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May 8, 2012 • Page 18 1655 Mobile Homes For Sale Let’s make 2012 your year! Our brand new double & singlewides are very nice & are built to the highest standards of quality, value & engineering. They’re built for ALL climates & are very energy efficient with 2x6 walls. Our homes are priced at incredible rock bottom dollar prices. SAVE, SAVE, SAVE!! Call Nationwide Mobile Homes- the #1 choice. You’ll be mighty glad you did. (605)665-0822. 1660 Acreage - Lots For Sale Cabin overlooking Missouri River and headwaters of Lewis & Clark Lake. 2-bedrooms, 2-baths, split-level, furnished. Central air, large attached garage, very nice with 8 lots. Valley View subdivision, 1-mile east of Santee boat basin. $119,000 (402)857-2880 or (402)841-6421. For rent/sale .86 acreage split level 3-bedroom, 2-full baths, 2-car garage, roofed deck, Crofton, NE. (402)334-7387. LUNCH With Us shop online at www.missourivalleyshopper.com 1660 Acreage - Lots For Sale For Sale: Lots of lots! Call Jim Tramp, (605)661-2192. Overlook the Jim River Valley on these 1-acre lots 2-miles East on Whiting Drive 1/2 mile North on Jim River Road. All lots on oil road and have B/Y Water. 4-lots at $32,000, 1-lot $35,000. Buy now with these low interest rates. (605)665-3193 or (605)661-1249. Ridgeway North Development has numerous lots available. North of Hillcrest Golf Course. Call Kirby Hofer, (605)665-0524 or (605)660-1422. 1685 Want To Buy Real Estate Will buy mobile homes. Contact us with details about your home! (712)252-4381 or clarklakeforest@aol.com Classi?eds Work! Keystone Chapter #33, Eastern Star Thurs., May 10 11:00 a.m to 2:00 p.m. at the Masonic Building, 333 Cedar Tavern, Salad, Beverage & Dessert $ 500 1690 Commercial Real 1705 Estate 5 hp Items $100 or Less 1705 self propelled mower $50. (605)664-7567. Office space for rent: 801 Mariner Lane. Located on Highway 52 near the Marina and Dam. Off street paved parking lot, over 2590 finished sq. ft. available. Rent all or part. Lease required. Call Carol Breck (605)661-7653. 1700 Merchandise 200 flower cup saucers, knick-knacks, boat. Inquire 4206 E. Hwy. 50, Yankton. 550 square feet laminate flooring, never opened, and under layment. $400/OBO. Call (605)668-0698. AT&T U-Verse just $29.99/mo! Bundle Internet+Phone+TV & SAVE. Get up to $300 BACK! (Select plans). Limited Time CALL 800-418-8969 & Check Availability in your Area! nani Dakota Spa hot tub, 250 gallon with padded cover. (605)661-0273. Elvis Presley Collection, want to sell. Books, albums, puzzles. Call after 5pm 402-371-2025. MANTIS Deluxe Tiller. NEW! FastStart engine. Ships FREE. One-Year Money-Back Guarantee when you buy DIRECT. Call for the DVD and FREE Good Soil book! 866-542-5009 (MCN) Used wood kitchen cabinets for shop or garage. $200. Can come see if interested. (605)661-2847. We are determined to preserve this beautiful historical building and you can help. 5 Piece patio set 42” round glass top table, 4-padded chairs, like new, $100. Call (402)388-4979 or (605)661-6760. 5-light smoked glass fixture, brass colored mounting $15. Levolor blind with valance for standard patio door, mauve/pink, good condition $20. (605)665-5151. CJ Banks and JCPenney tops, capris, tall pants, all plus sizes, size 22. $15 each. (605)387-5715. Dell 964 photo all in one printer/fax/scanner. $75. (605)665-4264. Every young girls dream, single canopy bed, linens included. $100. (605)661-6110. John Deer self propelled push mower, $50. 