September 6, 2016 • Page 2
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Dave Says
Paying Cash Doesn’t
Make It Smart
By Dave Ramsey
Dear Dave,
What is your opinion on paying cash
for a “tiny house”?
Dear Wes,
This may be a really un-hip or uncool thing to say, but I wouldn’t buy a
tiny house at all. Paying cash for something like that might make the mover
smarter, but that still doesn’t mean it’s
a smart choice.
Now, don’t take what I’m saying
the wrong way. I don’t have a problem
with people who build tiny houses
or buy them. My problem with these
things is that there’s no track record
on them. There’s also a pretty good
chance they’re going to be just a fad.
Another problem is that you’d have a
really small market when it comes time
to sell your tiny house. In other words,
they probably won’t go up in value like
a traditional home. They may actually
lose value over the years.
There’s a thing in economics called
the supply-demand curve, and from
what I’ve seen tiny houses also have a
tiny demand and pretty narrow market
appeal. Their appeal seems to be
mostly for early adopters and people
who think they’ll never be able to afford
a house. That means they’re not going
to have broad appeal when you get
ready to sell them, either. And that creates a problem.
I could be wrong,
though. I mean, if
enough people buy
tiny houses and they
become a real part
of our culture, then
maybe they’ll do
okay. But right now
it’s an unproven
product line and an
unproven concept.
So I wouldn’t buy a
tiny house. Honestly, I wouldn’t even
buy one at half of
its current value because I’d be afraid
it would drop to a fourth of its value.
There’s just no proven record at this
point of these things going up in value.
Did dad do her wrong?
Dear Dave,
My father loaned my husband and
I money 20 years ago to help us start
a business. The business eventually
failed, and it forced us into bankruptcy.
After this, we never seemed to get
around to paying him back. He died earlier this year, and when we got together
with my brother and sister for the
reading of the will, we realized he had
deducted the amount of the loan from
my inheritance. Everything was equal
between us before that. I think that’s
wrong. What’s your opinion?
It happened in the checkout lane down at the Soup ‘R’ Market last week. We discussed it thoroughly, of course, and no
one knows yet what to make of it.
As sometimes happens, when we are glancing at the tabloids
to see who fathered Bigfoot’s new baby, we get into discussions of trivia. Annette was sliding broccoli and corn flakes
over the glass-window dinger machine, and we were just chatDear Karen,
I’m really sorry about your dad. I’m ting about … I think it was bears this time. You know…
also sorry this was never taken care of
“I read,” said Annette, “that a bear can run 45 miles an hour,
or discussed while he was still alive.
faster than a race horse.”
There are a lot of emotions at play,
To which I added, “Did you know a polar bear’s skin is black,
so I don’t want to beat you up too
and a black bear’s skin is white?”
much. But legally, he didn’t have to
“Really?” Annette said, weighing the plastic bag of apples.
leave you anything in his estate. The
“And did you know,” she said, “that horses can’t vomit?”
stuff we’re talking about, money inHorses just hadn’t heard me sing yet, that’s all.
cluded, was his to do with as he saw fit.
So it was then that the next guy in line, a young fellow
It was a little odd that he didn’t address
this with you beforehand, but there are dressed in camouflage, smiled and joined in.
lots of instances where kids get nothing
“You know the song, ‘The Duke of Earl’?” he asked.
from an estate or not as much as othWell, of course we did. We used to slide around the dance
ers. It’s not uncommon.
floor to that when Elvis was still a pup. Wasn’t as good for snugIn my mind, and, from the sound of
gling as a Johnny Mathis tune, but what is? Half the marriages
it, his too, he left you an equal share
in this town began while dancing to “The Twelfth of Never.”
minus what you still owed. He loaned
“Well, here’s something to think about,” our young friend
you the money, and he had the right
to set terms on that. I understand your said. “If you are driving down the highway, and you tap your
foot on the accelerator each time the car goes by one of those
frustration. You feel like he took somebroken yellow lines, and if you do it in time to ‘The Duke of
thing away that was yours. My point is
Earl,’ you’re doing exactly 55 miles an hour.”
it was never yours; it was his.
I know it still hurts though. This
“You’re kidding!”
is one of the reasons I advise never
“Nope. I’m a trucker, and I can tell you it’s a fact. Heard it on
borrowing money from, or loaning it to, the radio and gave it a try. Fifty-five miles an hour.”
relatives. The best of intentions can end
Let’s see … Duke, duke, duke, duke of earl, duke, duke, duke
up in places like this.
of earl, duke…
Might come in handy if the speedometer goes on the fritz.
Dave Ramsey is America’s trusted
voice on money and business, and CEO of
Ramsey Solutions. He has authored seven
best-selling books. The Dave Ramsey
Show is heard by more than 11 million
listeners each week on more than 550
radio stations and digital outlets. Follow
Dave on Twitter at @DaveRamsey and on
the web at daveramsey.com.
Ribs, Rods & Rock
n’ Roll Set To Cook
In Vermillion
Photojournalist To Speak At USD
VERMILLION — Robert Cohen, a community photojournalist for the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, will speak
on the University of South Dakota campus at 7
p.m., Thursday, Sept. 15, in recognition of the
100th anniversary of the Pulitzer Prize. He will
speak in the Al Neuharth Media Center.
