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April 8, 2014 • Page 7 shop online at www.missourivalleyshopper.com 1785 Jewelry 1815 Pear 1.01 CT, Round .8 CT, and .2 cluster diamond rings. Pictures available. Call (402)890-5034. 1790 Lawn - Garden Rhubarb plants wanted will pay $2 a hill to remove or thin. Call Sanderson Gardens (605)693-4871 or email rhubarbking@hotmail.com Sears Craftsman 46 inch deck, 21 HP Briggs and Straton turn tight hydrostatic riding lawn mower. 6 Bushel 2 bin soft bagger, extra new blade, used 2 and a half summers. $1,350 firm. Craftsman 33 inch, 357cc dual stage snowblower with EZ steer, heated hand grips, electric start, used less that 8 hours. $1,250 firm. Both for $2,400 firm. Call (605)661-0321. Snapper self-propelled rear tine tiller. $200. (605)665-4653. 1795 Musical Items TOP CASH PAID FOR OLD GUITARS! 1920’s thru 1980’s. Gibson, Martin, Fender, Gretsch, Epiphone, Guild, Mosrite, Rickenbacker, Prairie State, D’Angelico, Stromberg, and Gibson. Mandolins/Banjos. 1-800-401-0440. nani 1810 Tools Shop Items: Gantry Crane: Custom built, one-of-a-kind, 20’ long, 12’ under beam, 18” removable extensions. Approximate capacity 3000 lbs. center area. Trolley and 2 ton chain hoist, $3,500. Double end engine stand, all custom, put 454 GM each end and roll with 1 hand. All uprights bolt together for flexibility, $2,500. Steel shelving and miscellaneous items. Please call (605)660-7164 after 3:30 p.m. 1815 Miscellaneous STEEL CULVERTS FOR SALE: New, All sizes. (605)661-5050 or (605)387-5660. Ulmer Farm Service, Menno, SD. $14.99 SATELLITE TV. Includes free installation. High speed internet for less than $.50 a day. Low cost guarantee. Ask about our FREE IPAD with Dish Network. Call today 1-855-331-6646 (not available in NE) (MCN) OUR SPORTSMEN WILL PAY TOP DOLLAR to hunt your land. Call for a free Base Camp Leasing Info Packet & Quote. 866-309-1507 www.BaseCampleasing.com (MCN) Miscellaneous 1815 Miscellaneous 1850 AIRLINES ARE HIRING Train for hands on Aviation Career. FAA approved program. Financial aid for qualified students - Job placement assistance. CALL Aviation Institute of Maintenance 888-686-1704. nani REDUCE YOUR CABLE BILL!* Get a whole-home Satellite system installed at NO COST and programming starting at $19.99/mo. FREE HD/DVR Upgrade to new callers, SO CALL NOW 1-855-237-7524 (MCN) DirectTV - 2 Year Savings Event! Over 140 channels only $29.99 a month. Only DirecTV gives you 2 YEARS of savings and a FREE Genie upgrade! Call 1-800-991-2418 (MCN) REDUCE YOUR PAST TAX BILL by as much as 75 Percent. Stop Levies, Liens and Wage Garnishments. Call the Tax DR Now to see if you Qualify 1-800-721-2793 (MCN) DIRECTV, Internet, & Phone From $69.99/mo + Free 3 Months: HBO® Starz® SHOWTIME® CINEMAX®+ FREE GENIE 4 Room Upgrade + NFL SUNDAY TICKET! Limited offer. Call Now 888-248- 5961. nani DISH NETWORK - $19 Special, includes FREE Premium Movie Channels (HBO, Showtime, Cinemax, and Starz) and Blockbuster at home for 3 months. Free installation and equipment. Call NOW! 1-866-820-4030(MCN) DISH TV RESELLER - SAVE! Starting $19.99/month (for 12 months). FREE Premium Movie Channels. FREE Equipment, Installation & Activation. CALL, COMPARE LOCAL DEALS! 1-800-390-3140 (MCN) EEOICPA CLAIM DENIED? Diagnosed with cancer or another illness working for DOE in U.S. Nuclear Weapons Program? You may be entitled to $150,000 - $400,000. Call Attorney Hugh Stephens 866-643-1894. 2495 Main S., Suite 442, Buffalo, NY (MCN) GUARANTEED INCOME for Your Retirement - Avoid Market Risk & Get Guaranteed Income in Retirement! CALL for FREE copy of our SAFE MONEY GUIDE Plus Annuity Quotes from A-Rated Companies! 1-800-599-8308 (MCN) KILL BED BUGS! Buy Harris Bed Bug Killer Complete Treatment Program or Kit. Available: Hardware Stores. Buy Online: homedepot.com nani OIL Mobile Delvac 1300 15-40 in 55 gallon drums diesel engine oil, $11.40/gallon. 