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September 18, 2012 • Page 7 shop online at www.missourivalleyshopper.com 1101 Announcements - 1200 Events CARS/TRUCKS THE MISSOURI VALLEY Shopper cannot verify the validity of any advertisements placed by anyone. Readers are advised to approach any advertisement with reasonable caution. Cars 1200 WANTED! Top $$$$$ PAID! Running or Not, All Years, Makes, Models. Free Towing! We're Local! 7 Days/Week. Call Toll Free: 1-888-416-2330 nani MISC AUTOS: CASH FOR CARS: Any Make, Model or Year. We Pay MORE! Running or Not Sell your Car or Truck TODAY Free Towing! Instant Offer: 1-888-420-3805 (MCN). WANT TO ADVERTISE TO THE MIDWEST? Place your classified ads in the Midwest Classified Network anytime online at www.midwestfreeclassifieds.com (MCN) 1200 Cars 2006 Pontiac G6, clean, lower miles, $8,500. (605)665-3963. 2007 Cadillac DTS. 4 Dr Sedan, 55,000 miles. All leather, new tires, metallic gray. Power everything. $16,500/OBO. (605)659-5780. A-1 DONATE YOUR CAR! Breast Cancer Research Foundation! Most highly rated breast cancer charity in America! Tax Deductible/Fast Free Pick Up. 1-800-771-9551 www.carsforbreastcancer.org nani Buying junk cars, pickups, vans, running or not. Call McLean Auto Salvage. (402)360-0756. Clean 2006 Pontiac Grand Prix GT, 125K miles, (mostly highway), maroon, black interior, heated leather seats. CD/AM/FM, very well cared for, regular maintenance, new front brakes. New tires in November 2011. Would make an excellent second family or school car, runs great! $6,999/OBO. Call (605)661-3020 after 5pm. DONATE A CAR - HELP CHILDREN FIGHTING DIABETES. Fast, Free Towing. Call 7 days/ week. Non-runners OK. Tax Deductible. Call Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation 1-800-578- 0408. nani Been dreaming of finding that vintage car? Findinit Fast the MVS Classified! Your complete source for…everything from that fixer upper to a new home! SHOPPER Indoors Seating Good Food 605.665.5884 Saturday, Sept. 29 beginning at 10 a.m. LOCATED 403 10th Street, Springfield, SD 1 block east of elementary school REAL ESTATE consists of a 1 story, 2 bedroom home with 1 car attached garage and full basement. Built in 1976 this one owner home offers a full bath, shower and laundry on main floor, shower in basement, propane furnace, central air and most major appliances. Here is a very clean well cared for home with a great location on a corner lot, close to school and marina. This one is ready to move into. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: N72' of Lots 1 and 2, Block 18 TERMS & CONDITIONS: $7,500 non-refundable down payment day of auction with balance due at closing. Title Insurance will be used with a 50-50 cost split between buyer and seller. 2012 taxes prorated to closing. Possession upon receipt of final payment. Announcements day of auction take precedence over printed material. Peterson Auctioneers are representing sellers. Mary Lou Peterson, Owner Real estate may be viewed by appointment call 605-369-2638 or attend open house September 20 from 5 to 7 p.m. TR 9 12 3c www.PetersonAuctioneers.com TRUCK DRIVERS WANTED Best Pay and Home Time! Apply Online Today over 750 Companies! One Application, Hundreds of Offers! www.HammerLaneJobs.com (MCN) 1205 SUVs For Sale: 2001 Ford Explorer-”Eddie Bauer”. 157,000 miles. Well taken care of, new spark plugs, ball joints & battery. $4,000.00-asking price. Call (H)-605-624-4768 or (C)-605-670-3072. Trucks 1989 Ford 350 4X4, cab & chassis, 5-spd; 7.3 diesel, (402)-649-3615. 2004 Sterling Acterra, (no body).182" cab/axle. CAT 3126 HEUI. Rare 33,000 factory GVW. Just replaced fuel pump and all 6 injectors. $13,500. VanDerhule's. (605)665-7413 or (605-)660-7412. 1215 Four Wheel Drive 1989 Jeep Wrangler hard top, 4WD. $2000. 2000 Nissan X-Terra $2500. (843)544-7327. LAND AUCTION 64.52 ACRES - STAR TWP - CLAY COUNTY LAND 119.5 ACRES – TURKEY VALLEY TWP. – YANKTON COUNTY We will offer the following two tracts of land for sale at public auction. Land auction to be held on Tract One at the junction of SD Hwy. 46 and 454th Ave. or from Irene, SD go 1 ? mile east on Hwy. 46, south side of the road on: FRIDAY OCTOBER 5TH • 10:30 A.M. TRACT ONE: 64.52 ACRES Sunday, September 23, 20 12 9:30 am City Auditorium, Osmond, Nebraska Fine Quality Lamps, Primitives, Toys, Furniture, Advertising Signs, Banks, Indian Related, Curiosity Items, And 80 Plus Fine Pieces of Old Carnival Glass! It is all quality! MISSOURI VALLEY 319 Walnut, Yankton, SD www.missourivalleyshopper.com Cars 1210 DONATE YOUR CAR, TRUCK OR BOAT TO HERITAGE FOR THE BLIND. Free 