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shop online at www.missourivalleyshopper.com 1815 Miscellaneous Stop paying too much for cable, and get DISH today. Call 855-589-1962 to learn more about our special offers! (MCN) SUPPORT our service members, veterans and their families in their time of need. For more information visit the Fisher House website at www.fisherhouse.org August 29, 2017 • Page 5 SD National Guard 2017 Pheasant Brood Employee Earns Sec. Survey Results Are In Of The Army Award PIERRE, S.D. – The South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks (GFP) has completed the annual pheasant brood survey and the results show a significant decrease in the nani statewide pheasants-per-mile (PPM) index from 2016. The RAPID CITY, S.D. - The South Dakota Army National Guard's energy manager, Michael 2017 statewide PPM index is 1.68, down from last year’s SWITCH TO DIRECTV. From $50/Month, includes FREE Ge- Haltiner, received the 2017 Secretary of the Army Energy Award under the category of Inindex of 3.05. nie HD/DVR # 3 months HBO, dividual Exceptional Performance at the Federal Energy Exchange Conference in Tampa, “While this news is disappointing, it is not unexpectSHOWTIME, CINEMAX, STARZ. Get a $50 Gift Card. Florida, Aug. 17. ed,” stated Kelly Hepler, GFP department secretary. "The Call 877-894-5275 (MCN) Haltiner, who started leading energy conservation for the SDARNG in 2009, has com- difficult winter weather and subsequent drought condiTrailer SALE! 2017 V-nose, pleted numerous projects impacting energy reduction levels in South Dakota. tions in various parts of the state will result in hunters Ramp door, Radials (6'x12' "Mr. Haltiner leads our energy conservation efforts and is personally involved in all having to work harder at trying to take home their daily $2,775.00) (7'X16' $4,399.00); projects as well as monitoring energy consumption for our facilities on a monthly basis," limit. Even with these conditions, the pheasant hunting 4-place Snowmobile trailers: 6 styles of DUMP trailers: Scis- said Col. Scott Petrik, construction and facilities management officer. "His efforts over opportunities in South Dakota continue to be the best in sor Lift trailers: Steel & Alu- the years have consistently made South Dakota one the nation's top performer's in the country.” minum utility trailers! Spring energy conservation." From late July through mid-August, GFP surveyed 110, Assist rampgate kits $199.00; Projects include passive heating solar walls, automated controls and lighting, mothirty-mile routes across the state’s pheasant range to 15" Spares $65.00; 100's of trailer parts in-stock, 515-972- tion sensors, redesign and replacement of HVAC and boiler systems and LED lighting. estimate pheasant production and calculate the PPM in4554 www.FortDodgeTrailerThese projects have resulted in annual energy savings dex. The survey is not a population estimate, but rather World.com (MCN) of $248,931, resulting in more than one million dollars in compares the number of pheasants observed on the TRUCK DRIVER NEEDED for savings to date. routes and establishes trend information. Survey routes growing company. Good pay Haltiner is always involved in the design process of the are grouped into 13 areas, based on a local city, and the and benefits. Driver friendly. SDARNG's sustainability-focused buildings. Great equipment. No touch index value of each local city area is then compared to infreight. Experience with Class "The federal government is the largest U.S. consumer dex values of the previous year and the 10-year average. A license required. North Cenof energy," Petrik said. "The president published an “Weather conditions and available habitat are key tral Regional. Call 800-533executive order mandating a 30 percent energy consump- factors contributing to pheasant numbers. We have to 0564 ext.205 www.MCFGTL.com (MCN) tion reduction over a 10-year period. The South Dakota remember that over 80 percent of South Dakota expeArmy National Guard was one of two states in the nation rienced some level of drought by mid-July. During very Water Damage in your Home? Call now for a free, fast quote. to meet the requirements of the presidential executive severe drought conditions, pheasant nesting success and Insurance approved. Help reorder." chick survival can be reduced due to less cover and a store your piece of mind! 866In addition to energy savings, energy conservation reduction in insects for chicks to feed on,” stated Hepler. 