September 24, 2013 • Page 4
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Menno, SD. (605)387-5660
Friday, Sept. 27 -- 10:30 a.m.
LOCATED: 29473 SD Highway 25 (2 miles south) of Scotland, SD
IRON & SALVAGE SELL FIRST - A complete listing appeared last week.
Tom Bainbridge Estate & Paul Bainbridge, Owner
For photos visit www.PetersonAuctioneers.com
TERMS: Cash or personal check accompanied by photo ID
Lee Wittmeier, Tyndall, SD
Not Responsible for Accidents - Lunch Served
Enjoy short early
morning hours!
Ability to work with little
supervision and provide
prompt, efficient service a
(605)665-7811 ext. 142
Call Classi?eds
Fall Farm Machinery Consignment
Located: Girard Auction Facilities, Wakonda, SD
We will be full—please call ahead with items to consign!
TRACTORS –– COLLECTIBLE TRACTORS: 2010 JD 7430 FWA w/ JD 741 Loader & Grapple, 402-hours, 18.4R42 & 16.9r30,
Premeir cab, shuttle trans—like new, always shedded, local retirement; 2010 JD 7130, MFWD, 1200hrs – like new; JD 6115
MFWD Diesel w/ JD 673 loader, bucket, grapple, rear wts, low hrs, nice; IH 5288, 5200hrs, 700hrs on major, 18.4x42 rubber;
Case 2390 w/ duals, 5700hrs; IH 966, wf, 3pt, w Koyker loader, cab; IH 666D, nf, 2pt, good rubber; AC XT-190 Series III w/
Koyker 510 loader, 300 hrs on OH;1963 JD 4010D nf, 500hrs on Major, 3pt; JD 3010 gas, nf; JD 2010 gas, wf, new rubber,
3pt; 1957 JD 520, nf, good rubber-always shedded; JD 60, ps, 3pt, nf, new rubber; JD 50, 3pt; JD 40 w/ 3pt & 2R cult; IH
560 gas, wf, 2pt, recent major w/ Koyker 500 loader; IH 300 , nf, ps, 2pt, new rubber; M Farmall w/ dual loader; 1943 H
Farmall, wf, parade ready; 1944 H Farmall, nf, 3pt, recent OH; Belarus 825 w/ loader; 1948 Case VAC w/ 6’ woods belly
mower; SKIDLOADER & NEW ATTACHMENTS: 2006 NH LS165 w 6ft bucket, pallet forks, winter cab, heat, 1175 hrs, nice;
NH LS170 D, 2800 hrs, 66” bucket, good cond; Brand New Lowe/Stout Attachments: 1650 Hyd Auger w/ 12” & 18” bits; (3)
750 Hyd Augers w/ 9”, 12”, & 15” bits; 72” Brush Grapple; Rock Buckets w/ Grapple—72” & 82”; 72” Rock Bucket; Receiver
Hitch Plates; Grapple Add-ons; (2) Pallet Forks—one walk through; Bale Spear, blank heads; Hmde Skidloader Trailer;
SPORTING GOODS FROM ESTATE--WILL BE SOLD AT 12 NOON: ‘99 Ford F-350 camper van, V8, AT, w 27K act miles, fridge,
stove, shower, AC, awning, swivel buckets-nice; 24’ Pontoon house boat w/ (2) 9.9 Yamaha 4-stroke outboards, tandem trlr,
complete w/ stove, sink, radio, depth finder, elec anchor-nice; Alumacraft 17 1/2’ John boat w/ trailer & 25hp Merc; 12’ VHull Boat; 14’ Fiberglass Boat; ATV’s: 2011 Kubota 1100 RTV, 570hrs, CAH, hydro, ps, w/ hyd dump box, -nice; 1998
Kawasaki Bayou 220 4 wheeler-one owner; ESTATE GUNS (Also sell at Noon): Colt Pre-Ban AR-15 .223; Win 94 30-30
Teddy Roosevelt Comm NIB; Win 94 30-30 NRA Centennial NIB; Win 94 .32 Special; Win 94 .375 20” bbl; Win 94AE 30-30
20” bbl large loop; Win 94-AE 30-30 16” Trapper NIB; Win 94AE .45 Long Colt Large loop 20” bbl NIB; Win 94AE .45 Long
Colt 16” Trapper; Win 190 .22 auto carbine; Colt SA Frontier Scout 1967 Neb Centennial NIB; Henry Golden Boy .22 Sierra
Silver NIB 1/1,000 made; Rem Nylon 77 .22—rare GREEN; Win 1890 .22 pump; Savage 1914 Oct bbl2 ColumnHigh
.22 pump;
Standard Sport King .22 pump rifle w/ scope; 1893 Win 12ga pump; Win 62A . 22 pump-nice; Diamond Arm 410 SS,
Springfield .22 SS, (2) Stoeger SxS Coachguns—20ga & .410; HEADS – AUGERS – WAGONS- TRUCKS- PICKERS: E-Z Trail
500 bu grain cart; United Grain Cart 400bu; Demco 365 Gravity Green/Black w/ Truck Tires; (3) Kory 275bu gravity’s (one w
auger); Bratford 275bu gravity; Dakon 325bu gravity; Kilbros 10T running gear; Feteral 10”x58’ auger w/ swing hopper; Peck
