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December 20, 2011 • Page 9 shop online at www.missourivalleyshopper.com LAURA ON LIFE Twelve Things For Christmas Dear Reader: This is an excerpt from my book, Laura On Life: Wahoo for Dinner! There is a season for plumbers. It’s called the Holiday season. It never fails. I don’t know if it’s because of the increased number of guests that need to use your bathroom or that December is the time for all humans to shed hair. But whatever the reason, nearly every holiday season, I have trouble with my drains. I love the Holiday season with all of its ups and downs, and I usually have a lot more ups than downs (especially with my drains). However, I could use a little help during this time of year since there are so many things that need to be done. For example, I love to shop for gifts, but I don’t like to wrap them. You can’t give a naked gift, though. It’s just not done. So I need some help wrapping. Does Merry Maids do that? I would love to buy a “wow!” gift for each person on my list. The problem is that “wow!” gifts are pricey and I never seem to have enough money to get exactly the right thing for everyone. Of course, I also want to put a little something in that red pot hanging next to the guy ringing the stupid bell. I ?gure if I pay him, he’ll stop ringing the darn bell. He’s not bribable, though. I love to eat Christmas cookies. The smell of anise and chocolate chip cookies brings back so many wonderful memories. But I burn at least 50% of everything I bake and that smell is not very nostalgic. Now, because of my incompetence, my kids’ memories will be that of burnt cookie dough. My Great-great-grandchildren will probably burn a batch of cookies every year in memory of me. I’m not exactly a creative cook either, but my turkey and stuf?ng usually come out moderately decent. What I wouldn’t give for the skills of Julia Childs, though. To be able to put on a spread that deserves a standing ovation is a long-term dream of mine. NO DOCUMENTATION FEES (Never have, never will.) Brian & Jean DeGroot, Owner Buy • Sell • Trade Quality ... USED Cars, Trucks, Campers, Boats & Consigments 665-1596 802 Broadway, Yankton, SD Instead, my cooking tends to result in loose ?llings. Remember that popular holiday favorite: “All I Want For Christmas Is My Two Front Teeth”? That kid’s mother must’ve been a lousy cook, too. One thing that annoys me is that I can never ?nd a big enough turkey at the grocery store. I need a 24pound turkey for our large family, but the largest I can ?nd is 18 pounds. Do two 12pound turkeys have the same amount of meat and stuf?ng capacity as a 24pounder? This is something I should know by now. The point is, I need certain things during the Holidays that I don’t usually need. The number one thing is… time; time to ?nish all the cleaning chores that we women obsess about. Your door knobs can have grape jelly on Laura Snyder them all year long, but not during the holidays. As a result of all this cleaning, my hands are as dry as the Sahara in July. So I need lotion and rubber gloves. Throughout all of this pre-holiday activity, I still need to type out my column, too. I could use a few typists just to do that. Of course, my computer needs to work for that, and it tends to break down just when I am the busiest. My husband is a technological wizard, but he’s sometimes too busy ?xing Twelve Plumbers plumbing Eleven Typers? typing Ten Lords a-sleeping (I’ll settle for just one) Nine Ladies baking Eight Maids a-wrapping Seven Hundred Dollars Six Teeth a-staying Five Folding Things Four Calling Nerds? Three French chefs Two Rubber Gloves And a Twenty-four pound turkey If my true love will grant me these things for Christmas, I will never again ask him to ?x my computer, wrap a present, or take a other people’s computers to deal with my “little problems”. I need some little, tiny, on-call, elf-nerds living inside of my laptop. They can ?x it when it glitches. Maybe Santa has a few of those lying around. I need folding chairs, folding tables, folded napkins, and maybe even someone to fold the laundry. I wonder if the Wrapping Merry Maids would fold laundry too? Most of all, I need sleep, which being as exhausted as I am would almost certainly be possible if my true love was not also a sleep-talker and a blanket-stealer. When, on the twelfth day of Christmas, he my true love - asks what I want for Christmas this year, I’ll tell him: plunger to our toilet. Laura Snyder is a nationally syndicated columnist, author & speaker. You can reach Laura at lsnyder@lauraonlife.com Or visit her website www.lauraonlife.com for more info. FEJFAR PLUMBING & HEATING, INC. 1209 W. 9th St. • Yankton, SD • 605-665-9269 Christmas is here, and we hope the season delivers much happiness and good fortune to you and yours! Thank you for your patronage in 2011. We look forward to serving you in 2012. We appreciate the year-round support of good friends like you, and we wish you all the best at Christmastime and throughout the new year. Contracting • Lawn Irrigation• Service • Backhoe FOR ALL YOUR AUTOMOTIVE, TRUCK AND TRACTOR PARTS COME TO: COX AUTO SUPPLY 1007 Broadway • Yankton, SD • 605-665-4494 su|do|ku © 2008 KrazyDad.com Fill the puzzle so that every row, every column, and every section contain the numbers 1-9 without repeating a number 8 9 1 5 4 4 3 8 2 7 7 6 4 5 6 8 5 7 9 2 1 2 6 Check today’s issue for the solution to the puzzle. 1 INT Book 27 #7
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