November 7, 2017 • Page 7
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Veterans Day Facts
and Figures
Our Veterans
The men and women who defend the liberties
and freedoms of the countries they represent
hold a special place in people’s hearts and an
eternal spot in their countries’ histories.
Any opportunity is a good time to commemorate the bravery and selfless deeds of military
personnel, but certain prominent holidays in November make this an especially important time to
thank veterans for their service.
November 11 is Veterans Day in the United
States and Remembrance Day in Canada. It’s also
known as Armistice Day in other parts of the
world. These holidays honor all military veterans
who have provided service to their countries,
and that each falls on November 11 is no coincidence, as the day commemorates the anniversary of the end of World War I on the 11th hour of
the 11th day of the 11th month of 1918.
Many places around the world pause and
remember fallen veterans on November 11, but a
good majority of Veterans Day and Remembrance
Day commemorative events focus on past and
current veterans who are still alive. There are
many ways to honor the military at home and
abroad in time for the November festivities. The
following are just a handful of ways to show appreciation for military men and women.
• When dining out, ask your server if you can
pay the tab for a soldier or veteran you see in the
• Attend a military parade with your family
and explain the significance of the day to children
in attendance.
• Draft letters and send care packages to soldiers currently in service far away from home.
• Ask your company if Veterans Day or
Remembrance Day can be an observed holiday at
your place of business each year to pay homage
to servicemen and women.
or those who participated in the Gulf War
Veterans Day, once known as Armistice Day,
reached 6.2 percent.
was first celebrated on November 11, 1919, the
• Visit a military memorial in a city near you.
? Upon retiring or being discharged, veteranniversary of the end of World War I. In 1928,
Your town also may have its own memorial.
ans may need help acclimating to life outside
the United States Congress passed a resolution
• Petition town officials to erect a memorial
the military. The Department of Veterans Affor Armistice Day to be an annual observaif your town does not already have one. Such
fairs says about 30 percent of Vietnam War vettion, and by 1938, the day became a national
memorials can be a source of inspiration for your
erans have been diagnosed with post-traumatic
stress disorder, or PTSD.
Differing from Memorial Day in May, Armi• Support a military family in your town who
? Between 1971 and 1977, Veterans Day was
may be missing a loved one stationed elsewhere. stice Day, which would be renamed Veterans
celebrated on the fourth Monday in October.
Day in 1954 under President Dwight EisenMake meals, mow the lawn, help with grocery
It was changed back to its original date, Nohower, pays tribute to veterans who survived
shopping, or simply provide emotional support.
vember 11, in 1975 when President Gerald Ford
various wars. Memorial Day commemorates
• Volunteer time at a veterans’ hospital. You
signed bill S.331 into law. The change went into
those veterans who lost their lives.
may be able to read with veterans or engage in
effect beginning in 1978.
Americans celebrate Veterans Day, while
other activities.
? An American soldier was buried at the
• Get involved with a military support charity residents of Great Britain, Canada and Australia
national cemetery in Arlington on November
celebrate Remembrance Day. Those who want
that can provide much-needed funds to strug11, 1921. His identity was unknown, and the
to learn more about Veterans Day can consider
gling families or disabled veterans.
gravesite is known as the ‘Tomb of the Unthe following facts.
• Have children speak with veterans in your
known Soldier.’ A guard from the Society of the
? According to the American Community
family, including grandparents, uncles and aunts
Honor Guard stands watch over the grave each
Survey, there were 19.3 million military veteror even their own parents. It can help them gain
year on Veterans Day, and the president or anans in the United States in 2014. Of those, 1.6
perspective on the important roles the military
other high-ranking member of the government
million were female.
places a wreath on the grave.
? California, Texas and Florida comprise
• Ask a veteran to give a commencement
Veterans Day occurs each year on Novemthe states with the largest number of veterans,
speech at a school or to be the guest of honor at
ber 11, marking the end of World War I. The day
equalling one million or more.
a special function.
has evolved into a celebration and remem? Veterans consist of people who served
• Drive disabled veterans to doctors’ appointbrance of the heroism of America’s brave
in the military. This includes the Army, Navy,
ments or to run any errands.
Marine Corps, Air Force, and Coast Guard.
• Support a local VFW organization.
• Create a scrapbook for a veteran in your life. Veterans serve in times of war and peace.
? The word ‘veteran’ comes
• Cheer for or thank military personnel each
from the Old English language
time you see them.
and means ‘old, experienced
• Visit the veterans’ portion of a nearby
soldier’. The first use of the
cemetery and place poppies or other flowers on
word was documented in 1789.
the graves.
? Although many veterans
• Always keep the military on your mind and
are working, and the average
never forget those who have served and didn’t
annual income of male veterExperience Gentle, Personalized Dental Care For Your Entire Family!
return home.
ans is $37,000, some veterans
Armistice Day, Remembrance Day and
continue to be unemployed.
Veterans Day are great ways to honor past and
According to data from the U.S.
current military for their service and sacrifice.
Bureau of Labor Statistics, the
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overall unemployment rate for
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veterans rose to 7.6 percent in
January 2013. The unemploywww.scott-family-dentistry.com
ment rate of post-9/11 veterans
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