2 8 3 2 8 6 7 9 4 5 1 3 2 x 14; 605-351-4955 will sell the following3because changing to Sudoku #3 Sudoku 6 5 1 2 4 9 6 7 8 5 7 1 2 3 #4 8 9 4 BACKHOE - PAY LOADER – SKID LOADERS custom farming: 1988 JD 644E Pay loader, Cab & Heat, 8 7 9 6 5 1 2 3 4 3 9 4 5 8 1 7 2 6 TELEHANDLER – CONSTRUCTION 100 Hrs on Eng.& Trans OH, New2 Paint, 8 ¼ 1 6 Bucket; © 2008 Krazydad.com 4 9 3 5 Yd. 3 1 2 8 6 7 3 4 5 9 7 03 JD 310G, Diesel, TLB, CAH, 4164 Hrs, MFD, Ext-A-Hoe, Sharp; 2003 JD 120C Excavator, 5 1 6 3763 2Hrs 34” 4 8 9 6 3 4 1 5 2 8 7 3 9 CAH, 7 Check next tuesday’s paper for Sharp; AC 545B Pay Loader, Cab; JD 90 Gas Skid Loader, Bucket w/Hyd. Thumb, Sharp;197 AgChem2 854 Rogator 4 9 5 8 6 7 3 7 4 5 8 2 9 6 3 1 52” Bucket; 98 Bobcat 450 Gas Skid Ldr; 240 Actual Sprayer, 800 Gallon, 80’ Boom, 38003 Hrs,8Light Bar; 97 2 6 7 5 4 9 8 1 2 3 4 7 9 6 5 the solution to today’s puzzle. 1 Hrs, 1 Owner; 04 JCB 550 Telehandler, CAH, 10,000# 9 6 3 7 9 5 2 1 4 8 Ag Chem 1803 Terragator Dry 5 8 4 Spreader, 70’ Air Fert. 2 7 3 1 6 Lift, 6000 Hrs, Sharp; Artsway LSC 50 Scraper; MF 6500 8 2 4 5 9 1 6 8 3 7 2 ea BOOK 64 #2 4 3 1 5 9 6 Boom, 4200 Hrs, Light Bar, Lot of New Parts;7 Unverferth Diesel Forklift, Hydro (Trans Leaks Oil); MF 6500 Gas 5000 CA Grain Cart w/Tarp, Sharp; 2003 Dakota 24’ SA Forklift, Gear Drive (Clutch is Stuck); Sudoku #3 Sudoku #4 Hopper Grain Trailer, Spring Ride, Sharp; 1989 Ford F800 LOADERS – LOADER / SKID LOADER / 7 5 1 3 8 2 9 5 8 4 9 6 1 7 2 3 Day Cab Diesel, Auto, SA, 165,000 Miles,6 Sharp;4 1995 TRACTOR ATTACHMENTS – BLADES 9 1 7 4 2 3 5 8 6 ProDesign 24’ HD Deck Over 4 3 8 9 20 1 5 Trailer w/ Flatbed 2 Ton 7 6 Allied 595 QT Ldr, 7’ Bucket, IHC 66 Mts; FH F235 Ldr, 9 2 6 4 7 3 8 1 3 6 2 5 8 7 4 1 9 Pintel Hitch; 77 IH 1700 LoadStar Truck 5w/1600 Gal. 3 8 7 2 1 Cone; JD 331 4 3 1 7 9 5 2 6 8 4 6 5 9 JD Mts; Degelman 9’ Dozer Blade for JD; Badger Ldr; Tank, Transfer Pump, Shuttle & Inductor 2 3 7 1 8 7 5 8 2 3 6 9 4 1 Dual 320 Ldr; (2) – FH F25 Ldr’s w/9’ Bucket & Grapple; Disk, 24’ w/Harrow; JD 1600 4 9 28’6 Chisel; JD 12’ PT 5 1 6 5 8 9 7 4 2 3 2 9 6 1 Brian & Jean DeGroot, Owners 4 8 3 7 5 JD 8’ Bucket, Euro Mts; (2) – Tree & Post Pullers; (4) – Chisel, 3 Pt; J & M 500 Bu. Gravity Box w/Gear; (4) – J & 5 1 3 7 4 8 9 6 2 6 7 5 3 1 Broadway • Yankton, SD 802 2 8 9 4 72” Skid Ldr Hyd Brush Mowers; Skid Ldr QT Plates; HD M / Demco 365 Bu. Gravity Boxes w/Gears; Westfield 10 6 9 4 1 5 2 8 3 7 1 4 3 8 7 9 6 5 2 48” Trencher for Skid Ldr; HD 72” Sweeper for Skid Ldr; (605) 665-1596 x 61 Auger w/Swing Hopper; (2) – Feterl 38 9x 60 4Augers; 8 7 2 6 1 5 8 2 9 6 5 4 1 3 7 TMG 80” Tiller, 3 Pt; (2) – HD 3 Pt Wood Chippers; Asst. Dominisse Farms of Hudson SD (Sharon 605-310-4179) www.bridgecityautoyankton.com of New Pallet Forks-Buckets-Rock Buckets w/Grapples, will sell: 1996 Peterbilt Semi Sudoku #5 Cat Engine, 9 Sp, Sleeper, Sudoku #6 Trash Buckets w/Grapple, Hyd. Post