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June 18, 2013 • Page 8 Miscellaneous 1815 Lower Your Cable Bill!!! Complete Digital Satellite TV System FREE Install!!!! FREE HD/DVR UPGRADES As low As $19.99/mo Call NOW! 800-925-7945 nani Miscellaneous 1830 REACH 2 MILLION HOUSEHOLDS! Do you have a product, service, or business that would be helped by reaching over 2 million households throughout Iowa and the surrounding states? The Midwest Classified Network will allow you to reach these potential customers quickly and inexpensively. For more information concerning a creative classified ad call this publication or Midwest Free Community Papers at 800-248-4061 or get information online at www.mcn-ads.com (MCN) P E LV I C / T R A N S VA G I N A L MESH? Did you undergo transvaginal placement of mesh for pelvic organ prolapse or stress urinary incontinence between 2005 and present time? If the patch required removal due to complications, you may be entitled to compensation. Call Johnson Law and speak with female staff members 1-800-535-5727. 45944 Timber Rd. (Close to Clay County Park) (Vermillion) Friday, 6/21, 4:00pm-7:00pm Saturday, 6/22, 8:00am-11:00am A Grand Garage Sale! Lots of children’s clothing, infant to toddler, infant and toddler toys, high chair, play yard. Household items, exercise equipment, and many more items. 511 Sterling (Vermillion) Thursday, 6/20, 3pm-6pm Friday, 6/21, 3pm-6pm Saturday, 6/22, 8am-1pm Household and baby items, video games, toys, boy and girl infant to adult clothing. SAVE $$$ on AUTO INSURANCE from the major names you know and trust. No forms. No hassle. No obligation. Call READY FOR MY QUOTE now! CALL 1-866-415-0212 (MCN) Pistol and Rifle Ammo for sale: 40” Sony LCD TV, whirlpool, electric range. (605)760-0161. ROTARY INTERNATIONAL A worldwide network of inspired individuals who improve communities. Find information or locate your local club at www.rotary.org. Brought to you by your free community paper and PaperChain. nani Rummage Sales 1850 1850 SAVE on Cable TVInternet-Digital Phone- Satellite. You've Got A Choice! Options from ALL major service providers. Call us to learn more! CALL Today. 888-583-4941 (MCN) Agriculture Preferred Fencing and Cedar Removal We do ag and livestock fencing. Also do tree removal. References and estimates available. Contact Boe 308-520-5534. Agriculture Several crews of bean walkers. We do any type of farm work. 21 years experience, references available. 100 mile radius of Yankton. For more information (712)943-2084. 1870 Ag Equipment (2) International 7? mowers; (2) M tractors, not running; (1) D17 Allis Chalmers, not running. 402-750-1346; 402-750-1089. Buying older farm equipment and clean up farms for iron. Paying top dollar. (402)750-4309. JD 40 Series Hydraulic Valve R65284 with pioneer outlets, $750. Also 2 JD 440# inside weights, $375. Z425 JD Zero turn mower 48” deck, 23HP Briggs, 14.5 hrs, like new, $3,500. (605)464-1718. Mid 60?s JD 3020, power shift, 1-hydraulic, new 6400 series engine, WF, 3pt., cab & fenders, good rubber; Also, JD #8 3pt. sickle mower, $150. 402-340-4540. Here’s My Card 1870 Ag Equipment 1875 Want to Buy: Semi tractors and trailers that need work. Will also buy old farm trucks, combines, Heston and JD stackers. Looking for old farm machinery and old cars, don’t need to be running. 402-841-3302. 