2 TV’s, 13” and 19” each $25. (605)664-9539. NuWave oven (like on T.V) used once. $50. Turbo cooker, brand new, $50. (605)760-1632. Queen size mattress and boxspring for sale, very clean and in good condition, $65. Call (605)665-5284. Smoked glass entry light fixture with 3-small decorative bulbs, gold colored mounting. $15. 2-sturdy pull golf carts 1-with pink wheels, 1-with gray. $35/each. (605)665-5151. 1710 Antiques Collectibles 1952 H-Farmall tractor, runs great, make good project, make offer, 308-219-0118. 1775 Home Furnishings Twin bunk beds, wood, very clean, can be separated. Mattresses, bedding. $275/OBO. (605)660-7859. 1790 Lawn - Garden New @ Clark?s Rentals! A towable sweeper for yards or driveways. Also a mini-skidloader, narrow enough to fit in back yards and tight spaces. We also rent mini-excavators, Dynalifts, trenchers, a tree spade, concrete equipment and much more. For all your do-it-yourself projects and rental needs see Clark?s Rentals, 800 E. 4th St., Yankton. (605)665-3343. Two 27 horse, 54” cut riding mowers. $1,500 each. (605)660-1123. Wanted: Garden tractors and attachments. Garden tractors, loaders, skidsteers, riding mowers, ATV 3 and 4 wheelers, motorcycles and mopeds. Boat motors, Kohler, Onan, Wisconsin engines and golf carts. Any condition, do not have to run. (605)254-2599. GOT A ROCK CHIP? Mobile Glass Service We’ll come to your home or office for windshield repair or replacement LIFETIME COLLECTION AT AUCTION Miscellaneous **OLD GUITARS WANTED!** Fender, Gibson, Martin, Gretsch, Prairie State, Euphonon, Larson, D'Angelico, Stromberg, Rickenbacker, and Mosrite. Gibson Mandolins/Banjos. 1930's thru 1970's TOP CASH PAID! 1-800-401-0440 nani STEEL CULVERTS FOR SALE: New, All sizes. (605)661-5050 or (605)387-5660. Ulmer Farm Service, Menno, SD. AIRLINE CAREERS begin here - Become an Aviation Maintenance Tech. FAA approved training. Financial aid if qualified - Housing available. Job placement assistance. Call AIM (888)686-1704. nani AT&T U-Verse for just $29.99/mo! SAVE when you bundle Internet+Phone+TV and get up to $300 BACK! (select plans). Limited Time Call NOW! 877-276-3538. nani ATTEND COLLEGE ONLINE from Home. *Medical, *Business, *Criminal Justice. Job placement assistance. Computer available. Call 800-510-0784 www.CenturaOnline.com nani ATTEND COLLEGE ONLINE from Home. *Medical, *Business, *Criminal Justice, *Hospitality. Job placement assistance. Computer available. Financial Aid if qualified. SCHEV certified. Call 800-401-2385 w w w. C e n t u r a O n l i n e . c o m (MCN) BEEN DENIED SOCIAL SECURITY DISABILITY? Thousands of disabled Americans are denied each year. We may be able to help. Free initial consultation. Please call Carter Law Firm 1-800-808-9630 (MCN) RON’S AUTO GLASS 605-665-9841 Bundle & Save on your CABLE, INTERNET PHONE, AND MORE. High Speed Internet starting at less than$20/mo. CALL NOW! 800-291-4159. nani LIFE IS UNCERTAIN, CALL US FOR OPTIONS ABOUT YOUR LAND. CASH FOR CARS: All Cars/Trucks Wanted. Running or Not! Top Dollar Paid. We Come To You! Any Make/Model. Call For Instant Offer: 1-800-864-5960. nani 200 W. 4th Street, Yankton, SD 57078 DISH Network. Starting at $19.99/month PLUS 30 Premium Movie Channels FREE for 3 Months! SAVE! & Ask About SAME DAY Installation! CALL - 888-543-6232 (MCN). 