3 Day Vacation, Tax Deductible, Free Towing, All Paperwork Taken Care Of. 888-757-6941 (MCN). C a r n iva l G l a s s b u y e r s w i l l f i n d a s u p e r a n d rare collection. Eighty or more fine quality p i e c e s. M a n y r a r e p a t t e r n s, c o l o r s, s h a p e s ! S e ve r a l s u p e r b wa t e r s e t s a r e i n c l u d e d ! A c o r n a n d B u r r Wa t e r S e t , Ta b l e S e r v i c e, & Berry Set. Also included is a superb Stag a n d H o l l y B ow l i n R E D. I t i s a l l q u a l i t y a n d yo u c a n v i e w m o r e t h a n 2 0 p h o t o s o f t h e C a r n iva l G l a s s s e l e c t i o n o n o u r we b s i t e. F i n e l a m p s, I n d i a n r e l a t e d i t e m s, p r i m i t ive s, f u r n i t u r e, a d ve r t i s i n g i t e m s, o l d t oy s, l a n t e r n s, g r a n i t e wa r e, p r i m i t ive t o o l s, c a s h r e g i s t e r, s c a l e s, s i g n s, b a n k s, f i n e ch i n a , t i n s, k i t ch e n p r i m i t ive s, a n d d o z e n s o f c u r i o u s o l d antique items that are seldom seen. In a d d i t i o n , we w i l l b e g i n o f f e r i n g a ve r y h i g h q u a l i t y, h i g h g r a d e C a r n iva l G l a s s c o l l e c t i o n . S u p e r s e l e c t i o n o f f a n c y ch a i r s, s q u a r e ch i n a c a b i n e t , s m a l l wa r d r o b e. T h i s i s a h u g e a u c t i o n e ve n t ! P l a n t o s p e n d t h e d ay a n d b e p r e p a r e d t o p a ck a n d h a u l ! We w i l l s e l l b o t h i n d o o r s a n d o u t w i t h a va r i e t y o f p r i m i t ive s o u t d o o r s. We h ave l o a d e d a h u g e nu m b e r o f p h o t o s o n o u r we b s i t e t o g ive yo u s o m e i d e a of the spectacular nature of this auction! Ta ke a l o o k a t w w w. n o r t h e a s t a u c t i o n e e r s. c o m JAMES L. AND THE LATE SHIRLEY LONG and an area Carnival Glass Collection Northeast Auctioneers Quality Antique Auctioneers Osmond, Nebraska Phone 402-748-3985 or 402-360-0142 LEGAL: The W 1/2 of the NW 1/2 except the South 610’ of the North 1635’ of the West 710’ of Section 4, 95-53 Clay County, South Dakota. LOCATION: From Irene, SD go 1 ? miles east on Hwy. 46 south side of the road. • 64.5 acres tillable, currently has 27.54 acres in alfalfa, 37.06 acres planted to soybeans in 2012. • Soil production index of 77.8. Predominant soils Egan-Ethan-Trent complex (80) and Egan-ClarnoTrent (86). • New buyer able to farm, or lease for the 2013 crop year. • Annual Taxes are $1,320.66. Improved acreage is surveyed out of this tract. • Base & Yield info, Soil , Aerial, & Wetland maps available in buyers packet. • Take a look at a clean, well farmed tract of land with Hwy. 46 frontage, and powerful soils. TRACT TWO: 119.5 ACRES LEGAL: W 1/2 of the NE 1/2 and the NW 1/2 of the SE 1/2 and the North 1-rod of the NE 1/4 of the SE 1/2 Section 30, 96-54 Yankton County, South Dakota. LOCATION: From Irene, SD west side go 5-miles west turn north 2-miles on 447th Ave, turn west ? mile on 295th St south side of the road. To be sold from Tract One Location! •116.92 acres tillable balance found in RROW, and 16’ driveway to the east accessing 447th Ave • Soil Production rating of 81.4. Predominant soils include Egan-Ethan-Trent, and Egan-Chancellor silty loams. • Property has an existing clay drain tile that was recently repaired. No record of this tile exists at the courthouse or the FSA office. • Annual Real Estate taxes are $1,885.86. Planted to corn in 2012. • New buyer able to farm, or lease out for the 2013 crop year. Base & Yield info, soil & aerial maps, & wetland maps found in buyers packet. TO INSPECT THE PROPERTY: We invite you to inspect the property at your convenience or you may visit www.wiemanauction.com for a buyers packet or call auctioneers at 800-251-3111 and a buyer packet can be mailed out. TERMS: Cash sale with 15% (non-refundable) down payment auction day with the balance on or before December 5th, 2012. Trustee’s deed to be granted with the cost of title insurance split 50-50 between buyer and seller. Sellers to pay the 2012 taxes in full. Sold subject to all easement, restrictions, & reservations of record. Property will be offered in two tracts only and will not be tied together. Come prepared to buy some great land. KENNETH MELLEM LIVING TRUST – OWNER Wieman Land & Auction Co. Inc. Marion, SD 800-251-3111 Gary & Rich Wieman Brokers Gary Ward Closing Attorney 605-326-5282
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Missouri Valley Shopper
319 Walnut
Yankton, SD 57078
Phone: (605) 665-5884, Fax: (605) 665-0288

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