865-1875 (MCN) efforts has brought additional funding for energy projects This year, over 8,000 new acres have been enrolled 1820 Give Aways to the SDARNG. in the Walk-In Area hunting access program within the "Two years ago we received $120 thousand for energy pheasant range; providing additional places to hunt. This FREE: Sod. You haul. 605projects; this year we received over $500 thousand," adds to over 1 million acres of existing publicly owned 664-2677, leave message. Petrik said. and privately leased land open for public hunting in the FREE: World Book EncycloThe National Guard Bureau rewards states for meetprimary pheasant range of South Dakota. pedias, 1965, 605-664-5554. ing the presidential executive order energy conservation “South Dakota is a hunting destination for people 1830 Rummage Sales requirements. across the country and the world, with more than 1 "Knowing that energy conservation is saving money million birds harvested each year. Pheasant hunting and Giant Barn Rummage Sale to spend on Soldier training and helping our organizaother outdoor recreational activities have long been a 805 Eastside Dr. (2 miles tion maintain its readiness, along with saving our natural fundamental part of the South Dakota experience. We East of Best Western Kelly Inn) resources, is the most rewarding part of the job," Haltiner look forward to welcoming that traditional sea of blaze Friday, 9/1, 7am-6pm said. orange once again this October,” concluded Hepler. Saturday, 9/2 7am-6pm Haltiner said a number of factors are responsible for South Dakota’s traditional statewide pheasant huntSunday, 9/3 12-5pm We are unloading boxes and the energy conservation success the SDARNG has from ing season opens on Saturday, Oct. 21, 2017, and runs boxes of storage and estate energy consumption awareness to support from leaderthrough Jan. 7, 2018. items. More boxes all weekship. end. Tools, old tool boxes, yard "We've made incredible progress over the years I've tools, shovels, gas cans, fishREAL ESTATE ing, 30 board games, 100's of been working for the South Dakota Army National Guard," vinyl records, antique dolls, 20 he said. "It's an all-around team effort and I want to thank midcentury lamps, music boxRENTALS the SDARNG team for helping make this award possible." es, Christmas Hallmarks, old Agriculture 3-point bale carrier, 10' field cultivator. Small flatbed tilt bed trailer good for lawnmowers or 4-wheelers. Silage for sale. Will haul. 402369-2534. WE HAVE SEVERAL CREWS OF BEAN WALKERS. We do any type of farm work including cutting cedar trees. Put up fence and tear down fence. 24 years' experience. For more information call (712)943-2084, Cell (712)251-3277. 1855 Alfalfa - Hay Harvest help wanted starting August 15th. 402-369-2534; 402-369-2350. 1870 Ag Equipment 2-Dakon 350 bushel 12 ton gear gravity wagons with truck tires, average, also have implement tires, $2,000/each. 24 foot auger, 4 inch that can be shorted by 6 foot, $500. Rock box for 7110 Case, nearly new, $500. 1 Kory 200 bushel model 6072 wagons with implement tires, above average, $750/each. 605-677-7929. 1875 AUTOMOTIVE EMPLOYMENT MERCHANDISE COUPONS Place an ad today by calling 605.665.5584 MV Shopper M I S S O U R I VA L L E Y ... nouncing An 605•665•4494 Labor Day Early Deadlines Hartington Tree LLC Yankton 605-260-1490 Hartington 402-254-6710 Serving Southeast SD & Northeast NE for 20 Years Kent & Kyle Hochstein • Licensed Arborists www.hartingtontree.com Will be closed on Monday, September 4th for the Labor Day holiday. The deadlines for the September 5, 2017 issue are: Display Advertising: Thursday, August 31 at Noon Classified Advertising: Thursday, August 31 at Noon YANKTON CITYWIDE RUMMAGE SEPT. 7 thru TH SEPT. 10 TH All Ads Will Run September 7th, 8th & 9th in the P&D for just $30 30 words and $.20 per word after 30. ONLY ONE ADDRESS ALLOWED IN EACH AD. Stop By The Press & Dakotan To Place Your Ad OR email classifieds@yankton.net • • Your ad (30 words, 1 address per ad) placed in the • Citywide Rummage Sale section published September 7-9. • • Your ad will also appear on-line at www.yankton.net • • 2 Yard Signs • • by the: Sponsored DEADLINE: 5PM, TUESDAY, SEPT. 5TH INCLUDES: Call 402-256-9353 Leave a message or send resume/references to pfeedyards@gmail.com TREES FOR SALE EVERGREEN • SHADE • ORNAMENTAL canopy Notices Full time cow/calf & feed lot operation help. Experience with equipment, feed lot and calving helpful but not required. TREE TRIMMING, REMOVALS & TRANSPLANTING fire pit rakes vinyl records bike rakes fire pit fire pit household snow blower spoons yard ornaments Sim Angus bulls for sale. Excellent quality, calving ease bulls. David or Kathleen Canaday call 402-373-2294 or 402373-4482. THE MISSOURI VALLEY Shopper cannot verify the validity of any advertisements placed by anyone. Readers are advised to approach any advertisement with reasonable caution. Cox Auto 1007 Broadway Ave Yankton, SD Everything you need is just a click or call away! Livestock - Poultry Business Hours of The Missouri Valley Shopper are as follows: Monday through Friday 8:00am-5:00pm. 319 Walnut St. Yankton (605)665-5884. Thank you for your continued business! Deadline is 12Noon on Fridays for the following Tuesdays MVS. • Farm Filters • Hydraulic Hoses • Bearings & Seals the Missouri Valley Shopper and missourivalleyshopper.com is your complete source for buying and selling. 