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June 2, 2015 • Page 11
NMM Participates In Blue
Star Museum Program
Peschong Named May’s
Volunteer Of The Month
Victims of domestic violence often
feel their world has been turned upside
down and their lives will never be the
VERMILLION — The National Music Museum, in Vermilsame. When families seek help from the
lion, South Dakota, is pleased to participate again in Blue
River City Domestic Violence Center,
Star Museums, offering free admission to the nation’s active they receive peace of mind in several
duty military personnel, including National Guard and Reways. Including the opportunity to attend support group to talk about their
serve and their families.
experiences, while their children are
The program runs through Labor Day: Sept. 7, 2015.
able to participate in activities with
The program is a collaboration among the National
Endowment for the Arts, Blue Star Families, the Department special volunteers.
One of these special volunteers,
of Defense, and more than 2,000 museums across America.
Rebecca Peschong, was recently recLeadership support has been provided by MetLife Foundaognized as United Way’s May Volunteer
tion through Blue Star Families. A complete list of participat- of the Month. Rebecca has devoted
her time, love and energy to children
ing Blue Star museums is available at arts.gov/bluestarmuwho have been affected by domestic
violence. She not only supervises the
The National Music Museum’s summer 2015 exhibit also
children during support sessions, but
happens to coincide with the Blue Star program this year.
also participates in several activities
The exhibit, “Banding Together — The American Soldier’s
with the children including cooking
Music Arsenal,” will showcase rare historic instruments
supper, baking and playing games.
issued to or used by U.S. soldiers throughout American
“Rebecca shows up to our facility
with a beaming smile and heart filled
military history. It will also feature rare wartime photos,
with love and compassion,” says River
posters, sheet music, uniforms, and many other previously
un-displayed artifacts from the Museum’s extensive holdings. City Domestic Violence Center, Director,
Desiree Warren-Johnson. “The embrace
Besides the National Music Museum in Vermillion, South
of her arms and support empowers
Dakota, regional Blue Star participants this year include the
these children to know they are loved
Prehistoric Indian Village, in Mitchell, South Dakota; The
and everything will be OK.”
Railroad Museum, in Sioux City, Iowa; and the Joslyn Art
We asked Rebecca to tell us a little
about herself:
Museum, in Omaha, Nebraska.
I have lived here in the Yankton
The Blue Star free admission program is available to any
Area since: 2011
bearer of a Geneva Convention common access card (CAC),
I began volunteering: with River
a DD Form 1173 ID card (dependent ID), or a DD Form 1173-1
City Domestic Violence Center two
ID card, which includes active duty U.S. military — Army,
years ago.
Navy, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard, as well as members of
Volunteer work is enjoyable
the National Guard and Reserve, U.S. Public Health Service
because: I am passionate about helping women. The River City Domestic
Commissioned Corps, NOAA Commissioned Corps - and up
Violence Center offers group counseling
to five family members.
for victims of abuse, and I (along with
The National Music Museum’s summer hours through
other volunteers) provide on-site
Labor Day, are 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Saturday;
child care during the sessions. There
1-5 p.m., Sundays. The Museum is located in the middle of
are typically two of us watching the
Vermillion, on the corner of East Clark and Yale streets, on
children. We feed them and keep them
the campus of the University of South Dakota. More informa- entertained. You never know how many
kids you’ll be watching or what the age
tion at nmmusd.org.
range will be; it definitely keeps you on
your toes.
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Rebecca Peschong
My best volunteer experience
was: when you see kids really having
fun. Many of these children are going
through a hard time and it can be heartbreaking. Seeing them relaxed in a safe
environment and just being kids makes
it worthwhile.
The advice I would give to those
thinking about getting out there and
volunteering in their communities
is: if you have an idea of what you’d
like to do, or whom you’d like to help,
start contacting
organizations and
just ask. I knew
I wanted to do
something that would benefit women,
so I contacted the local women’s
shelter and ask if there was any way I
could be of service. I never would have
sought out “child care” opportunities,
but this is what they needed … this is
how I could help. I would also say that
if you don’t have a lot of time to give,
that’s okay; even a little time can make
a big difference.
For more information about
volunteerism in the greater Yankton
area, please contact the United Way &
Volunteer Services of Greater Yankton
at (605)665-6766 or volunserve@iw.net.
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