1915 Broadway, Yankton, SD Ron Evans, Owner Over 20 Years Experience From downtown Pierce at the Fire Station corner of Highway 98 & Mill St. (becomes 550 Ave.) 2 1/2 miles North on the hard surface road to 856th Road then approximately 1/4 mile East. (North side) MOTORCYCLE Items $100 or Less 1815 Two very nice oak matching end tables, both with doors. $50/each. (605)664-2228. COLLECTOR CARS & TRUCKS ARMY STYLE VEHICLES 605-689-3131 www.newharvestland.com Dan Specht Dave Knoff Deb Specht CAR PARTS INVENTORY REDUCTION AUCTION Rosebud Planing Mill & Dakota Sports - Gregory, SD Saturday, May 19, 2012 - 10:30 A.M. GUNS Owner - Darold Frasch, Gregory, SD 605-830-0631 For more information contact Joe or Veronica Frasch - 60-831-9922 Location: Auction will be held in Gregory, SD. Auction site is located from the Buche’s grocery store located on Hwy 18, 3 miles south on Hwy 251. Auction arrows will mark the route. TRACTOR - VEHICLE - MOWER - TRAILER • HARDWARE • WOODWORKING TOOLS • MISCELLANEOUS • SHELVING • APPLIANCES & EQUIPMENT • ALSO ON THE AUCTION BLOCK FARM RELATED COLLECTOR TRACTORS Fishing Equipment Including: If you’re a fisherman, hunter, or sportsman or into the retail fishing equipment business, you shouldn’t miss this auction! This offering of fishing tackle is quite large and it’s new! Boxes of assorted painted jig heads -1/16 - 1/2 oz Boxes of 3/8 oz Bucktail jigs Boxes of painted Drop Gap jigs -1/20 & 3/64 oz Boxes of Glow body & Teir totr ice fishing jigs, many colors (15) new Do-It lead jig molds, asst. size & shape (6)new Do-It botom bouncer/sinker molds, asst. size & shape (5)new Do-It walking sinker molds, asst size & shape Do-It Bass casting swivel bell sinker molds (1000+) Bottom bouncers, asst sizes Several boxes of unpainted jig heads, asst sizes Boxes of Drop Gap colored jigs, 1/20 oz (2) Large Plano tackle boxes Do-It 5 oz adles Dakota Walleye worm & minnow jigs,asst blade & bead colors Walleye & minnow worm spinners, single & double hooked Assorted rod & reel combinations, used Quick change worm rigs & minnow rigs (3000+) casting spoons w/treble hooks, asst sizes & colors (1000+)1/2 & 3/4 oz casting spoons, single treble hook (1000+)casting spoons w/no hooks (10,000+) Spinner blades, asst size, color, & style Very large assortment of fish hooks and boxes Very large assortment of lead weights-walking sinkers, egg sinkers, bell w/brass eyes, mushroom decoy, bell, pyramid, bank, coin w/brass eye, keel troll, and torpedo, Molds to match every sinker Guns & Ammunition Mossberg 22 cal long rifle, bolt action w/clip Mossberg 12 ga shotgun, pump, full choke, magnum Mossberg 20 ga shotgun, model .85K-B, bolt action, 2 3/4” modified choke Coast to Coast Master Mag 12 ga shotgun, Model CC660, pump Target Master 22 cal single shot Stevens 10 ga shotgun, Model 58C, 3” chamber Stevens 12 ga shotgun, pump Powerline .177 cal pump Full sale bill & pictures online at www.sdauctions.com Auction being conducted by: Dan Clark Auction Sales Winner, SD Real Estate & Personal Property Auctioneer Dan Clark (605) 842-1150 or (605) 842-6075 Personal Property Auctioneer Brad Gran (605) 897-2494 or (605)208-5671
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Missouri Valley Shopper
319 Walnut
Yankton, SD 57078
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