10”x31’ auger w elec 5hp drive, hopper & dolly-excellent; 27’ hyd drive auger 6”; Feteral 16” & 10” Swing Hopper Stand
Alone; JD 843 cornhead; JD 220 flexhead; CaseIH 20’ 1020 Bean Head, new wobble box, good; D-A 4x36 cornhead for
rotary; Gleaner 438 cornhead for L or M; Gleaner L&M 20’ Bean Head; JD 300 Husker w/ 343 cornhead; Grain-o-Vator Auger
Wagon w/ Long Auger; Kewanee 600 45’ elevator; TRUCKS & TRAILERS: ’93 Freightliner SLD112, 9spd; ‘91 IH 8300 Grain
Truck, 855 Cums, 9spd, 18’ B&H, new wet kit, paint & lights, Shurco Top, 3pcs Endgate; ‘74 IH 1600 w/ B&H, 4sp 2sp; ’72
Ford F-650 Grain Truck w/ Hoist; ‘68 Chev C50 w 16’ B&H, 4spd; ‘51 Chev 6400 w/ 13.5’ B&H--nice, new brakes; ’91
Tempte 42’ grain Trailer, 66” sides, alum wheels, LED lights-good; ’79 Star 40’ Grain Trailer w/ Tarp; 40’ Reefer Trailer;
EQUIPMENT: Gehl 1000 Ensilage Cutter w/ 2r Adj. Head; C-IH 8460 rd baler-good cond; Hesston 5580 rd baler- good cond;
JD 750 15ft no till drill, 10” spacing’s; C-IH 900 12R planter; JD 1010 30’ f cult; IH 4500 f cult, 18.5’ w/ harrow; IH 13’ 3pt
chisel; JD 1600 3pt 13’ chisel; IH #133 8R DT cult; IH 1300 3pt sickle mower; JD 6R30 stalk cutter; JD 507 5ft gyro mower;
Dual 325 loader w grapple; Dual 250 loader; JD 14’ AW tandem; IH 4B plow; Koker Grain Cleaner; 300 gal Fimco 3pt
sprayer; 400 gal saddle tanks; 2 – 1000 gal poly tanks; VEHICLES – MOTORCYCLE: ‘09 Ford F-150 STX reg cab, 4x4, AT,
short box, 25K miles;’01 Chevy Reg Cab 4x4, auto; ‘00 Buick Lesabre, 4dr, 98K –nice; ’00 Ford F-150 4x4 Reg Cab Longbox
V6, auto; ‘98 Ford Windstar Van; ’97 Dodge 3/4t Pickup-bad engine; ’96 Plymouth Neon 4dr; ‘94 Chevy 2500 2x4 w/ hyd
dump box & tommy lift, AT; ’92 Chevy S-10 Pickup; ‘80 Suzuki 400 XT cycle, 6K miles, nice original; car tote;
CONSTRUCTION: ’61 CAT D4C Dozer w/ 8’ blade, 1-shank ripper, rebuilt motor; AC 940 Payloader, 6cyl turbo Diesel; KB 75
3pt backhoe, 12.5” bucket; ’84 IH F-1954 6x4 Boom Truck w/ 50’ Boom, 2-man Basket & winch; ‘80 IH Dump Truck; Gravel
Screaner w/ gas motor; 16.5’x8.5’ Dual Tandem Pintle Hitch Trailer; 36’ GN Trailer frame; 10’x20’ Tu be Frame Trailer; 8x15’
flatbed trailer; 3 Sets of fire escape stairs; 6’wide rolls of R-19 Pole Barn Insulation; 10sq Roof Wrap; Foam Panel Insulation;
LIVESTOCK EQUIP.: ‘00 Sooner 7x24 GN alum stock trailer, 3-stalls-nice; Chapparrel 16’ GN livestock, excellent; Rhrooda
220bu m spreader-good cond; (2) 16’ Rhrooda frt unload wagons; bale spear & forks; skid loader grapple w/ man. bucket;
Westendorf bale spear; grapple fork; quick-tach for buckets; 3pt post hole digger 12” bit; (2) big bale Common Sense
feeder; (3) Rd Bale Feeders; (4) 3.5’ to 4’ Stock Tanks; 700lbs Sioux Nation Cattle Mineral; cattle squeeze chute; (2) Sydell
limited sow feeder- 8S & 12S; Smidley Wood Hog Feeder; SS Hog Waterer;20 comb panels- like new; steel posts-like new;
gates; 80 NEW 6-BAR X 20’ CONTINEOUS FENCE, 40 NEW 5X10 CORRAL PANELS COLLETIBLES: Cushman #21 gas engine,
restored; gas engine cart; horse drawn road grader; pot belly stove; MISC: Generac 15,000W/22,500W generator w 8 1/
2hrs-like new; 18 – suitcase wts & bracket for Magnum; center link for Magnum; starter wts for 4020; yr around cab for
4010; 2 sets of JD disc covers; 3 – JD riding mowers; tractor chains; sev new concrete blks; 18.4x38 Titan tires-good; 18.4
x38 axel mnt duals w ext, 9hole; 8 – 275.80 on 22.5 rims- good; 15 – 22.5 & 24.5 tires; 2 – 24.5 x 32 tires; 2 – 20.8 x38
tires; 18.4x 34 duals; 16.9x34 tires w/ Rims; 16.9x34 clamp-on duals; Farmall H rims & Grill; Snapper 42” Riding Mower;
Note: This will be a very large auction featuring several estates. Auction Setup will begin on Sept 23rd—please bring
your items starting then. Call ahead for small items. Many photos online with listing updated almost daily.
