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February 3, 2015 • Page 2 shop online at www.missourivalleyshopper.com Dave Says Make Some Changes BY DAVE RAMSEY Steve was out in the Mule Barn parking lot the other day, tightening something with his wrenches under the hood of his pickup truck. The rest of us stood around, looking wise, and sipping coffee. “You sure it ain’t the solenoid?” said Bert. “I don’t think they make them anymore,” said Doc. “It’s usually the solenoid,” Bert said, with finality. Out of self defense, Steve emerged from his cavern of wires and metal long enough to say, “Didn’t I see you have a goat now, Bert?” Bert nodded. “That’s why I hate allergies.” We waited. We stared. “Well you see, Maizie’s allergic to cow’s milk, so we bought Ernestine for her.” “And Ernestine is ….?” “The goat … right. So 1130 what happens is somehow I have to milk Ernestine. Twice a day. We wanted to go overnight to the city last week. Ever try to find someone who will babysit and milk a goat?” “I won’t do it,” said Dud. “Neither will anyone else,” said Bert, sadly. “So we either stay home, or take the goat with us. Ever try to find a motel that takes goats?” “Not recently,” Doc said. “So we stayed home. Oh, it wouldn’t be so bad if she liked me…” “Maizie?” “Ernestine. See, she waits until I have her almost milked out, then she’ll stick her foot in the bucket and kick it all over me. The other day, I was standing in her pen and talking with Mrs. Gonzales next door, and Card of Thanks 1200 “Thank your for the expressions of concern for my mother Virginia Johnson and for your expressions of sympathy to me at her passing. Ron Johnson.” 1200 1995 Pontiac Van, great shape, runs very well, no dents. $1,150. 605-760-1705. CABIN FEVER GETAWAY Royal River Casino & Hotel Bus Double Occupancy up to $60 Back & 2 meal vouchers Pick-Up Yankton Mall 12:00pm by Fryin’ Pan Restaurant Please be 15 mintues early Buying junk cars, pickups, vans, running or not. Instant quote & free pickup. McLean Auto Salvage. (402)360-0756 CARS/TRUCKS WANTED! Top $$$$$ PAID! Running or Not, All Years, Makes, Models. Free Towing! We're Local! 7 Days/Week. Call Toll Free: 1-888-416-2330 nani CASH FOR CARS: Any Make, Model or Year. We Pay MORE! Running or Not Sell your Car or Truck TODAY Free Towing! Instant Offer: 1-888-420-3805 (MCN) Want to Buy: Old cars, pickups and trucks. 1900-1970’s. Call 402-841-3302. EHRESMANN ENGINEERING -----Brought to you by “The Backpocket Guide to Hunting Elk” by Slim Randles. Now available on amazon.com. Cars 1200 2002 Oldsmobile Intrigue, very reliable $1,000/OBO. Call (605)665-7569. Cars Ernestine came running up behind me and ran right between my legs.” “Did you fall?” “Of course. And Mrs. Gonzales tried not to laugh, but it didn’t work.” “Bert,” said Doc, “why don’t you just buy goat’s milk at the store?” “Maizie says she needs it fresh, because it’s better. You guys ever notice how a goat has horns and cloven hooves?” We nodded. “I don’t think I need to add anything to that,” said Bert. Cars DONATE YOUR CAR, TRUCK OR BOAT TO HERITAGE FOR THE BLIND. Free 3 Day Vacation, Tax Deductible, Free Towing, All Paperwork Taken Care Of. 1-800-283-0205 (MCN) GET CASH TODAY for any car/truck. I will buy your car today. Any Condition. Call 1-800-864-5796 or www.carbuyguy.com nani 1225 RAMSEY —Sandi Dear Sandi, It sounds like you’ve taken a serious look at your situation, and you’re smart enough to know it’s not working and you want to do things differently. Well, this is a great time of the year for changes! Years ago when I crashed and burned financially there were a few strong emotions that spurred me towards change. One of those was disgust. I realized that what I was doing was stupid, and that I was tired of living that way. I made a conscious, proactive decision that things were going to be different. The second emotion was fear. I was scared to death that I’d be broke for the rest of my life. I don’t think you should ever live your life in fear, but a reasonable, healthy level of fear can be a Automotive Parts 8? pickup box, tailgate and bumper, off a 2014 Dodge. Black in color. Call 402-649-4817. 