Augers, Fork Exten© 2008 KrazyDad.com © 2008 FEATURED VEHICLE KrazyDad.com 847,000 Miles; 1995 Wilson 42’9 TA Hopper Grain6Trailer 3 8 4 1 7 5 2 4 6 8 2 3 1 7 9 5 sions; Erkstin 8’ Frt Mted Snow Blower; Miller Grapple w/Tarp; JD A Tractor w/Belly 4Mower; New Harvest 10 2 7 3 6 5 9 4 1 8 5 7 6 2 9 8 3 1 1996 Ford F-250 Fork; New TMG 94” Dozer Blades; Bale Spears (Westenx 72 Auger w/Swing Hopper, Sharp; Peck 710 x 32 PTO 1 8 6 3 5 9 4 2 9 5 1 4 7 8 6 3 2 2-WD, 7.3 Liter Diesel, dorf & MDS) for JD Ldrs; 3 Pt Db Bale Spear; 3 Pt Post Truck Auger, Sharp; Brandt 6 x 487Auger;3 & R Drive Over F 8 6 1 9 7 3 4 9 1 2 5 8 6 5 2 4 107,000 miles Augers; New PT Box Blades (7’, 8’, 10’ & 12’); New IA Hopper Auger; Westendorf Bale Spear; 5” 5 16’8Auger; 6 8 5 7 4 3 9 2 1 6 1 9 2 7 x 3 4 KRAZYDAD.COM/PUZZLES HD 3 Pt Blades, 8’; New IA 120R, 140R HD PT Blades; Large Assortment of Round3 Balers, 1Square Balers, 4 8 9 6 2 7 5 1 9 2 8 6 5 3 4 7 JD 600 PT 6 Yd. Scraper; Soilmover 5 Yd. PT Scraper; 6 3 9 8 5 1 6 3 2 4 8 7 9 2 5 Moco’s, Swathers, Mowers, 7Rakes;1 Stalk4 Choppers, McKee 750 Snow Blower, 7 ½’; 8 Hay 5 9 2 1 6 7 8 4 7 1 9 6 2 5 3 Bale Processor, Grinder Mixers, 3 4 Feeders, Flatbeds, Quality Used Vehicles COMBINES – CORN HEADS – FLEX HEADS – 9 6 1 8 4 5 2 3 2 9 5 8 7 1 6 4 Silage Cutters, Silage Wagons, 7 Planters, 3 Drills, 2006 Jeep Grand Cherokee, 4X4, Silver, 106,000 miles .................$8,995 GRAIN CARTS – GRAIN HANDLING Sprayers, Disks, Field Cultivators, Soil Finishers, Disk 2006 Ford #8 Escape 4x4, Maroon, 143,000 miles .............................$5,995 Combines: JD: 09 JD 9770 STS Bullet, 1131/1648 Sudoku #7 Sudoku Rippers, Chisels, Plows, Rotary Hoes, Rock Pickers, 2005 Chevy Tahoe 4 6 Silver, 148,000 miles.................................$8,995 4X4, 8 2 Hrs, CM, 480x42 Duals, Loaded; 08 JD 9870 STS, 3 2 8 Tires,4 Mowers, Lot 1 6 9 5 7 1 9 5 7 3 Trucks, Trailers, Pickups, Vehicles, 2005 Chevy Equinox 4X4, 95,000 miles.........................................$5,995 1593/2403 Hrs, CM Duals, Loaded; 08 JD 9670 STS, 4 1 9 3 7 5 2 6 8 8 7 3 9 6 2 1 5 4 of Farm Misc. 2005 Ford Taurus, 5 Dr., 9 3 92,000 miles ...................................$4,595 2 4 6 1 8 4 7 Blue, 1008/1371 Hrs, CM, Duals, Loaded; 05 JD 9560 STS, For Full Listing Visit Our Website: 6 5 7 8 2 9 4 1 3 www.wiemanauction.com 2005 Ford Taurus, 7 4 3 6 Silver, 104,000 miles .........................................$4,595 8 7 5 2 9 1 3 4 6 9 5 1 8 2 1265/1767 Hrs, CM, 800 x 32’s; 05 JD 9760 STS, Du2004 Buick Rendezvous,2Tan, 105,000 miles..................................$5,795 9 3 4 6 5 8 7 2 1 3 6 7 4 5 1 8 9 Auctioneers Note: A portion of the Auction will be available on Proxibid.com for online bidding with a 2.5% buyer’s 2004 Saturn6Ion, 4Dr., White, 150,000 miles ..................................$3,995 1 6 2 4 3 7 5 8 9 4 2 8 9 3 5 1 7 premium with a max of $ 750.00 per item. Another large interesting sale! Bring a friend, come prepared. 6Misc. items 7 4 1 9 8 2 3 5 5 1 9 7 6 4 2003 Dodge 2Caravan,3Silver,8156,000 miles, 1 owner .....................$3,995 start @ 8:00 w/ 3-4 rings. Machinery starts at 9:00 AM sharp with 2 auction rings all day, 3rd 3ring 1 6 8 7 4 sell @ 11:00 will 2 9 9 6 1 7 3 2 5 4 5 2003 Ford Escape 84x4, Gray ...........................................................$3,595 augers-vehicles-trailers-trucks. South Dakota sales tax will be charged. This ad is subject to 8 6 7 4 3 1 deletions. additions and 9 2 1 9 Van, 5 6 8 4 5 2003 Honda3Odyssey 2 7 Maroon, 199,000 miles .........................$2,595 All consignments must have been approved by the Wieman’s. We have excellent loading and unloading equipment. We 2002 Toyota Sienna, Tan, 159,000 miles ........................................$4,995 appreciate your business. We are in our 68th year of selling. Honest and fair treatment to all. Financing and trucking 2001 Ford Windstar, Maroon, 106,000 miles..................................$3,995 available. Sorry we are full! Come Prepared to Buy! If you are driving a good distance – call to make sure your item is 1999 Pontiac Bonneville, 4Dr., 132,000 miles................................$3,995 here. (Welcome to the “Machinery Mall of South Dakota”). Our Next Auction is December 13, 2017 1999 Ford Explorer 4x4, Tan, 144,000 miles...................................$3,995 1997 Buick Lesabre, 4Dr., Maroon, ................................................$3,295 1997 Buick Skylark, 4Dr., Tan, 142,000 miles ................................$2,595 (SINCE 1949) 1996 Ford F-250, 2-WD, 7.3 Liter Diesel, 107,000 miles ................$8,995 MARION SD 605-648-3111 or 1-800-251-3111 • AUCTION SITE: 605-648-3536 or 1-888-296-3536 1996 Ford Crown Victoria, 4Dr., Silver, 115,000 miles ....................$3,995 EVENINGS: Richard Wieman, 605-648-3264; Mike Wieman, 605-297-4240; Kevin Wieman, 605-648-3439; Special Interest Derek Wieman, 605-660-2135; Ryan Wieman, 605-366-3369; Gary Wieman, 605-648-3164 2005 Forest River Cargo Trailer ......................................................$2,995 For a detailed ad and some pictures call our office or visit our website at: 2005 Yamaha Majesty 400 Scooter, Black 7,900 miles .................$2,995 1985 Ford Wrecker, 4x4, Red, 67,000 miles ...................................$5,995 www.wiemanauction.com • e-mail address: wiemanauction@yahoo.com 1976 Cadillac Eldorado Convertible, 2Dr., White, 67,000 miles........$5,995 9 4 3 6 2 5 1 5 7 1 3 8 4 7 8 9 9 1 5 2 7 3 5 8 5 MV Shopper MV Shopper 1 8 2 3 1 5 5 9 1 7 3 4 9 9 2 3 7 4 6 1 8 2 8 su do ku 9 2 8 4 7 5 3 9 7 2 7 5 1 4 7 9 2 5 3 9 2 1 5 8 2 5 7 1 6 3 6 3 8 7 3 8 4 1 4 6 9 6 3 2 1 5 $8,995 WIEMAN LAND & AUCTION CO., INC.
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Missouri Valley Shopper
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