Cohen was among the newspaper’s photographers who won the prestigious journalism
award in 2015 in breaking news photography
for coverage of the Ferguson, Missouri, protests sparked by the shooting death of Michael
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Cohen was a 2009 Pulitzer finalist in breaking news reporting as part of a photo team covering a deadly mass shooting in
Kirkwood, Missouri, and a 2010 finalist in feature photography
for work on suburban homelessness.
The USD Department of Media & Journalism and South Dakota Humanities Council are co-sponsoring Cohen’s speech,
which is free and open to the public.
He will also speak to students earlier that day.
Cohen grew up in New Orleans and attended the University
of Texas at Austin. He has also worked at The Times-Picayune
(New Orleans), Memphis Commercial Appeal, Sun-Tattler (Hol- Rods & Rock n’ Roll commitlywood, Florida) and Florida Times-Union.
tee received an official document transcript from the Office of the Governor recently,
signed by Gov. Dennis Daugaard and S.D. Secretary of
State, Shantel Krebs declaring
Sept. 9-10 “Ribs, Rods & Rock
n’ Roll Days” in South Dakota.
The executive proclamaHERMOSA — The South Dakota State Square, Folk, and tion acknowledges VermilRound Dance Association, is sponsoring the Fall State Square lion’s annual “Ribs, Rods &
Dance Festival in Hermosa. The event will be held on Sept. 9-10 Rock n’ Roll” event for its
and will be hosted by the Southern Hills Promenaders Square continuing contribution to
bringing positive national recDance Club. The theme of the festival is “Fall into Hermosa.”
The Fall Square Dance Festival activities will begin with a ognition to the state and VerTrail-In Dance Friday evening, Sept. 9, with Bob Riggs, Centen- million with its unique comnial, Colorado, calling and Allynn Riggs, Centennial, will be the bined experiences.
The first component of
round dance cuer. The dance begins at 8 p.m. All sessions will
be held at the Hermosa School Gym at 11 4th Street in Hermosa. Ribs, Rods & Rock n’ Roll,
On Saturday, Sept. 10, there will be a Plus Dance beginning is a sanctioned event of the
at 9:30 a.m. with Bob Riggs calling. The Fall Festival begins at Kansas City Barbecue Society
1:20 p.m. The South Dakota Square Dance Association callers and draws participants from
will do the calling for the afternoon. Elaine Peacock, Elk Point, all over the state of South Dawill be the afternoon Master of Ceremonies, and Don Schultz, kota, the nation, and Canada.
Yankton, will be the round dance cuer. There will be business The Grand Prize winner will
sessions before the 7:30 p.m. Grand March. Lurita Fugier, Her- take home a $2,000 prize and
mosa, will be the evening Master of Ceremonies and the evening an invitation to compete at
the Kansas City Royal BBQ
round dance cuer.
Contest and a chance to repThe public is invited to view any and all sessions.
Fall Square Dance
Festival In Hermosa
Sept. 9, 10 & 11, 2016
4-H Grounds - Old Highway 50 • Yankton, SD
(Across from the Senior Citizens Building)
Patrick Hawk
Schedule of Events
251 Spruce Ave • Box 260
Niobrara, NE 68760
Friday, September 9
Sunday, September 11
10:00am...Gospel Sing
Saturday, September 10
8:00am - Workshops
1:00pm - Contest
7:00pm - Performance by the Winfield Grovers
8:00pm - Barn Dance
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Please call for reservations
Navigator MotorCoaches • 1-800-634-8696
2 Big Days in Delmont, SD
Historical Society of Delmont
Kuchen Festival • Sept. 10
(Downtown Delmont)
Twin Rivers Old Iron
Harvest Festival • Sept. 10-11
(At the farm, ¼ mile West)
• Parades • Tractor Pull • Quilts, Crafts and Art
• Flea Market • Demonstrations & KUCHEN
resent South Dakota
at the Jack Daniel’s
World Championship
Barbeque Cook-Off.
The second component is the car
show of more than
100 vintage automobiles which line the
of Vermillion for the
public to see up close
and personal. These
classic automobiles
range from the earliest cars from the Henry Ford
era to the latest. Trophies
are awarded for a variety of
classes. The final component
is Rock n’ Roll, which always
provides the background
throughout the event, ending
each day’s competitions with
live performances by invited
rock bands who perform into
the night.
“This year’s Ribs, Rods &
Rock n’ Roll has more than 30
competitors signed on to compete for the bragging rights
of best BBQ and that $2,000
prize. It’s going to be our best
year yet!” said Jenny French,
Ribs Committee chair.
Nate Welch, executive
director of Vermillion Area
Chamber & Development Co.,
added, “This event has continued to grow and get better
every year, and Vermillion is
especially proud to have the
governor’s office recognize
the contribution that Ribs,
Rods & Rock n’ Roll has on
bringing new faces to Vermillion and South Dakota.”
Dining &
& Sponsors Present
In Concert
Suzy Bogguss
Friday, September 9th, 8:00 p.m.
Tickets: www.schiferlswjranch.com (402)357-2102
7 miles south of Yankton
Ad Sponsored by Mark’s Machinery, Yankton
September 11
Dinner served 3-7:30 p.m. Roast beef,
homemade sausage, sauerkraut, mashed
potatoes, salad bar, pies and desserts. Kids’
outdoor/indoor games, bingo & raffle.
Join us for Sunday Mass at 8:30 a.m.
St. Rose of Lima Catholic Church
Crofton, Nebraska
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