1240 Dear Dave, My mom and dad always told me to live below my means, but they never showed me how to make it happen. I’ve gotten out of debt and fallen back in sevDave eral times. I want to get control of my money and stop busting my budget. How do I keep from falling back again? Boats - Watercraft 1977 Boatel 36x14, steel pontoons 2-60hp. Mercury bigfoot outboard motors, completely refurbished 3 years ago. Asking $35,900 excellent condition (402)358-3343. terrific motivator. The third thing was contentment. Marketers try to sell us on the idea that we’ll be happier if we just go out and buy things. When we have this stuff crammed down our throats all day long, rapid-fire, it can affect our level and perception of contentment. One of the practical things I did was to stop going places where I was tempted to spend money. When you have to go out, make a list of only the things you need and take just enough cash with you to make the purchase. Spending money on a bunch of stuff you don’t need, and probably don’t really want, isn’t going to bring you contentment. —Dave WHO’S THE BOSS? Dear Dave, I’m trying to get out of debt, but it seems like something unexpected always happens to knock me back down. I’m single, make $45,000 a year, and I have $12,000 in debt, in addition to a mortgage payment of $1,124 a month. I’ve been trying to live on a budget, but I still don’t know where all the money goes. 1250 Motorcycles 1270 ANTIQUE MOTORCYCLES WANTED. Cash paid for Harley Davidson, Indian or other motorcycles and related parts from 1900 thru 1970. Any condition. Midwest collector will pick up anywhere. Phone 309-645-4623 (MCN) Read & Recycle! For All Your Steel Needs! • Flat Bars • Solid Bars • Angle Iron •Channel Iron • Round, Square & Retangle Tubing • Many More types of steel to choose from ——— Dave Ramsey is America’s trusted voice on money and business. He has authored five New York Times best-selling books: Financial Peace, More Than Enough, The Total Money Makeover, EntreLeadership and Smart Money Smart Kids. The Dave Ramsey Show is heard by more than 8 million listeners each week on more than 500 radio stations. Follow Dave on Twitter at @DaveRamsey and on the web at daveramsey.com. Carpentry For All of Your Carpentry Needs: Custom Built Windows, Siding, Garages, Additions, Patios and More. Call Andersh Carpentry at (605)661-1190. 1445 Childcare Providers Carpentry A Full-time Carpenter Available. No job too small! Free estimates. Lots of experience. Call Bob Edwards at (605)665-8651. STEEL SPECIALS —Dave Utility Trailers 1435 Trailer SALE! 102”x25', 28' 30'& 32' Gooseneck 24,000# GVWR trailers, Starting at $8199.00 with FREE spare; 6'x12' V-nose ramp door $2,750.00; Aluminum utility 76”x10' $1,699.00; DUMP trailers 8', 10' 12' 14' & 16'; 130 trailers in-stock. 515-972-4554 www.FortDodgeTrailerWorld.c om (MCN) 1435 — Anonymous Dear Anonymous, For starters, your house payment is kind of heavy. I always recommend that your monthly mortgage payment be no more than 25 percent of your take-home pay. Still, the biggest thing is that you’ve got to get control of your money instead of letting it control you. I want you to sit down every month, before the next month begins, and write it all down on paper, on purpose. Give every single dollar a name, and tell your money what to do. Once you’ve done this, the idea of “trying to live on a budget” stops being some vague idea floating around out there and becomes a real game plan for your money! In-Home Daycare has full & part-time openings ages 2 and up. Reasonable rates, licensed. References available. (605)661-7767. Please Recycle When Done Reading! We Want to be Your Steel Supplier Let Our Family Business keep yours in the go with: Call us at 605-665-7532 4400 W. 31st St., Yankton, SD 57078 • Farm Filters • Hydraulic Hoses • Bearings & Seals Cox Auto A GREAT TIME TIME I FOR A GREAT CAUSE! It’s It’s COLD outside, but the savings from savings ® HOT OT! are HOT! Attend a Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation Dinner o and Benefit Auction where fun and fundraising combine for a memorable evening. www.rmef.org 1007 Broadway Ave. • Yankton • 665-4494 HOME COMFORT SYSTEMS Innovation neve va ver good.® Innovation never felt so good.® $2300 DATE: Saturday, Feb. 7th 2015 TIME: Doors open at 5:00 PM PLACE: Miner vas E. Hwy 50, Yankton a TICKET INFORMATION: FORMAT A Call Dave Mingo at 605-661-0553 Receive up to in savings when you purhcase savings a qualifying Lennox Home Comfor t Comfort system between now between Feb. and Feb. 20, 2015 AND take take advantage of special financing. financing. See the professionals at... HEATING HEATING & COOLING AT larrysheatingandcooling.com larr ysheatingandcooling.com Schuurmans Farm Supply www.yanktonmotorsports.com 2007 Hustler Super Z 26 H.P. Liquid Cooled Kawasaki Front Suspension, 72” Side Discharge, 480 hours $5,800 New Holland M22 4-Wheel Drive - 22 H.P. Diesel 60” Rear Discharge Deck Low Hours LIKE NEW - $7,950 Volin Fire & Rescue PA CAKE PANCA AN BREAKFAST B 2008 Hustler Super Z 25 H.P. Kawasaki Front Suspension 72” Rear Discharge, 497 hrs. Volin Town Hall Feb. 8th 7 a.m. - 1 p.m. Serving Pancakes, ke Eggs, and Sausage $6,800 Fre eewill Donation 5 miles West of Tyndall on Hwy. 50 Corner of Hwys. 50 and 37 www.schuurmansfarmsupply.com Ph. (605) 589-3909 or Cell (605)464-1113 TV TV RAFFLE 50% PAYOUT PAYOUT AY AYO Pinochle Tournament o Registration at 12:30 p.m. Starting at 1 p.m. $20 per 2 person team
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