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November 27, 2018 • Page 11
Yankton Tour of
Homes Set For Dec. 2
The Bookworm
‘Thanks A Thousand’
Serves Up Some Gratitude
Five beautiful locations have been selected on the
annual YAA Tour of Homes to be held Sunday, Dec. 2,
from 1-4 p.m. This year’s tour features the unique homes
of Ron and Jeannine Evans, Marilyn Loecker, Mike and
“Thanks a Thousand: A Gratitude
who make coffee safe to drink, the
Helen Miller, Merrick and Jamie Monaghan, as well as the
Journey” by A.J. Jacobs; © 2018, TED
folks who warehouse the beans,
beautifully maintained Cramer-Kenyon home.
Books; 140 pages
truckers who transport it, palletRon and Jeannine Evans built their ranch style home
makers, scientists, and the Colomin 2011. The home’s four season room and outdoor livBY TERRI SCHLICHENMEYER
bian farmers who own coffee-bean
ing space was remodeled in 2016 to accommodate their
trees passed down for generations,
A great big bear.
and who invited Jacobs to visit them growing family. Ron & Jeannine love to decorate their
home using her hobbies of photography, repurposing
That’s what you’ve sounded like
items and sewing. There is a bench in the four season
all week: a growl here, a snort there,
“I won’t take them up on the
grump, grump, snarl. Everything that
invitation,” he says, “but I’m grateful room that was repurposed by Ron from an old wood twin
headboard and footboard. There are also two antique
could go wrong did — spectacularly.
to have it.”
rockers form the early 1900s that the couple refinished.
But what went right? Hmm. Grab
One thing goes wrong in the
Guests will enjoy handmade decorations both inside and
a mug, take a seat, and turn your
course of your day, and it’s like falloutside the home.
frown around with “Thanks a Thouing into the mud on the banks of a
In 1963 Marilyn Loecker and her late husband Vern
sand” by A.J. Jacobs.
rapid river: whoosh, and everything
purchased a hole in the ground. There was no sidewalk
Ever have one of those days
goes downstream. “Thanks a Thouand no street, but they built a beautiful ranch style home
where everything goes off-kilter?
sand” reminds you that there are a
and soon a community developed all around them. MariYep, A.J. Jacobs has them, just
million reasons not to let it go.
lyn enjoys sitting in her sunroom looking at the lights in
like the rest of us. And like most of
But don’t think this is a self-help
house’s coffee buyer, who taught
the backyard. She has pots decorated by the front door
us, he’s “ridiculously lucky” overall,
book filled with sunny platitudes;
Jacobs to slow down because “it’s
and guests to her home will see Department 56 collectisomething he recognizes even when
quite the contrary, author A.J.
hard to be grateful if we’re speedbles, snow globes, and a Nativity set in each room.
“daily irritations hijack my brain.”
Jacobs actually dissects gratitude
This is the second time Mike and Helen Miller’s 2004
Sadly, that happens about half the
with the help of science and reHe thanked the designer of the
home has been featured on our tour. Guests will surely
time he’s awake.
search. Yes, as it turns out, being
cup lid, the designer of a coffeeget in the spirit of Christmas with the collection of Santas
He tries to be cognizant of his
thankful is good for us and offers
house logo, and the people who
and antique Mr. and Mrs. Santa’s on display. If you are a
grumpiness; in fact, while making a
benefits that you may not realize.
developed the cup sleeve. At this
point about gratitude to one of his
Add to that an appealingly puppyish lover of art you will see some of Mike’s wood carvings
point, with no end in sight — how far
and oil paintings as well his workshop. Also on display
sons, Jacobs began to think. Maybe
sense of purpose in finding people
back, how deep should he go here?
we treat gratitude too superficially.
to thank, and you’ve got a book that are other artists’ works and a Quilt of Valor.
— Jacobs switched his goal. Rather
Merrick and Jamie Monaghan’s angular roofed home
He decided to take thankfulness to
educates, informs, and charms the
than making his project “a lifetime
was built in 1957 and has been a talking point of Yankton
the next level by thanking every per- job,” he’d thank a thousand people
socks off you.
son who had a role in bringing him
If “Thank you” is perfunctory, you for several years. Located across from Memorial Park
for his coffee.
his daily cup of coffee.
need this book. If it’s an impossible- Pool, the now modern, spacious home went through a
That included roasters, who
total remodel in 2014 before the Monaghan’s purchased.
He started easy, with the cofto-say phrase in your world, you
ready the beans for sale. It included
There is a Suite located above the garage that is used as
feehouse barista whose bubbly
really need this book. For anyone
a trip to the Catskills, to thank those
personality reminded him to “affirm
who’s grateful, appreciative, and in a a site on Airbnb. A favorite of the Monaghan’s is their
who bring water to New York City
and recognize” everyone who serves homes. Jacobs thanked the people
thanksgiving mood, “Thanks a Thou- wood burning fireplace.
Built in 1886 as the tallest Queen Ann structure in the
him. Then he visited the coffeesand” is a book to bear in mind.
Dakota Territory, the Cramer-Kenyon home is one to see.
Most features in the home including the picture rails
with Alice Cramer’s artwork, 11-foot-high coved ceilings,
elaborate woodwork, and imported tiles on the fireplace
are all original. All the furniture in the home belonged to
the Cramer family except for Joseph Ward’s desk in the
back parlor. The home will be decorated for the holidays
by local Questers groups.
Also included in the tour is a stop at the GAR Hall Art
Gallery for a festive dessert reception and discount shopBy Sen. Mike Rounds
the blessings he gave them Dakota’s farmers and
special role in this year is ping at the 13th annual Crimson Door Holiday Boutique,
This Thanksgiving, I
in the new world. It is com- ranchers are some of the
the president’s pardoning Yankton’s first Pop-up Shop. Uniquely handcrafted items
would like to share with
pelling they shared this
hardest working people I
of a Thanksgiving turkey.
by regional artists will be available for purchase includall South Dakotans my
first Thanksgiving with the know. With trade instabilEach year, two live turkeys ing art and photography prints, jewelry, silk, felted and
gratitude for the opportuNative Americans who had ity and farm income down, are sent to Washington,
woolen scarves, mittens, home and holiday décor and
nity to work for you in the
welcomed them.
I continue calling for the
D.C., where they will be
cards, glass, wood, pottery, stationery products, doll
United States Senate. It is
None of us would be
administration to quickly
pardoned by the presiclothes, pens, electronic accessories and so much more.
a privilege that I will never able to enjoy the freedom
finalize trade deals that
dent. This year’s turkeys
From inspiring home design and décor, to delicious
take for granted. I continue to celebrate this holiday
benefit our producers. I
come from the Riverside
desserts, to unique holiday shopping, Yankton Area Arts
to work every day to make if not for the service of
also continue calling for a
Colony near Huron. After
offers great variety and splendor this holiday season.
decisions that will improve our military members. We
strong farm bill that will
they are pardoned they
All Tour of Homes proceeds fund arts education and
the lives of everyone in
are incredibly thankful
provide more stability for
will be transported to
community arts programming in Yankton. Tour of Homes
South Dakota. Jean and I
to them for the sacrifices
the ag industry.
Virginia Tech to live out
tickets are on sale and can be purchased from YAA Board
send our warmest wishes
they make to protect our
This year for Thanksthe rest of their days at
members, at GAR Hall, Rexall Drug and Yankton Hy-Vee.
to you this holiday season. way of life in the United
giving, we look forward
Gobbler’s Rest.
Thanksgiving is a good
States. We are also thankto hosting around 40 of
I hope you enjoy spendtime to look back on the
ful to their families and
our family members. We’ll
ing time with your loved
year and thank the Lord
friends who support them. have two or three turkeys, ones, partaking in your
for the blessings that we
Parents, spouses and
depending on how many
own Thanksgiving tradihave received. This year,
children of military men
show up, but one is never
tions this year, whatever
we welcomed our 10th
and women make great
enough to feed our whole
they may be. The people
grandchild, Maverick
sacrifices too. We pray for
crew. Of course we’ll have
of South Dakota are what
Michael Rounds, born
those who may not be able all the trimmings like pomake our state the best
Call or
to my son John and his
to spend the holiday seatatoes, gravy, dressing and place in the world, and I
go online
wife Ashlee. Our kids and
son with their loved ones.
my two favorites—homeam grateful for the opporto browse,
grandkids are our greatest We also pray for our first
made cranberry sauce and tunity to work for you in
buy or
gifts and we’re so thankresponders who put their
pumpkin pie with lots of
the Senate. Happy Thanksful for the time we get to
lives in danger to protect
whipped cream! We also
spend with them.
their neighbors and comtry to fit in some time
I truly believe the
for pheasant hunting on
pilgrims intended the
We are thankful for our
Thanksgiving Day—one
first Thanksgiving to be a
farmers and ranchers who of the many traditions we
celebration of the harvest, work tirelessly to put food look forward to each year.
In Print and Online!
and most importantly to
on the tables of families all
One national tradition
665-5884 • www.missourivalleyshopper.com
thank the good Lord for
across the country. South
that South Dakota has a
Thankful For The Opportunity To
Work For South Dakota In The Senate
Snap Up a Deal
in the Classifieds
‘Christmas At The Cathedral’
Presents ‘Unto Us’ Dec. 13-16
SIOUX FALLS — “Christmas at the Cathedral,” the nationally acclaimed Christmas celebration, will be performed six
times Thursday through Sunday, Dec. 13-16, at the Cathedral
of St. Joseph in Sioux Falls.
This year’s theme, “Unto Us,” was inspired by the writings
of the prophet Isaiah, some 700 years before the first Christmas. Isaiah’s ancient perspective and our modern experience are reflected in the inspiring musical compositions and
arrangements of Music Director and Conductor, Dan Goeller.
“Christmas at the Cathedral” welcomes back Mike Eldred,
who performed on Broadway in “Les Miserables,” in the lead
role as Jean Valjean; Nashville studio recording artist, Shelley
Jennings; along with USF Director of Theatre, Joe Obermueller, as Isaiah; and the 100-member Christmas at the Cathedral Orchestra and Choir and children’s living Nativity.
“We are fortunate to be able to feature Mike, Shelley, and
Joe,” said Mark Conzemius, producer of Christmas at the
Cathedral. “They are not only very talented but also have an
amazing ability to communicate the extraordinary message
of Christmas. They bring to life Dan Goeller’s beautiful arrangements.”
In addition to bringing the community together to celebrate this special time of year, proceeds from Christmas
at the Cathedral will support endowments for the care and
maintenance of two “beacons of hope” in our community.
The Bishop Dudley Hospitality House — providing emergency shelter for the most vulnerable in our midst; and the
Cathedral of St. Joseph — one of the region’s most significant
civic and sacred landmarks.
More information and tickets are available at all Sioux
Falls Hy-Vee stores, online at www.ccfesd.org or by calling
Dr. Purva Sharma
Yankton Medical Clinic, P.C. is
pleased to announce the association
of Purva Sharma, M.D.
Call today to schedule an appointment.
1104 West 8th St., Yankton, SD 57078