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July 30, 2013 • Page 14 shop online at www.missourivalleyshopper.com No Rainchecks. While supplies last. 1605 Apartments For 1605 Rent Colonial Square Apartments Yankton. One and two bedroom apartments available. Stove. refrigerator, utilities furnished. Rent based on income. Must meet income guidelines. Call (605)665-9876 or 1-800-225-0564, TDD# 1-800-622-1770. Equal Housing Opportunity. 2100 Broadway, Yankton 605-665-3412 Friday, August 2nd 1 DAY SALE Sheyboygan Natural Casing Weiners 3. Save $6.00! 99 off coupon on package $1 final price $2.99 Land-O-Lakes Milk 2% - 1% - Skim 2.Homegrown Fresh 69 Gallon Jug Limit 3 Please Sweet Corn 3. 99 oz. Hy-Vee Deli Hy-Vee Italian Shaved Ham Fresh Baked Calzones or Stromboli 1. 99 2. 99 lb. ea. Hy-Vee Cake Mix New Flavors! Hy-Vee Fruit Snacks Asst. Varieties •Red Velvet •Lemon •Carrot •Confetti 3 4/$ .68 Gatorade •Riptide Rush •G2 Glacier Freeze •Glacier Freeze •G2 Lemon-Lime •G2 Grape •Cool Blue •Lemon-Lime •G2 Fruit Punch Get •Glacier Cherry Buy 10 @ 10/$10 5 FREE! Bakery Fresh Read & Recycle! Duplex For Rent: Very well kept 2-bedroom duplex with garage in nice quiet residential area. $750/month plus utilities. Water/sewer paid by landlord. No pets, no smoking. Available July 1st. Daytime (605)624-2097, Evening (605)624-2239. For Rent Village Green Apartments Yankton. 1 bedroom apartment available. Stove, refrigerator, utilities, furnished. Rent based on income. (605)665-0063 or 1-800-225-0564, TDD# 1-800-622-1770. Equal Housing Opportunity. Apartments For Rent For Rent: Available September 1, new 2 Bedroom duplex in Vermillion. Dishwasher, Washer/Dryer hookup. Close to USD and Austin grade school. $525.00 plus utilities. (605)677-9998 For Rent: One-Bedroom or Two-bedroom Apt. for elderly or persons with disabilities at River Court Apt. 24 E. Duke, Vermillion. HDC accessible. Must qualify by income. Rent based on income. Equal Housing Opportunity. 605-202-0008 or Skogen Company (605)263-3941. Please Recycle When Done Reading! LARGE Monday, Aug. 12 -- 10 a.m. LOCATED: 41866 285th Street, Tripp, SD from Highways 37-18 junction, 10 miles east, 1 mile north on 418th Avenue and TRACTORS, LOADERS: 2003 NH TG 255 Supersteer MFD, front and rear duals, 3 spd pto, 230 hp, 1650 hrs; 1997 NH 8360 MFD, radar, 2 spd pto, quick hitch, 3300 hrs with Westendorf 400 XLT quicktach loader, 8' bucket and grapple, bale spear, V plow, 20' cat walk. COMBINE: 1990 NH TR-86, Terrain Tracer, new rubber, 3030 hrs; 1999 NH 996 6RN poly corn head; NH 973 20' flex head; NH dummy head w with hyd drive pickup. PLANTING & TILLAGE: 1999 Kinze 2210 12RN hyd front fold planter, row cleaners; 2004 Krause 4994 28' rock flex disc; 1997 C-IH 4300 33' field cultivator; IHC 5500 17' pull type chisel; Noble 7 sect drag and hyd cart; C-IH 183 12RN flat fold cultivator; JD 20' flat fold rotary hoe; MF 4x16 semi mt plow; JD 3 bottom pull type plow. HAYING & HARVEST: 2005 NH 1475 16' hydraswing, 2300 series head; Grosz welding 14 bale 3 pt trailer; Farmhand 7 wheel hyd lift rake; Rural Mfg 3 pt 2 bale fork; JD No 5 7' mower; 2-Demco 650 gravity wagons with Shurlock roll tarps; 4-Demco 365 gravity wagons; Nu-Built 220 bu 2 compartment gravity wagon with Unverferth hyd fill auger and tarp; Nu-Built 