1875 Livestock - Poultry (3) Polled Hereford bulls, 2-calving ease, 1-cow bull. Also, Angus bulls for sale, RB Angus 402-841-4022. 2-Year old Angus bulls, moderate frame, easy fleshing, calving ease, great disposition, semen tested, many generations for Ohlde genetics, Keith Reed, 402-649-3615. 6 year old gray mare Thoroughbred with papers, well broke, $500/OBO. Refrigerator, $75. 402-649-0201. Fick Red Angus has bulls for sale. Grown, not fattened. Moderate and calm. Doug 402-340-9910; Ed 402-394-5489, Inman. Two year old Red Angus and Black Angus Bulls for sale. Scott Wagner. (605)670-1481. www.missourivalleyshopper.com Harry Lane, Elec Livestock - Poultry For Sale: (44) 9 and 10 Year old cows with calves at side, average birthdate March 15. Call Russ Olson, 402-340-0617, by Newport, NE. For Sale: 2 year old Angus Bulls some from AI breeding and some can be used on heifers. Allen Bierema (605)661-5624 or (605)589-3617. For Sale: Angus Polled Charolais & Angus Hybrid Bulls. Performance & Fertility Tested. Excellent Quality & Disposition. Good Selection. Reasonably Priced, WAGONHAMMER RANCH, www.wagonhammer.com Call 402-649-2719. 2000 Notices Business Hours of The Missouri Valley Shopper are as follows: Monday through Friday, 8:00am-5:00pm. 319 Walnut St. (605)665-5884. Thank you for your continued business! Deadline is 12Noon on Fridays for the following Tuesdays MVS. trical Contractor •Commercial • Re sidential • Farm Wiring • Pr ompt Service • Qu ality Work • Com petitive Prices New Constructi on or Remodeli ng H ome: 665-6612 Cell: 661-1040 4/7 on call 2 e? need don do you ows/Doors • Dirt Work What d o Finishes iding • Win etic Stucc • Roofing/S ages/Sheds • Synth & Repair) te ings • Gar ure, Patch s • Concre • Pole Build all (Hang, Tape, Text tic System •Dryw olition • Sep te ma • Dem FR E E Esti s/Additions • Remodel 6 st Call For ore Ju & Much M 30855 445TH AVE • MIS S ION 704 HILL, S D 5 PROBL CREDIEM WEBSITE GR T A EN PROBL ? www.aOPlutecING! ND bso E r e S SOLVEDM Monday-FhowroomaHcorurdsit.com riday, 8 ! a.m.-5:3 Sa Ca ek. Rd. 1501 W ox 857, 78 PO B , SD 570 2 Yankton x: 605-665-016 • Fa -4084 800-359 • Q u a li ty TE CAR 322 Do uglas 605-2 60-14 • Yankton, S 80 • C ell: 60 D 57078 5-857 -0179 S e rv ic e • s Tr a d e - In e rv ic e Q u a lit y S e y S e rv ic • Q u a lit Wat er E x tr e m e Service We also y and Carr Rebuild r Parts fo ther llied & O A ds Bran ough ly T 5 4 -6 3 6 9 W • So a p s & um A lu m in te n e r s B r ig h in S to ck ly r S u p1p 9 F i s c h ev ic e S in ceality 6S2 rvic e S er u • (8 0 0 )3 Q u a li ty S e rv ic e • Q 4 -6 3 6 9 E ty (4 0 2 )2 5 g to n , N • Q u a li H a rt in S e rv ic e • Q u a li ty S e rv ic e Q u a li ty CREDIT • Q u a lit y S e rv ic e ABSOLU rs Washe y ssure f N E W & t li High Preu ll L in e o F S t o ck ua Cold Q Hot or U S E D in e lc o m e • Q u a li ty S e rv ic e Q u a li ty 409 turday, 8 ll the Fin 0 anc a.m.-3 p p.m.; All Credit ing Exper ts at .m. 605 Applicati ons Acce -260-1480 pted! ic e a lit y S e rv e • Qu y S e rv ic u a lit 1815 shop online at www.missourivalleyshopper.com Sales, Serv ice of all Name & Installation Brand TV’s 7 Since 197 Ju rrens Ele ctr 114 Main S treet, Avon o n i c s , SD 57315 1-888-8 7 3-7382
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Missouri Valley Shopper
319 Walnut
Yankton, SD 57078
Phone: (605) 665-5884, Fax: (605) 665-0288

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