2-Year old virgin Angus bulls, moderate frame, easy fleshing, calving ease, good disposition, semen tested, EPD's available, Keith Reed, 402-649-3615 2000 Let Our Family Business Keep Yours In The Go With: rakes 1850 Help Wanted spoons wooden coke boxes, antique wooden folding chairs, pots, pans, antique books, childs wheelchair, cookie cutters, tupperware, vintage sewing machines, vacuum, projectors, cookbooks, Ducks Unlimited pictures, Delaval milk receiver jars. Come dig and have fun. Lots of 25¢ tables and $1 tables. www.koletzkyimplement.com • sales@koletzkyimplement.com Ask for Leroy, Nick or Jae (605) 665-3872 • (800) 827-9700 ‘15 NH CR8.90 4WD, 793 Eng hrs, 617 Sep hrs $299,500 (2) NH 99C Chopping Corn Heads 12R30 starting at $79,500 COMBINES & HEADS - 0% For 5 yrs. W.A.C. ’15 NH CR8.90, 4WD, 793 Eng hrs, 617 Sep hrs.....................................$299,500 ’09 NH CR9060, 1935 Eng hrs, 1461 Sep hrs, PSD, MINT!........................$129,500 ’08 NH CR9060, 1682 Eng hrs, 1198 Sep hrs...........................................$135,000 ‘08 NH CR9060, 1560 Eng hrs, 1250 Sep hrs, Duals..................................$129,500 ’98 NH TR88, 2780 Eng hrs, 2086 Sep hrs, Field Ready ..........................$39,500 ’98 NH TR88, 3059 Eng hrs, 2436 Sep hrs...............................................$45,000 ’97 NH TR98, 3028 Eng hrs, 2247 Sep hrs, Field Ready...........................$49,500 (4) NH TR86 .........................................................................starting at.....$12,500 ’12 NH 880CF-45’ Flex Draper, 45’, AHHC..................................................$65,000 (2) NH 99C Chopping Corn Heads, 12R30, ........................starting at.....$79,500 ’10 NH 98D Corn Head, 6R30......................................................................$32,500 ’06 NH 98C Corn Head, 8R30........................................................................$29,500 ’03 NH 74C Flex Head, 30’..........................................................................$19,500 GRAIN HANDLING ‘15 DEMCO 550 Wagon, Green, 445 Tires.................................................$13,500 ‘14 Harvest INTL H1072 Auger, with Electric Remote Swing Hopper.............$8,900 ‘14 Farm King Auger, 12”x122’, Electric Mover/Lift......................................$20,500 ‘10 Westfield MK130x111 Plus Auger,with Power Mover..............................$17,500 ‘09 DEMCO 850 Grain Cart, with Tarp, SHARP!........................................$27,500 ‘09 Westfield MK130-91 PLUS Auger, w/Swing Hopper.............................$14,900 ‘07 REM 2500HD Grain Vac, 107 hrs..........................................................$13,900 ‘04 FARM KING Auger, 13x85, Remote Control Swing Hopper, Rebuilt.....$13,900 ‘02 KINZE 1050 Rowcrop, Grain Cart, Scale & Tarp................................JUST IN ‘00 PARKER 500 Grain Cart ............... .......................................................$10,500 ‘00 SUNFLOWER 8781 Grain Cart, 650 Bushel, New Augers...................$12,500 ‘97 BRENT 470 Grain Cart, with Tarp.........................................................$10,500 ‘95 KINZE 640 Grain Cart, Tarp, Scale, Ext, Holds Approx 850..................$14,900 PARKER 614 Grain Cart, Corner Auger, with Tarp.....................................$10,900 (3) J&M Gravity Wagons, (2-350’s, 1-385)..................................Starting At $3,500 SKID LOADERS ’15 NH L230 Skid Loader, Cab, Air, Heat, Hyd Detach, 976 hrs.................$42,500 (2) ’14 NH L218 Skid Loaders, Open Cab, 2338, 1995 hrs, starting at.......$23,900 ’14 NH L230 Skid Loader, Cab, Air, Heat, Hyd Attach, 1106 hrs.................$38,500 ’14 NH L230, Cab, Air, heat, Hyd Attach, 2668 hrs....................................$32,500 ’14 NH L220, Cab, Air, Heat, Hyd Attach, 1050 hrs.....................................$29,500 ’13 NH L218 Skid Loader, Open Station, New Tires, 988 hrs.....................$24,900 ’07 NH L190 Skid Loader, Cab, Air, Heat, Hyd Attach, 1780 hrs.................$29,500 ’13 BOBCAT S750 Skid Loader, Cab, Heat, 2 spd, 1150 hrs......................$34,500 ’00 LOFTNESS 72FH FLAIL MOWER.........................................................$2,950 2302 East Highway 50, Yankton, South Dakota
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