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December 13, 2011 • Page 3 shop online at www.missourivalleyshopper.com 1101 Announcements - 1200 Events A-1 DONATE THE MISSOURI VALLEY Shopper cannot verify the validity of any advertisements placed by anyone. Readers are advised to approach any advertisement with reasonable caution. PAULY SHORE LIVE Minervas, Dec. 15th and Costaki Economopoulos live New Years Eve. Call or stop by Minervas for more details. (605)664-2244. REACH 2 MILLION HOUSEHOLDS! Do you have a product, service, or business that would be helped by reaching over 2 million households throughout Iowa and the surrounding states? The Midwest Classified Network will allow you to reach these potential customers quickly and inexpensively. For more information concerning a creative classified ad call this publication or Midwest Free Community Papers at 800-248-4061 or get information online at www.mcn-ads.com (MCN) Cars 1200 YOUR CAR! Breast Cancer Research foundation! Most highly rated breast cancer charity in America! Tax Deductible/Fast Free Pick Up. 800-771-9551 www.cardonationsforbreastcancer.org Cars DONATE YOUR CAR SUPPORT OUR VETERANS & U.S. TROOPS ! #1 MILITARY SUPPORT CHARITY! 100% Volunteer Free same Day Towing. Tax Deductible. Call and Donate Today! 1-800-471-0538. nani 1200 Cars DONATE YOUR CAR, TRUCK OR BOAT TO HERITAGE FOR THE BLIND. Free 3 Day Vacation, Tax Deductible, Free Towing, All Paperwork Taken Care Of. 888-757-6941 (MCN). nani CARS/TRUCKS WANTED! Top $$$$$ PAID! Running or Not, All Years, Makes, Models. Free Towing! We're Local! 7 Days/Week. Call Toll Free: 1-888-416-2330 Ready for Christmas! 2010 Chevy Cobalt LT Full Power, 25K miles, Blue Green nani Has Salvage Title DONATE YOUR CAR to CANCER FUND of AMERICA to help SUPPORT CANCER PATIENTS. Tax Deductible. Next Day Towing. Receive Vacation Voucher. Call 7 Days 1-800-835-9372. $8,80000 Tony and Donna Ellis • 605-665-3720 • 1200 Ellis Road, Yankton, SD 57078 nani CHRIS’S RETIREMENT INVENTORY SALE 30 off storewide % See Yankton?s best holiday lights in style with Special Day Limousine. We are now taking bookings for holiday light tours. Call Jeff at (605)661-1615 www.specialdaylimo.com WANT TO ADVERTISE TO THE MIDWEST? Place your classified ads in the Midwest Classified Network anytime online at www.midwestfreeclassifieds.com 206 W. 3rd • Downtown Yankton Holiday Hours: M-F 9-6 • Sat. 9-5 • Sun Noon-4 Schuurmans Farm Supply Do you have a garage, shop, calving facility, working chute or other uses (indoor & outdoor) for a portable radiant heater? 2004 CHEVY 1500 This is the heater for you! VAL-6 DIESEL RADIANT HEATERS NOW IN STOCK! 2WD, 58K Miles, Good Gas Milleage, All Serviced & Ready To Go! $12,500 5 miles West of Tyndall on Hwy. 50 Corner of Hwys. 50 and 37 www.schuurmansfarmsupply.com Ph. (605) 589-3909 or Cell (605)464-1113 Great Gift Idea! Carwash tokens Stretch your budget Eco Auto-Wash Detail Shop 610 Broadway (605)665-1828 1200 Name Brands for Less plus Our Weekly In-Store Specials Baileys Irish Cream $ Cars Classified deadline for the Missouri Valley Shopper is now Friday?s at noon for the following Tuesday?s paper. 750 mL Year-End Sale Super December Programs 18.99 USED TRACTORS CIH 7220 MFD - 165HP - DUALS...................................................$59,500 CIH MX240 MAGNUM - MFD - DUALS............................................$86,500 CIH MX110 MFD - LOADER - CAB - 95HP..................................COMING IN CIH MX135 MFD - 115HP - LOADER..............................................$56,500 CIH MX120 MFD - 105HP - LOADER..............................................$52,500 CIH MX255 MFD - CAB - 215 HP - <2>.......................................$109,000 CIH MXM120 MFD - CAB - 95HP - 1800 HR..................................$49,500 CIH MXU125 - CAB - 105HP - <3>............................................COMING IN CIH MX120 W/ LOADER - MFD - CAB - 105 HP..............................$52,500 CIH 7120 MFD - CAB - 155 HP - 1990...........................................$42,500 CIH 7110 - 7120 - 2WD................................................SEVERAL ON HAND CIH MX285 - 240HP - MFD - 2700 HR.......................................COMING IN CIH MX215 - 175 HP - MFD - 1500 HR......................................COMING IN CIH 5140 MFD - DUAL 255 LDR - 95 HP........................................