402-649-6711. 1855 Alfalfa - Hay Alfalfa seed for sale. State tested, in 50lb bags. Call for variety and price. Some delivery available. (402)569-3265 or (605)999-1477 Rihanek Seeds. SAFE STEP WALK-IN TUB: Alert for Seniors: Bathroom falls can be fatal. Approved by Arthritis Foundation. Therapeutic Jets. Less than 4” Step-In. Wide Door. Anti-Slip Floors. American Made. Installation Included. Call 888-744-2329 for $750 Off (MCN) For Sale: Small square bales. Call (605)760-1456 after 4pm. Net wrap cornstock round bales, clean, no dirt, average weight 1279#, (402)276-2323. 1870 Ag Equipment Buying older farm equipment and clean up farms for iron. Paying top dollar. (402)750-4309. This paper needs to know how to better serve you. Please take this short anonymous survey to allow us to learn what is important to you. It is only 13 questions and should take only a couple of minutes. You could win a drawing among those that take it to win $250. Take it online at w w w. r e s e a r c h . n e t / s / M F C P (MCN) For Sale: JD 524K wheel loader, 1140 hours, quick coupler, 20..5R 2 tires, 2.75 yard bucket, 3rd hydraulic, Stuart, NE 402-340-3453. No solicitors. Wanted: JD 7000 or 7200 4, 6 8, 12 row planters. JD, Hiniker & Buffalo cultivators; other machinery, 402-920-2125. WE BUY OIL & GAS MINERAL RIGHTS and ROYALTIES To Properties. Producing or Not. Competitive CASH Offer. Why Continue to Receive Small Monthly Checks, If at All. 408-202-9307; TheMineralBuyer@aol.com (MCN) Wanted: JD 7000 or 7200 four, six, eight row planters. JD or CIH grain drills. JD, CIH or Hiniker cultivators. New Holland or Gehl grinder/mixers 402-750-1900. Give Aways 1875 FREE: Over-stove Maytag microwave. (605)665-3570, leave message. Livestock - Poultry 2-Year old virgin Angus bulls, moderate frame, easy fleshing, calving ease, great disposition, semen tested, EPD’s available, Keith Reed, 402-649-3615. Will pay $50 plus lumber to remove garage from location. First come first served! Contact (605)661-8156 or (605)665-5762. 1830 Order Dish Network Satellite TV and Internet Starting at $19.99! Free Installation, Hopper DVR and 5 Free Premium Movie Channels! Call 800-597-2464. nani 2-Saddles for sale. 1-Hereford and 1-SBar3. Excellent condition Call (605)665-2992 or (605)661-4625 after 5pm. ROTARY INTERNATIONAL – A worldwide network of inspired individuals who improve communities. Find information or locate your local club at www.rotary.org. Brought to you by your free community paper and PaperChain. nani 1820 Agriculture 1875 10”x72? with Swing away hopper, 14-gauge tube and 1/4” thick flighting all the way up. Overstocked: Winter discounts still available, $10,200, Shelby, NE 402-649-6711. Boer show goats wethers and doeings private treaty sale April 12th & 13th. 10am at Volk Livestock, Battle Creek, NE. For information dkboergoats.com or 308-279-0381. Rummage Sales 130 Carr Street Saturday April 12th, 8am-12pm Rummage Sale: kids clothes, furniture, household items, miscellaneous. For Sale: 2 year old and Yearling Angus Bulls AI Sired many suitable for heifers. Call Marnie Schieffer (402)388-4532 or John Schieffer (605)661-8531. Livestock - Poultry 2000 Horseshoe Hill Ranch is selling Registered Purebred Angus, Angus X Simmental and Red Angus X Simmental Bulls by private treaty. Go to poppebulls.com to see videos and information. Over 30 years developing bulls with top sires. Great opportunity to get high performance bulls for a reasonable price. Jay Poppe (402)640-9031, Gary Poppe (402)388-2410. JD 4-wheel horse manure spreader, model K, complete tongue, double trees, neck yoke, excellent condition, ready to go. 402-649-3615. Purebred Angus Bulls, yearling and 2 yr. old, bred for calving ease and carcass quality. O?Brien Angus, Tilden, NE. 402-368-2195. Reserve your pheasant roosters for fall now. Discount available if deposit is received before May 1st. Call for prices. (605)480-2669. Tasty dirt butchering. beef. Both raised. (402) raised pigs for Also, grass fed 100% naturally 336-7008. Tasty dirt butchering. beef. Both raised. (402) raised pigs for Also, grass fed 100% naturally 336-7008. 