shop online at www.missourivalleyshopper.com
Apartment For Rent 1705
2 Bedroom, Between the 50s,
8th & Dakota, Yankton. Rent
based on income. Equal Housing Opportunity. 605-661-8901
or Skogen Company 605-2633941.
2 & 3 Bedroom Townhouses,
Canyon Ridge, Yankton. Must
qualify by family size and income. 605-664-8886 or Skogen Company 605-263-3941.
For Rent: In Vermillion.
Beautiful two bedroom apartment. Private deck. Private
laundry facilities. Share two
car garage. Available June 1st.
Phone (605)670-3737 between
8:30am and 8:30pm.
Large 2-bedroom apartment,
on-site laundry, water/sewer &
garbage paid, off -street parking, plus garage. Completely
redone, Riverside area. No
pets/smoking, $650/month plus
deposit, 605-351-4964.
Houses For Rent
1006 Burleigh, 2-bedroom,
central air, appliances included. Off-street parking, No pets,
$650/month, 1-year lease, deposit & references required.
605-665-7091 or 605-6607678.
Acreage duplex available
immediately, 3 bedroom, $750.
Tenant pays all utilities.
2-bedroom, full basement house, 3
½ miles North Yankton on
Hwy. 81. 605-661-3999.
Commercial Rentals
For Rent: 1,625 Sq. Ft.
Prime Location Office Space
(currently an Executive Suite)
1800 Broadway, Yankton,
Suite #2. Call (605)661-0987
for more information.
Items $100 or Less 1815
Honda lawn mower $75. Call
Self-propelled lawn mower
$30, Hedge trimmer $10, Window air conditioner $45. Call
Volleyball set including volleyball, net & metal poles $50.
New in box, Samsung 5 disc
DVD carousel changer $25.
Home Furnishings
Nice clean & smoke free 7'10”
x10' multi-colored area rug,
warm tones. 2-Wing back
chairs, cherry cedar chest, oak
book shelf with 3-shelves
5'x32” wide. 605-260-3810.
Gently used La-Z-Boy recliner
love seat. Little dusty from
moving. Must be able to load
and take. Asking $800.Call
Lawn Mowers
Like new condition lawn
mower, 3 years old, used 3
times, paid over $400 new. Will
sell for $300 FIRM. Call 605665-2250.
A PLACE FOR MOM. The nations largest senior living referral service. Contact our trusted,
local experts today! Our service is FREE/no obligation.
CALL 1-855-811-8392. (MCN)
Houses For Sale
2202 Burleigh Street
This updated empty nester
home on Hillcrest Golf
Course features a walkout
basement, shop, golf cart
storage and many extras at
an affordable price. Call Jim
Tramp 605-661-2192.
Bathe safely and stay in the
home you love with the #1 selling Walk-in Tub in North America. For an in-home appointment, call: 844--583-9021.
EASY, ONE DAY updates!
We specialize in safe bathing.
Grab bars, no slip flooring &
seated showers. Call for a free
in-home consultation:
855598-0943 (MCN)
Cross country Moving, Long
distance Moving Company out
of state move $799 Long Distance Movers Get Free quote
on your Long distance move.
1-800-503-6126 (MCN)
DIRECTV. Call & Switch Now Get NFL Sunday Ticket for
FREE! Every Game. Every
Sunday. CHOICE- All-Included
Package. Over 185 Channels.
$60/month (for 12 Months.)
CALL 1- 844-245-2232 (MCN)
Miscellaneous 1850
Paying too much for car insurance? Not sure? Want better coverage? Call now for a
free quote and learn more today! 855-417-7382 (MCN)
Spectrum Triple Play! TV, Internet & Voice for $29.99 ea.
60 MB per second speed No
contract or commitment. More
Channels. Faster Internet. Unlimited Voice. Call 1-855-5777502 (MCN)
SALE: New, All sizes. 605-6615050 or 605-387-5660. Ulmer
Farm Service, Menno, SD.
Were you an INDUSTRIAL
TRADESMAN (machinist/boilermaker/pipefitter etc and recently diagnosed with LUNG
CANCER? You may be entitled
AWARD. Risk free consultation! 877-834-8840 (MCN)
Give Aways
Free calico kitten 6-7weeks
old very friendly. Call 605-5535182.
JVC 56” rear projection TV
works great. 32” Sony TV
works great. Call 605-665-3205
leave message.
Miscellaneous 1830
Mobile Home Lots
Mobile home lot, at Country
Liven mobile home park on
Alumax Road. Call 605-7604099.
June 5, 2018 • Page 5
Rummage Sales
111 446 th Ave.
Mission Hill, SD
Saturday, 6/9, 8am-6pm
Sunday, 6/10, 8am-6pm
Biggest Moving Rummage
Sale: Refreshments served!
Guy stuff, gal stuff, lots of stuff!
Hunting, fishing, automotive,
household décor. Antiques,
collectibles, etc. No early birds.
St. Benedict Parish
Rummage Sale & Bakery
1500 St. Benedict Drive
(1-mile west of Walmart
& 1 block south)
Held in the elementary school
Wednesday, 6/6, 8am-8pm
Thursday, 6/7, 8am-8pm
Friday, 6/8, 8am-Noon
Bake sale Wednesday only.
Kitchen and household items,
furniture, linens, books, small
furnishings, appliances, shop
supplies, office supplies, knickknacks,holiday and Christmas
items, toys, lawn & garden
items and clothing (men's,
women's, maternity & children's of all sizes.)
Gigantic amount of items!
200 gallon sprayer with gas
DISH TV $59.99 For 190 motor will fit in pickup or on
Channels + $14.95 High Speed trailer. Steel corn crib and tires
Save $30 on a Summer ACsize 235-85-R16 call 402-640Tune-Up!
Smart HD DVR Included, Free 8387.
Voice Remote. Some restrictions apply 1-800-732-9635 Crustbuster seed tender with
160-bushel, remote start, Hon(MCN)
motor, belt
Just give us a call and we’ll Inter- da electric start axle, always
509 Burgess St
Earthlink High Speed
drive, tandem
net. As Low As 14.95/month shedded, like new, used very
3 bedroom, 1.5 bath send out athe first 3 months.) Reli- little, $19,000. 605-201-9937.
home (for qualified
near able High Speed Fiber Optic
Technician like
Memorial Park and the ServiceTechnology. Stream Videos, Wanted: 18-4-34 tires with
school. Rick, Anderson Realty, Music and More! Call Earthlink good tread also 11L-15 tires.
Tyler, to make sure your
Aso wanting a 12ftx22-24ft
Today 1-855-679-7096 (MCN)
AC unitExede Satellitethose Af- building with good structure.
is ready for internet.
Call 402-640-8387.
55473 Oak St.
fordable, high speed broadBrand new home in Crofton summer South Dakota
hot band satellite internet anyschool district. 4-bedroom, 3Tyler Reiser
where in the U.S. Order now
bath, open floor plan with
days and save $30!*Plans start at Service Technician
and save $100.
flex room. 3-car tandem
$39.99 /month. Call 1-800-712garage. Over 2800 finished
13 years experience
9365 (MCN)
sq.ft., .75 acre lot. Call 402388-2378.
OXYGEN - Anytime. Any-
Agriculture 1875
any type of farm work including
cutting cedar trees. Put up
fence and tear down fence.
24 years' experience. For more
information call 712-943-2084,
Cell 712-251-3277.
Livestock - Poultry
2 Year old Virgin Angus Bulls
grandson of Traveler 124 &
grandsons of Rido 7075. Call
Bierema Angus 605-661-5624.
20 Fancy Black Angus first
calf heifer pairs. 1200# plus
with big black angus calves at
side. Calves were all born between February 15 and March
6. They had 7 way and all bulls
were banded. All Heifers were
AI'd to Broken Bow or Connelly
countdown. No cleanoup bulls
On May 15: Calves had Bovishield/Gold 5, one shot, Pink
Eye, 7-way, Inforce 3 and MultiMni. Heifers had preg guard,
Long Range Shot, MultiMin
and Poured. $2,300. Call 308223-9549.
20 Fancy Black Angus first
calf heifer pairs. 1200# plus
with big black angus calves at
side. Calves were all born between February 15 and March
6. They had 7 way and all bulls
were banded. All Heifers were
AI'd to Broken Bow or Connelly
countdown. No cleanoup bulls
On May 15: Calves had Bovishield/Gold 5, one shot, Pink
Eye, 7-way, Inforce 3 and MultiMni. Heifers had preg guard,
Long Range Shot, MultiMin
and Poured. $2,300. Call 308223-9549.
SALE! All sizes available! Orchard, Nebraska. 308-5205534.
SALE: All sizes available. Orchard, Nebraska
For Sale by private treaty registered Black Angus 2-year-old
and yearling bulls from AI.
Bred for performance, calving
ease, maternal traits and docility. Call John Schieffer 605661-8531 or Marnie Schieffer
For Sale: Hereford Yearling
Bulls 402-841-4022.
Poppe Bulls for Sale at
Horseshoe Hill Ranch.
Featuring, HHR Ten Speed
E030; CED +10, BW +1.5,
WW +79, YW +147, $B
+174.82. To see this bull and
more Angus & Sim Angus
Bulls, go to
Jays Cell, 402-640-9031
= Your #1 Choice in Yankton!
HOUSE FAST? Also, I'm looking for a house needing work.
Also called a fixer upper. Write
now to P.O. Box 492, Yankton,
SD 57078.
Sioux City
605.665.4348 605.624.5618 712.252.2000
Items $100 or Less
metal shed, good
$75. Call 605-661-
Charbroil electric grill $50.
Call 512-966-6283.
Outdoor Festival
& Homestead Day
June 9th
Craftsman garage door opener $45. Call 605-760-4099.
Extra small Harley helmet
$10. Milwaukee Sawzall $40
with extra blades. Scroll Saw
$50. 605-661-5849 leave message.
For Sale: 9x11 area rug, good
shape $45. Call 605-665-8525.
Miller High Life Beer bar light
fixture, $100. Call 605-6658719.
Pierson Ranch
Park Entrance
Sticker Required
Mining Sluice
Bee Program
Pioneer Crafts
Music & Games
Butter Making
Bread Making
Ice Cream Making
Candle Making
Taffy Pull
Fossils at Your Feet
River Geology
Bee Program
Purebred Angus Bulls and
Herford Bulls, yearling and 2yr.
Old, bred for calving ease and
carcass qualit. O'Brien Angus,
Tilden, NE. 402-368-2195 or
402-649-1327 www.obrienangusfarms.weebly.com
Utility – Livestock
Trailer Sale! Save 8% on most
H&H TRAILERS! 6X12 V-nose
ramp Side door Black & Red
light hail on roof $2,699.00;
Nine other LIGHT hail on roof
cargos. Many steel & aluminum utility trailers. 14,000#
flatbeds & tiltbed trailers 18' to
28'; Fuel trailer 500 gallon. For
information & PRICES: www.FortDodgeTrailerWorld.com
515-972-4554 (MCN)
Business Hours of The
Missouri Valley Shopper
are as follows:
Monday through Friday
319 Walnut St. Yankton
Thank you for your
continued business!
Deadline is 12Noon on
Fridays for the following
Tuesdays MVS.
Shopper cannot verify the
validity of any advertisements placed by anyone.
Readers are advised to approach any advertisement
with reasonable caution.
PIERRE, S.D. – South Dakota
Secretary of Agriculture Mike
Jaspers announced today he will
leave his position as secretary of
the South Dakota Department of
Agriculture, effective July 1, 2018.
Jaspers, who has served as
secretary since July 2016, has
accepted a position as business
development director for East
River Electric Power Cooperative, which is based in Madison.
“I’d like to thank Gov.
Daugaard for the opportunity to
work on behalf of the farmers
and ranchers of South Dakota,”
Jaspers said. “Serving our state’s
No. 1 industry has been extremely fulfilling.”
Gov. Dennis Daugaard praised
Jaspers’ service as secretary.
“Mike has been a great advocate for our state’s agriculture
industry,” Gov. Daugaard said.
“His knowledge and experience
have strengthened the department, and I have appreciated his
insights and advice.”
Jaspers is a native of
northeast South Dakota and a
graduate of South Dakota State
University. He operates a diversified crop and livestock farm in
McCook, Hutchinson and Marshall counties. Prior to serving as
secretary, Jaspers served in the
South Dakota State Legislature
from 1997 to 2005, and as state
director of rural development for
the U.S. Department of Agriculture from 2007 to 2008.
Dr. Dustin Oedekoven will
serve as interim secretary for
the remainder of the Daugaard
administration, which will end in
early January 2019. Oedekoven
serves as South Dakota’s state
veterinarian and as head of the
Animal Industry Board, and he
will also continue in those roles.
Oedekoven previously served
as interim secretary for three
months in 2016.
Now Hiring
Mill Maintenance position with experience in grain
handling equipment, welding, electrical, plumbing
and routine maintenance.
Auto Technician/Mechanic Position. Mechanical
knowledge, good work ethic, communication and
organizational skills are desired.
Willing to train the right individual. Competitive
wages, offering Full Benefits.
Call: 800-950-0164 or
Send resume to brenden@herdco.net
1915 Broadway Street, Yankton
Huge Price Reduction
702 8th St., Springfield, SD
Ultimate man Cave with high
quality living quarters.
Jolene Green, Century 21,
Jaspers To
Depart As
Secretary Of
When You Want Comfort...You Want Kalins
96 years in the Business
400 years of Heating and Cooling Experience
Purebred Angus Bulls and
Heferd Bulls, yearling and 2
year old, bred for calving ease
and carcass quality. O'Brien
angus, Tilden, NE. 402-36821995 or 402-649-1327.
For Sale: Hereford Yearling
Bulls 402-841-4022.
617 E. 16th
3 bedroom ranch with partially When You Want Comfort… You Want Kalins!
finished basement. Fenced
Vermillion: 605-624-5618
yard with mature landscaping.
screened sun room .New sid- only available to Vermillion Light & Power customers.
*Rebate offer
ing, gutters, windows, garage details.
Call for full
door, furnace & A/C. Call Carol
Breck 605-661-7653 Lewis &
69 years as a Premier Lennox® Dealer
Clark Realty
For Sale: 2 duplexes in country. 3 miles east of Vermillion.
$369,500. Make offer. Must
sell ASAP. 605-370-3447
Preferred Fencing LLC. Specializing in pasture and feeding
fencing. Located in Orchard,
Nebraska. Serving the entire
northeast Nebraska area. 308520-5534.
For Sale: Angus and Sim angus bulls 402-841-4022.
Glass Repair & Replacement
Preferred Fencing LLC. Specializing in pasture and feeding
fencing. Located in Orchard,
Nebraska. Serving the entire
northeast Nebraska area. 308520-5534.
For Sale: Angus and Sim Angus bulls 402-841-4022.
Ron’s Auto Glass
where. No tanks to refill. No
deliveries. The All-New Inogen
One G4 is only 2.8 pounds!
FAA approved! FREE info kit.
Call 844-550-4772 (MCN)
Livestock - Poultry
Training Dike –
FREE Entrance
Live Fish Tank
Kids Fishing Clinic
Royal Gauntlet Birds of Prey
Playing in the Water - Water Wheel
Seat Belt Convincer
Rescue Truck & Dive Trailer
Search & Rescue
Fatal Vision Goggles
NPS Mobile Ranger Station
Miniature Golf
Roll Over Simulator
Canoe & Kayak Clinic
Boating and Water Safety
Disc Golf
Sponsored by:
Keep Yankton Beautiful
www.koletzkyimplement.com • sales@koletzkyimplement.com
Ask for Leroy, Nick or Jae (605) 665-3872 • (800) 827-9700
‘14 NH SR130 SP Windrower
16’ HS Head, 675E/559H
‘04 Hesston 4760
Lg. Square Baler
24,460 bales
‘12 NH TV6070, BiDirectional, Ldr, Cab, Eng. End, Loaded, HiFlow, 1,571 hrs......$105,000
‘98 NH TS110, 2WD, Cab, Air, Heat, New Syncros, New Tires, 4,400 hrs.......$24,500
‘89 CIH 7110, 2WD, 5,940 hrs.......................................................................... $42,500
‘10 JD 6115D, Cab, Air, Heat, MFD, Koyker Loader, 850 hrs............................$55,900
’53 IHC Super M, Gas, Narrow Front, Power Steering.......................................$3,950
‘01 KUBOTA M6800 Utility Special, Cab, Air, Heat, MFD, 1,181 hrs.................$25,500
NEW HOLLAND T8 300’s, 330’s, 360’s,390’s Lease Returns.............................CALL
‘79 AC 7045, power director, 7,138 hrs..............................................................$8,950
‘08 NH T5070 Deluxe, CAH, MFD, Loader, 714 hrs...........................................$47,500
‘98 CIH MX120, Cab/Air/Heat, MFD, 8,700 hrs, NEW TIRES...........................$34,500
‘03 NH TG285, MFD,SS,DeluxeCab,MegaFlow,Frnt&Rear Duals,5900 hrs ... JUST IN
‘81 JD 4640, 2 WD, Quad Duals, 3 Remotes...................................................$27,500
‘12 GRASSHOPPER 620T, 3452PF Deck, PowerVac, 8F Bagger, 243 hrs ......$6,950
‘99 GRASSHOPPER 618, 52” Deck, 226 hrs on New Engine ...........................$3,500
‘97 GRASSHOPPER 616, 48” Deck ..................................................................$3,250
‘10 JD Z445, 54” Deck, 25hp Kawassaki, 235 hrs .............................................$3,950
‘10 JD Z997 Commercial Midmount, 60” Diesel, 2480 hrs ................................$8,500
‘98 KRAUSE 3957 Disc., 26’9” Rock Flex, w/Harrow, All New Blades..............$19,500
CIH 3950 Disc, w/Harrow, 34’, Std Gang..........................................................$27,500
‘11 JD 637 Disc, 37’10” w/Harrow....................................................................$49,500
(2) SUNFLOWER 1434 Discs, 26’, w/Harrow..................................Starting at $29,500
‘98 SUNFLOWER 6432 Soil Finisher, 33’, Hyd Gang, 4 Row Harrow...............$22,500
‘88 SUNFLOWER 5131 Field Cultivator, 24’, w/Harrow.......................................$9,500
‘97 KRAUSE 4226HR Field Cultivator, 27 ½”.........................................................$14,500
‘14 NH SR 130 SP Windrower, 16’ HS Head, 675E/559H ...............................$89,500
‘94 NH 2450 SP Windrower, with 2324 Header, 3950 hrs .............................. JUST IN
‘06 NH 1475 Mower Conditioner, 16’ HS Head............................. .................. $19,500
‘14 CIH DC163 Rotary Disc Mower Cond., Steel Cond., 16’ Drawbar .............$32,000
‘14 NH BB330 Large Square Baler, 7106 Bales ..............................................$69,500
‘04 HESSTON 4760 Large Square Baler, 24,460 Bales ..................................$49,500
(2) NH BR7070 4x6 Round Balers, Net 9,000 Bales ..............................Each $19,500
‘08 JD 568 Round Baler, Mega Wide, Mega Tooth, Net, Twine,10,200 bales ..$22,500
(2) ‘15 CLAAS 2800 Rotary Rakes, 24.3’-26.9’ Capacity ........................Each $26,500
‘09 KRONE 900 Swadro Rotary Rake, 25’-28.9’ width ...................................$22,500
‘08 M&W DF12 12 Wheel Rake ........................................................................ $6,900
‘92 CIH 1100 Sickle Mower, 9’ Trailing................................................................. $5,950
‘05 HAYBUSTER H1100 Tub Grinder, Tilt II, New Hammers & Rods ............... $39,500
2302 East Highway 50, Yankton, South Dakota