October 20, 2015 • Page 4
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Five Easy Fall
1-29 Dairy Outreach
Home Décor Projects Consortium Dairy Tours
producers and heifer growers are invited to attend a
dairy tour sponsored by the
• Take your centerpiece
to new heights by painting a 1-29 Dairy Outreach Consordecorative stripe or pattern tium Oct. 29.
Registration for the tour
around the bowl.
is due by Oct. 26, 2015.Total
4. Keep Cocoa Warm with cost per person is $85 or
$35 if you are a student. The
DIY Chalkboard Mugs
Serve guests in style with cost includes transportation,
lunch, and refreshments on
customizable chalkboard
vans. Vans will be filled on a
mugs -- here’s how:
first come, first served basis
when registration is received
• Tape around the top of
a porcelain mug and handle, for Van-carpooling. A $60 per
person registration fee is
creating a straight line to
available to those who travel
paint beneath, using painton their own.
er’s tape, such as FrogTape.
To register, visit the
Paint the taped-off area with
iGrow Dairy community
porcelain chalkboard paint.
Remove the tape when you
“Here’s your opportunity
finish painting and allow the
to see excellent heifer-growmug to dry for 24 hours.
ing facilities firsthand and
• Bake your mug accord- learn what has worked, as
well as what producers have
ing to your paint’s direcchanged along the way,” said
tions. Allow it to cool. The
Tracey Erickson, SDSU Extenpaint will be as permanent
as baked enamel -- and dish- sion Dairy Field Specialist.
Tour Details:
washer and microwave safe.
Newalta Dairy Farm (1125
71st St. Pipestone, Minn.,
• Personalize the mug
with festive phrases for
8:30 - 9:30 a.m. John and
Berlinda VanderWal own
and operate Newalta Dairy.
5. Personalize Pumpkins
The drive to improve their
with Paint
Easily amplify your pump- dairy farm and provide betkins with glam -- here’s how: ter opportunities for their
family led the VanderWal
Family from the Netherlands
• Buy a few different
to Canada and to Pipestone,
shaped gourds and pumpkins from your local farmer’s Minn., in 2005 where they
built their current operation
market or grocery store.
and milk 1,600 cows.
With each move or new
• Spray paint them with
project they implemented
a metallic finish, white, lacnew management practices
quer or a textured paint.
or technologies to be more
• Protect areas you don’t productive and provide betwant painted (like the stems) ter care for their herd. They
currently raise their own
with painter’s tape. You can
pre-weaned calves.
also use the tape to create
They utilize Urban Autodesigns on the pumpkins
matic Calf Feeding systems
prior to painting.
in group housing which
can handle up to 300 of the
For more home décor
dairy’s heifer calves.
inspiration, visit frogtape.
VanEss Dairy, LLC (2996
Sorrel Ave, Sanborn, Iowa
With simple projects, you 51248)
10:45 - 11:45 a.m. After
can elevate your home with
relocating from Washington
custom character just in
to Idaho and then to Iowa,
time for fall.
Harvey and Lisa VanEss and
their sons, Joshua, Jeremy,
small apples, cranberries or
coffee beans.
(StatePoint) As you shift
from outdoor barbecues to
indoor feasts and gatherings,
make sure your home is in
tip-top shape with these five
simple updates.
1. Picture Perfect Gallery
Show love to your favorite seasons by showcasing
them on a featured gallery
wall, which is a top design
trend in 2015:
• Gather a series of
picture frames. Use ones
that vary in size to create an
eclectic look.
• Using burlap, white
paper, newspaper, or even
pages from an old wallpaper
book, place the material on
the frame’s backing to create
a unique backdrop.
• Next, customize the
gallery for fall by placing
real or faux foliage in the
frames. Since the frames are
already hung, you can easily
swap out décor for different
2. Painted Accent Wall
Take your living area from
lifeless to lovely with a pop
of color. Paint an accent wall
in a deep, rich hue to set
the autumn scene in your
home. Darker paint colors
tend show more imperfections, so ensure a flawless
finish by using painter’s
tape to achieve sharp paint
lines on trim, baseboards,
crown molding and around
doors and windows. You can
prevent paint bleed with
FrogTape brand painter’s
tape, which is treated with
patented PaintBlock Technology to leave you with a
top-notch paint job.
3. Curb Appetites in Style
with an Edible Centerpiece
Create a palatable centerpiece as a practical, yet
pretty addition to the table
with these steps:
• Wrap the base of a
candle with plastic wrap to
prevent direct contact with
your filler material.
• Nestle the candle into
a bowl and surround it with
Chad, Tyler and Todd are
successfully milking 4,000
cows at their Sanborn Dairy.
The VanEss Dairy operation is a cross-ventilated,
sand-bedded free stall barn
which spans 9.8 acres.
In 2014, they built a new
on site calf raising facility.
This unique group housing
and headlock feeding system
supports 650 heifers from
birth to weaning.
VanEss Dairy embraces
change and encourages
other dairy farmers to do the
same - especially on multigeneration farms.
11:50 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Jay’s Restaurant and
Lounge - Buffet Lunch (120 W
7th St. Sanborn, Iowa 51248)
City View Farms (4135
Yellow Ave, Sutherland, Iowa
1- 2 p.m. Ken and Vickie
Franken operate City View
Farms of Sutherland and
Sioux Center, Iowa. They
have specialized in the heifer
growing business for more
than 30 years.
The Franken’s heifer
raising facilities consists of
two sites which they operate
with their children: Jody,
Jamie, Jake, and Jess. They
raise dairy heifers from
post-weaning age to prefreshening for as many as 12
different dairies locally and
across the Midwest.
Their facilities hold up to
16,000 head. City View works
closely with dairy producers,
veterinarians, and AI technicians to effectively manage
the heifers.
Franken’s belong to
the Professional Dairy
Heifer Growers Association
(PDHGA) which helps them
learn and network with other
dairy heifer growers across
the nation making them the
successful operation they
are today.
Dykstra Dairy (40671
110th St., Remsen, Iowa
3:15 - 4:15 p.m.
Darin and Linda Dykstra
Dairy began milking cows at
their current location near
Maurice, Iowa in February
2003 after moving their dairy
from Chino, California.
They milk 3,000 cows on
the dairy in Maurice along
with growing their own heifer calves at a facility off-site
from the dairy in Ramsen,
Iowa. The calf raising facility
has 14 GEA WestfaliaSurge
Automatic Calf Feeding Systems, which raise all of the
dairy’s replacement heifers
through weaning
4:15 pm Return Home
Transportation Details:
Vans are provided for
transportation. Below are
pick-up details.
Location and times from
which you will depart from:
North Dakota: Departure Location: NDSU Dairy
Unit - Fargo, N.D. Departing
Wednesday Oct. 28 at 4 p.m.
to stay overnight in Brookings. Contact is J.W. Schroeder, email.
South Dakota: Departure Location: Brookings &
Sioux Falls, SD. Departing
Thursday Oct. 29 at 6:45 a.m.
Contact is Tracey Erickson,
Minnesota: Departure
Locations: St. Joseph Park &
Ride (I-94 & Cty Rd 2, Minn.)
Contact is Jim Salfer, email.
Along I-90 (please contact
Jim Paulson) Departing from
both locations, Thursday
Oct. 29 at 5 a.m. Contact
is Jim Paulson, email or
Iowa: Departure Location: Sioux Center (Walmart
Parking lot, SE corner), Iowa.
Departing Thursday Oct.
29 at 7 a.m. Contact is Ryan
Breuer, email.
Nebraska: Departure Location: Norfolk & Sioux City,
Neb. Departing from Norfolk,
Wednesday Oct. 28 at 6
p.m. stay over in Sioux City.
Departing from Sioux City on
Thursday Oct. 29 at 6 a.m.
Contact for both departure
locations is Kim Clark, email,
For those staying overnight in Brookings or Sioux
City you will be responsible
for your own hotel expenses,
please coordinate with the
person you are traveling
with. niGrow
6 T H TH R U T H E 3 0 T H
(605) 665-0702