220 bu gravity wagon; Mayrath 10x64 auger; Swing hopper; Mayrath 8x32 auger with 16 hp gas engine; 6x27 auger with gas engine; Stirator dryer bin down auger, new; Barge and flare box wagon; 2 flatbeds. PICKUP, TRAILERS, ATV: 2002 Ford F-150 4x4 crew cab, moon roof, 66,000 miles; 2005 Honda Foreman ES 4x4 ATV, 1750 miles; H&W 20' bumper tandem axle car trailer; M&S ATV trailer, rear and side load; Shopmade 7x12 utility trailer, 4' sides, rear and side ramps; 50 gal 12V pull type ATV sprayer, 14' booms; 4--2-wheel utility trailers. FARM, SHOP & LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES: KingKutter 6' 3 pt rotary tiller, like new; 1000 gal propane tank; 550 gal fuel tank with electric pump; L shape 120 gal 12V pickup fuel tank; 550 and 300 gal poly water tanks; 8x12 feed shed on gear; 12x20 calf shelter; Kelly Ryan manure spreader; 10 suit case weights; OutBack GPS; Grade 5 bolt stock and rack; Air compressoe; Arc welder; Band saw; 3/4" air impact; Homelite chain saw; Cherokee 3 pt cement mixer; Chain hoist; Moisture tester; Heat housers for M; Tractor chains; Used tires; Bear rear pickup bumper; Grill guard; Dempster pump jack; Calf puller; Vet supplies; Fencing supplies; Gates; Steel posts; Bridge plank; 6"x6"s, 6"x8"s, 4"x4"s, 4"x6"s and 2" lumber of various lengths. HAY: 130 BR 2013 grass bales; 30 SS grass bales. SPORTING GOODS: Grumann 19' canoe; Alumilight 17' canoe; Rem 870 Wingmaster 12 ga pump Trolling motors; Oars; Life vests. ANTIQUES, HOUSEHOLD: Fancy iron bed; JD peddle tractor; 2 large Cupalos; Mission oak chair; Tin seats; Oil cans; Hog oilers; Old pulleys; Ringer; Calendars; Tubas for parts; Canning supplies; Miscellaneous kitchen and household related items. Here is a super clean line of equipment. Most major items are one owner, always shedded and field ready. All equipment has had the utmost care and maintenance. Darrell and LaVerna Magstadt, Owners Phone 605-935-6710 For photos visit www.PetersonAuctioneers.com Lee Wittmeier, Tyndall, SD www.PetersonAuctioneers.com TERMS: Cash or personal check accompanied by photo ID Not Responsible for Accidents Lunch served by Scotland UCC Ladies Bakery Fresh Cookies Select Varieties Deluxe 2-bedroom apartments with free Internet, water/garbage. Up and downstairs available. Beautiful Area. (605)661-3999. Apartments For 1605 Rent Cinnamon Rolls 3. 1.99 99 5¢ Fuel Saver 12ct. 4ct. Save $1.00! Assorted Candy Bars M&M, Snickers, Twix, Milky Way Energizer Batteries AA or AAA 5 10/$ Dial for Men 3. 99 Crest Find What You’re Looking for in a Snap! 8pk. Tooth Paste Speed Foam Body Wash .88 6.8oz. .99 4.6oz. Health Market Hy-Vee Gas Nature’s Made Vita-Melts Vitamins Jack Links Beef Jerky •Zinc •Sleep Melatonin •Relax-1-Theanine •Vitamin D • B-12 Energy •Vitamin C 6. 49 •Original •Peppered •Teriyaki •Hot and Spicy 3. 79 Save $3.70! 3.25oz. Thursday 4-8 pm Friday 4-8 pm Saturday 11am-4pm Shop the Classifieds for gifts to give yourself and others! RIB - FEST! Stop by for some of Dave’s Famous finger-licken Barbecue! Full Rack of Ribs • Half RacK • Pulled Pork Rib Dinners • Pulled Pork Sandwhich Meal Missouri Valley Shopper www.missourivalleyshopper.com
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Yankton, SD 57078
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