$28,500 CIH 6588 - 2+2 - 4WD - DUALS......................................................$9,950 CASE-IH STX 485 - 4WD - 652 HRS - 710 DUALS..................... COMING IN CASE-IH PUMA - 165- MFD - LDR.............................................COMING IN CASE-IH 5240 MFD - 95HP - CAB - LOADER.................................$29,500 IH 5288 - 2WD - 3 HYD.................................................................$17,500 1981 IH 3688 - 7992 HRS.............................................................$12,500 FARMALL 1256 D - NO CAB - G00D.................................................$6,950 1969 FARMALL 756 GAS W/ LOADER..............................................$6,950 FARMALL 86 HYDRO - DIESEL - NO CAB..........................................$7,500 FARMALL M - WF - LOADER - PS.....................................................$2,950 FORD 8630 - P. SHIFT - 5073 HR. - SHARP - 2WD.........................$26,500 FORD TW 15 - 2WD - RECENT ENGINE..........................................$16,500 FORD TW15 - MFD - VERY CLEAN..................................................$24,500 FORD VERSATILE 876 - 4WD - BLUE - SHARP................................$42,500 FORD 7840 - MFD - CAB - 7,198 HRS...........................................$23,500 JOHN DEERE 8130 MFD - 2007 - 625 HRS................................COMING IN JOHN DEERE 7810 MFD - DUALS..................................................$49,500 JOHN DEERE 6300 MFD - LOADER - CAB...........................................CALL JOHN DEERE 4440 - 2WD - CAB - PS............................................$23,500 JOHN DEERE 4010 - 4020 - 4440 - 4230 - 4430...............................CALL JOHN DEERE 4010 PROPANE - WF - CLEAN.....................................$6,950 JOHN DEERE 3020 GAS - WF - SYNCRO..........................................$5,500 1977 JOHN DEERE 8430 - 4WD - 3PT - PTO.................................$19,500 JOHN DEERE 2840 - 2WD - OPEN...................................................$8,500 KUBOTA 5030 - CAB - HYDRO - LOADER - 50HP...........................$24,000 KUBOTA M5700 - 2WD - OPEN - 4517 HR......................................JUST IN ALLIS CHALLMERS - 8010 - 2WD - SHARP....................................JUST IN MASSEY FERGUSEN 285 - 2WD - OPEN...........................................$8,950 OLIVER 1755 DIESEL - SHARP...................................................COMING IN USED COMBINES 18 MONTH INTEREST WAIVER - NO CHARGE! 1988 Ford Tempo GL Sedan, 4 door, 169,000 miles $1,450/OBO. Call (402)667-3411. Old Milwaukee $ 1998 Cadillac Catera, leather sunroof, brown, 110,000 miles $3500 contact. (605)660-1123. 30 pk. 2000 Grand Am GT, 74,000 miles, always shedded, not driven last 3-winters. Remote start (605)661-8037. 14.49 Stock Up On Holiday Cheer! 2003 Mitsubishi lancer 95k miles, new tires, drives great, $3,850. Call (605)665-6552 after 6pm. WANT TO BUY: Cash for wrecked or abandoned vehicles. Will buy any vehicle running or not! Call (605)941-4655. WE HAVE LOTS OF EQUIPMENT ON HAND / ON ORDER TO FILL YOUR NEEDS! Lots of NEW Trades Coming In! Happy Ads Great Gift Idea! Carwash tokens Stretch your budget Eco Auto-Wash Detail Shop 610 Broadway (605)665-1828 SEE US FOR YOUR YEAR-END PURCHASES TAKE ADVANTAGE OF 2011 TAX INCENTIVES - BY DECEMBER 31ST! BONUS DEPRECIATION AND SECTION 179 ARE BEING REDUCED FOR 2012 — SEE YOUR TAX PROFESSIONAL — USED Equipment (MCN) 1110 On ! d Han Liquor Shop 109 W 3rd St., Yankton FREE Customer Parking Phone: 605-665-7865 Bring in any YANKTON competitor’s ad & we will MEET or BEAT their prices! Hours M-F 8:30-6:00 • Sat. 8:30-5:00 Price Effective Dec. 14-20, 2011 CASE-IH 6088 - DUALS - LOADED - 750 HRS. CASE-IH 2588 - 2007 - DUALS - LOADED - 600 HRS. CASE-IH 2188 - 1995 - 30.5 - CHOPPER - CLEAN CASE-IH 2577 - <2> - COMING IN - LOADED CASE-IH 7088 - 2009 - 600 HRS. - COMING IN CASE-IH 2388 - DUALS - 2000 MODEL - SHARP!!! JOHN DEERE 9600 - GRAIN STAR - $59,000 JOHN DEERE 9500 - 28 HRS. - $36,500 NEW HOLLAND TR98 AND TR99 - DUALS - CLEAN CASE - IH 7120 - DUALS/LOADED - 823 HRS. - CLEAN
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Missouri Valley Shopper
319 Walnut
Yankton, SD 57078
Phone: (605) 665-5884, Fax: (605) 665-0288

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