1890 Notices Business Hours of The Missouri Valley Shopper are as follows: Monday through Friday 8:00am-5:00pm. 319 Walnut St. Yankton (605)665-5884. Thank you for your continued business! Deadline is 12Noon on Fridays for the following Tuesdays MVS. PLEASE NOTE This publication does not knowingly accept fraudulent or deceptive advertising. Readers are cautioned to thoroughly investigate all ads, especially those asking for money in advance or ads that sound too good to be true. COLLECTOR'S PARADISE FLEA MARKET. Fairgrounds…What Cheer, Iowa. Saturday- Sunday. May 3 & 4. Early Bird: Friday, May 2nd (Admission $2.) Open 7 A.M. Admission $1.00 Daily. Outside dealer space available. Larry Nicholson, Box 413, What Cheer, Iowa 50268. Phone: 641-634-2109, www.whatcheerfleamarket.co m (MCN) Seed - Feed 1000 SAVE THE MONARCHS! Pick up free milkweed seeds at W.H. Over Museum gift shop, (605)677-5277. 2000 Notices THE MISSOURI VALLEY Shopper cannot verify the validity of any advertisements placed by anyone. Readers are advised to approach any advertisement with reasonable caution. Auctions - Public Sales Auction House facility for rent. Call (605)760-1705. 1020 Food - Beverage FREE FOOD & DISCOUNT Restaurant Card! Never Expires, Good All 50 States, Over 21 Different Places. Retails $29.95, Your Cost $8.00. FREE Shipping. Send Money Order/Cash: Domino Design, PO Box 2518, Joliet, IL 60431. Est. 1974 (MCN) NO DOCUMENTATION FEES Brian & Jean DeGroot, Owners 802 Broadway, Yankton, SD (Never have, never will.) Buy • Sell • Trade Quatlity...USED Cars, Trucks, Campers, Boats & Consignments 665-1596 www.bridgecityautoyankton.com PROBLEMS with the IRS or State Taxes? Settle for a fraction of what you owe! Free face to face consultations with offices in your area. Call 1-888-608-0987 (MCN) Hartington Tree LLC TREE TRIMMING, REMOVALS & TRANSPLANTING TREES FOR SALE EVERGREEN • SHADE • ORNAMENTAL Yankton 605-260-1490 Hartington 402-254-6710 SHOP YOUR WAY members always get more Serving Southeast SD & Northeast NE for 20 Years sale $ 49 sale $ 99 6 rolls Kent & Kyle Hochstein • Licensed Arborists www.hartingtontree.com 24 double rolls 8 -Licensed -Bonded -Insured All DieHard lawn & garden batteries on SALE, starting at $34.99 Wakonda, SD • 605-267-2768 • Cell: 605-661-1063 LONG REACH EXCAVATOR WITH 65’ OF REACH Give us a call for a quote … 13 sale 2/$ 5 7-8 oz. Check out our exclusive member deals! FREE instant membership in store or at shopyourway.com 2210 Broadway Ave Yankton, SD 57078 605-665-8025 Stop in to pick up a complete STOREWIDE SAVINGS Circular Sale prices good thru May 5, 2014 Schuurmans Farm Supply Grills l Specia NEW! 2012 Excel Hustler Super Z HD 2014 Hustler Raptor 42” Deck, 21.5 HP Kawasaki $2,799 With Bagger - $3,298 Green Mountain Grills Call for Spring Time Specials on Green Mountain Wood Pellet Grills. 35 HP Kawasaki, 72” Rear Discharge Deck, 410 Hrs. Completely Serviced! Pre-owned Beat the rush for spring & schedule your lawn mower for service today! 5 miles West of Tyndall on Hwy. 50 Corner of Hwys. 50 and 37 Ph. (605) 589-3909 or Cell (605)464-1113 • www.schuurmansfarmsupply.com EA BOOK 56 #8 Yesterday’s Solution su do ku CH BOOK 56 #7 There’s regular happy. Then there’s new home happy. er vices enter Call or stop in today and get happy with a great home mortgage! Federal Credit Union ...It’s Where You Belong! www.scfcu.net Yankton • Springfield • Parkston
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Missouri Valley Shopper
319 Walnut
Yankton, SD 57078
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