PART-SMART AUCTIONS! See our website for our series of online-only auctions featuring OEM,
NEW and USED parts from over 20 John Deere Dealerships across the Midwest. First auction
closes on Tuesday, Oct 8th. Open for public inspection on auction day.
Note: This will be a very large auction featuring several estates. Call today to consign. Auction Setup will begin on Sept 23rd-please
bring your items starting then. Call ahead for small items. Many photos online with listing updated almost daily.
Available. No job too small!
Free estimates. Lots of experience. Call Bob Edwards
at (605)665-8651.
For All of Your Carpentry
Needs: Custom Built Windows, Siding, Garages, Additions, Patios and More.
Call Andersh Carpentry at
October 3rd
10 a.m.
AC - Heating
Eliminate high heating bills
with a Central Boiler OUTDOOR WOOD FURNACE. Instant rebates up to $1,200.
Cement - Masonry
K2 Concrete Leveling LLC
Raise and level your existing
concrete. Half the cost of replacement. Insured and FREE
estimates. (402)841-3990.
Childcare Providers
In home daycare opening
4weeks-12years. CDA, CPR,
and First Aid Certified. Call
Tracey at (605)260-0072.
Provider has openings, ages
1-6, 15yrs licensed, nutritious
meals, pre-school activities.
We-Care-Daycare has openings, ages 1+, quality care, in a
safe, fun, and caring home.
House cleaning done right.
$99 for six rooms, $170 for 12
rooms. (605)366-2167.
Computer Internet
Baylor Computer Services.
Slow computers run like
new. Repairs/Virus-removal.
Fast service, best rates.
17-years experience.
Call Clay (605)661-0494
Dealers/Contractors wanted
for the Midwest’s
growing steel building. Highest
profit margins in the industry.
2 1 8 - 8 6 3 - 6 4 4 5 .
attintl@loretel.net; henrybuilding.com
In stock. 6” & 8” styles. Up to 4E wide & size
15 in stock. Available in Safety & Non-Safety Toe.
Boston 3rd • Yankton • to Boots
Shoes 665-9092
312 W.
East Hwy. 50, Yankton, SD
New complete computerized
alignment system.
Call today for an appointment
t a stem le!
M sy ailab
Bon Homme County Pasture
Wednesday, Oct. 9
beginning at 10 a.m.
Auction to be held at the site located from Avon, SD
4 miles east on Highway 50 and 1/2 mile south or
from Highways 37-50 junction, 1 mile west and
1/2 mile south on 410th Avenue
80 +/- Acres
REAL ESTATE consists of 80+/- acres with 5.69 acres presently
under cultivation with the balance pasture. This one will make a
great addition to any livestock operation, offering B-Y Water supply and a good shade for cattle. Property may be accessed on
west side only. Gate must be kept closed, there is livestock in
TERMS & CONDITIONS: Cash sale with 15% non-refundable down payment
day of auction with balance due at closing on or before November 9, 2013. Possession March 1, 2014. Buyer and seller each pay one-half of Title Insurance and
closing service fees. Announcements day of auction take precedence over printed
material. Peterson Auctioneers are representing sellers.
Kathy Wudel, Owner
For more information and photos visit
www.PetersonAuctioneers.com or call 605-369-2638
Terms: Cash, Good Check, Visa, MasterCard. SD sales tax applies.
Not responsible for accidents.
Girard Auction
& Land Brokers, Inc.
(605) 267-2421
Toll Free: 1-866-531-6186
Marv Girard, BA #12399; Ken Girard, CAI, AARE Broker #10183; Mike Girard, CAI, BA #13549; Mike Manning, BA #11605
www.GirardAuction.com • www.GirardBid.com
319 Walnut
605-665-5884 • Yankton, SD
319 Walnut • Yankton, SD
To place your ad, call: